25 May 2010 Action Items
Action Items from 25 May 2010 ALAC Meeting
AI: Staff to announce new RALO members to ALAC Internal and Working Lists as well as the Executive Committee list.
AI: correction: Alan and Adam will work on the draft statement on Travel Guidelines. Sebastien to prepare the draft statement on Reconsideration 1--10.
AI: Staff to check wtih GNSO with translations of GNSO prioritization project description
AI: In Brussels a mechanism is to be developed to show activities of At-Large members - using the PAD, dashboard, (esp. working in GNSO activities jointly)
AI: Staff to confirm with Olof on correct link of draft JAS charter.
AI: Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) Subsection - AG to request Beau to take lead on drafting the statement. AG willing to assist in drafting.
AI: DNS-CERT Operational Requirements & Collaboration Analysis Workshop - ALAC to draft text during the Brussels meeting. Patrick to assist.
AI: Community call to be held on the topics of the open consultations on meetings - with either/or N. Tomasso/Jean-Jacques - prior to Brussels.
AI: RAA Amendments - Discussion and Endorsement of Initial Report on the Registrant Rights Charter and Next Stepsr - staff to remove AP's name from the text.
AI: ALAC to send note to Janis requesting pre-endorsement of numbers at seat from each consitutency (4-5 for Whois/3-4 for Security)
AI. Post-domain expiration meeting - to be added to the At-Large Brussels meetings wiki.
AI: ALAC members to send feedback to Staff on revised At-Large Project Plan by end of this week - 29 May.