11 June 2010 action items
AI: Tijani will contact the interested applicants and provide them with all the necessary information about the application process (eg. what are the requirements from their part?).
AI: Dave Kissoondoyal and Tijani Ben Jemaa will write the first draft of the WG Statement by Monday, June 14th. The final draft will be ready by June 18th.
AI: Ben will send all necessary information for the Statement to the members of the working group
AI: Tijani will forward the email from Sofia to At-Large Staff for follow up.
AI: Heidi will work with GP department to get a list of expected participants to the session.
AI: Heidi will send the proposed agenda to the AfrICANN and AFRALO list
AI: Staff will organize another call for this working group on Wednesday, 16 June at 1600 UTC.