Summary Minutes 17 August 2010
Participants: Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO), Alan Greenberg (AG), Sébastien Bachollet (SB), Carlton Samuels (CS)
Absent: Dave Kissoondoyal (DK)
Apologies: Vanda Scartezini (VS)
Guests: Kevin Wilson (KW)
Staff: Heidi Ullrich (HU), Seth Greene (SG)
At-Large Director topic (Alan)
New rules from GNSO (Sebastien): Why do we follow GNSO rules?
- “Continuous disclosure” wording
- We tacitly approved the GNSO rules when we approved the charter.
- Also, these draft rules were built solidly – and partly by us – and meant to apply more broadly than to GNSO.
Topic: Response to e-mail from Eric Brunner-Williams
- We never responded.
- He sent another message saying he’d like to get involved in At-Large.
Generally speaking, we should highlight/encourage more ability of individuals to participate. For example, perhaps we need an introductory packet for individuals.
Topic: Message to Tijani
- We had not gotten to this.
Topic: Misleading sentence in terrorism issue to be fixed
- Heidi fixed it as it was being discussed in last meeting.
Topic: Checking with Olof regarding GNSO putting on the four or five items.
- They put on the four items, but did they revise agenda?
Topic: Binary Egypt
- Has been contacted.
Topic: Introduction of Single Character IDN TLDs
- Told by IDN liaison that it is too early to be putting in responses. Also, advice was that it would not be necessary to put in a response.
Topic: Message to ALAC-Work list asking if they approve the three team review team applications names we have
- Not done yet. ALAC comments due back on 12 Oct.
Topic: Confluence wiki
- Heidi will send out message and work with relevant staff and At-Large Community members on transition to Confluence wiki. .
(CS) Rudi to look into this when he returns.
Topic: Bylaw changes
(CLO) Neither necessary nor appropriate for us to put in comment to our own bylaw changes.
- The RALOs, though, can put in comments (whether or not agree with AFRALO comment, etc.).
- Comment period is closed, and there were none after Alan’s comment.
- To be attached to formal review of this that goes to Board.
Topic: Public comments, generally
(CLO) General problem is that people are somewhat jaded regarding any effect that posting comments may have.
Summary of topic: Often, both outgoing and incoming members of NomCom and/or RALO leadership attend ICANN meetings. The question of who gets the travel support should be addressed with the RALOs, and ideally they should all handle the situation consistently.
The call for members went out and is now closed. The response was largely positive. Each RALO is represented on each work team.
We need the results on the NARALO elections.
We need regional election results, including to ALAC positions.
Four regions have proceeded by either putting in the same person as before or an uncontested new person.
ALAC should be voting on appointments between now and August meeting.
- If we wait for vote/endorsement until the Aug meeting, we will only have one name put forth by each RALO. (This is because there was a mix-up in one of the regions, which resulted in a less-than-quorate vote.)
There is no chance that the definitive answer (a candidate from each RALO) would not be with ALAC by Aug meeting.
- (AG) Suggests doing the endorsement in the Aug meeting for regional NomCom appointments and regional officers.
(AG) has drafted rule changes that have been made and is sending them around to appropriate lists.
- Attempt has been to make them general, so that mistakes now do not constrain future selection processes.
Issue of proxies: We should look at it in Sep-Oct period, so that in Cartagena we can make a decision.
At-Large is moving ahead with transition to Confluence wiki faster than had been the case, largely by request of the ExCom.
During transition, there will be a three-day blackout period, after which:
- The Confluence will appear and be editable; and
- The SocialText will be only visible (not editable).
Summary of topic: The current budget allows for staff support for five regional face-to-face general assemblies (GAs) over the next three years, but not for the associated travel support for community members. Of course, there is some wiggle room to find perhaps $10,000-20,000 in travel costs for a GA. (This wiggle room could come from, for example, the staff’s allocating money earmarked for the policy development process to a GA that would aim to improve this process.) For a GA travel budget of more than this, however, a larger process of changing the budget would be needed, including perhaps Board approval.
(SB) Election process for RALOs to elect members of ALAC: I have trouble with the way the rules are stated. Want to make sure we’re not doing anytthing contradictory to Bylaws, etc. For example, LACRALO rules say member can not be from Jamaica.
(AG) Question is do you count the country of the NomCom member as one of the forbidden countries?
(CLO) Yes, the NomCom has to take that into account. But I don’t think that there is anything in the regional rules that says that.
(SB) Yes, so then the information on this on the Web/wiki perhaps must be fixed.
(CLO) In APRALO, we do exactly the same as what LACRALO is doing, in terms of not having two from same country. It has to do with credibility.