open action items from 13 January ALAC meeting
*3. Reported cases of non-compliance issues with the RAA*
H Ullrich will update the wiki workspace on registry/registrar relations
ALAC to arrange teleconference call towards the end of this month before the next ALAC meeting with services staff and any other party interested, i.e. D Younger, to discuss about the right process to address the registrar failing compliance issues
A Greenberg will draft a short ALAC statement for the services staff and NARALO outlining ALAC’s role with regards to RAA compliance issues.
H Ullrich will place the discussion about the role of each structure: RALO’s, ALAC and ALSes on the Mexico Agenda (actions they can take on comments reporting non-compliance of registrars reports, etc.)
*4. Registration abuse Policy*
RALO’s are to disseminate the IRTP on Registration abuse policy among their members
*5. PSC Committee*
staff to proceed to the PSC recording extraction and posting
*6. New gTLD guidebook*
RALO’s will have two weeks to comment on a draft statement on gTLD guidebook that will be sent to them
*7. GNSO Whois Studies*
ALAC participants to look at the commonly agreed definitions on WHOIS studies terms and comment on them through the comment list within two weeks.