ALAC ExCom 06.01.11 Summary Minutes

ALAC ExCom 06.01.11 Summary Minutes

Participants: Olivier Crépin-Leblond (OCL), Evan Leibovitch (EL), Alan Greenberg (AG), Tijani Ben Jemaa (TBJ), Carlton Samuels (CS), Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO)

Staff: Heidi Ullrich (HU), Seth Greene (SG), Gisella Gruber-White (GGW), Matthias Langenegger (ML)

Review of the Action Items from the 10 December 2010 ExCom Meeting

The next ALAC call will be scheduled for the week of 25 January.

- Completed

OCL to continue to monitor tone on At-Large lists - in particular the NARALO list

- Completed

Staff to send out Doodle to set up ExCom week of 21st December - ExCom agreed to re-schedule to first week in January.

- Completed

Members of the new ExCom to send IM/telephone numbers to each other to allow for 24/7 communication.

- Completed

Staff to set up skype and mailing list for new ALAC and At-Large members

- Completed

2. Next Steps on the 2011-2014 Strategic Planning Development

OCL: I suggest that we look at the workspace first and review the RALO feedback.


1) Inclusion of end user rights in the strategic plan is a milestone in my view. Previous attemtps to get this issue going in the WGs proved very difficult so I am happy to see it included in the document.

CLO: I am concerned that there might be some confusion between the strategic plan and the budget public consultation.

HU: The email to the regional secretariats requesting regional comments on the 2011-2014 Strategic Plan  was sent out two days ago. A deadline of 7 January at 23:59 UTC was given.  

TJB:: The AFRALO statement will be completed today.

AG: I think that current draft might be too detailed given that this is a strat plan outline. This might be the level of detail required for the final version.

OCL: The idea is that we keep the subsections until we have received alll RALO comments. We will then see what sections we do not need to comment on.

CS: I agree that we should concentrate on the areas we care about. E.g. I would like to see comments on For example, there seem to be some parts in the AFRALO statement that refer to the budget consultation because it relates to our core interests.

AG: Do we vote on this on the 10th?

OCL: This is the intention yes

EL: It might work to draft a skeleton where everybody can add their comments. We would then put the pieces together and make it coherent. ALAC and regional leads would be my first targets for this exercise.

OCL: In absence of any other RALOs apart from AFRALO having submitted a statement, can we re-shuffle the AFRALO statement and use it as a starting point? We should have one person holding the pen. We could go back to the Q and A sections of the briefings.

ML: I am waiting for an update on the transcriptions from the briefing sessions.

CLO: The comments on the community workspace are not refering to the strategic plan, they are more about procedural and budget issues.

CLO: I think we just need to put the statement in as is on 10 January. We do not have the time to go through our usual policy advice development schedule.

TJB: No problem, I can slice it up immediately and send it to the lists or send it to staff to put it on the wiki.

OCL: I will hold the pen on this. Again, if we do not have comments

OCL: The plan is to ask the RALOs to put in their comments in their RALO color under the four focus areas as we just did with AFRALO. We will extend the deadline for RALO input until Sunday, 9 January.

3. Next Steps on the AGAT WG

Evan introduced the initiative to produce an alternative applicant guidebook. Ideally, the WG would include members from the GAC.

EL: One of the advantages we have is that we can move more quickly than the GAC.