02 September 2009 Transcript EN
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) --And we have to see what kind of actions we need to take since our last call.
Interpreter: I believe this is Fatimata speaking. So, somebody is responding. They're going to inform the group. They may be on Skype.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) I had translated the various actions that needed to be taken, but I don't see – I worked with Yaovi and Mohamed regarding the statutes. I believe that some remarks were made by the staff, that we were trying to see that we could make – that as far as AFRALO is concerned, that we would have the best type of organizational actions. And we – I believe we're on the wiki where we did the statutes today. And at the same time, Heidi was to send the call – I believe she mentioned something about elections or the AFRALO information. And then the documents regarding – the documents of participation were adopted. And we're trying – we're starting to install or to prepare this document as far as the agenda's concerned and the translations that need to be done so that we have access to those.
Heidi Ullrich: This is Nick and Heidi.
Interpreter: Okay, just a second. Let me tell them. (Speaking French.) Go ahead.
Heidi Ullrich: Okay.
Interpreter: I'm going to mute you, but go ahead and speak.
Nick Ashton-Hart: Yes. We have asked about translations in particular of the proposals related to improving institutional confidence. We are expecting that those translations will be available reasonably shortly and are inquiring of the length of the consultation for those texts. Because, as you know, it is customary that when translation of an English original arrive later, as they usually do, that comments are taken in the languages of the translated text for the same period of time, which generally results in a slight lengthening of the public comment period. As usual, once we receive the translated editions, we will publish links to them on the regional list.
On that note, we would also draw your attention to the At Large internal consultation which is presently going on, but I believe that this – the subject of consultation in general at a later agenda item. Or is it right now?
Heidi Ullrich: No.
Nick Ashton-Hart: No, it is not. You will notice that there is – we have recently published an announcement that an outlying plan for implementation of the At Large review recommendations has been posted for the At Large community to comment on. Translations have been ordered. But those of you who are comfortable in English may wish to look at the originals now and make your comments. And then, those of you who need the French version, we will of course notify you once those are available.
In the case of all language versions, unfortunately the consultation must end on the 30th of this month because it is necessary to combine your – the community's views into a final document which can be endorsed by the ALAC and transmitted to the ICANN board for the Seoul meeting.
Interpreter: Thank you. I just let the French know that you had finished. Unfortunately, there's static again. (Speaking French.)
Oh, okay. Fatimata (unintelligible).
Okay. Fatimata seems to be talking and then somebody else just came in.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Has anybody received these documents, any of the participants here?
Interpreter: She's asking the members on the line. And I believe she's saying she or one of them didn't have time to look it over yet. But she's asking to see if anybody else has had – has received it, which of course has resulted now in a lot of static because there are a couple of connections that are a bit choppy, so I can't hear what their answer is. But I believe that they may be participating on Skype or--.
Hello? (Speaking French.) Okay. Fatimata.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) I believe that most of the parties participating here don't have a lot to say regarding implementation yet for the At Large review, because perhaps they haven't had a chance to see it. I would like to go back to talk about the statutes, the bylaws, the AFRALO bylaws to see if there's anything new to be added.
Interpreter: And I believe she's talking to one of the participants. Can't get the name.
Heidi Ullrich: Tisha?
Interpreter: Yes.
Heidi Ullrich: Just – could we speak about the bylaws--.
Interpreter: Okay. Let me just ask her. Hold on.
Nick Ashton-Hart: Wait.
Heidi Ullrich: No, no, no--.
Nick Ashton-Hart: --Tisha, wait.
Heidi Ullrich: Tisha?
Interpreter: Yes, I'm here.
Heidi Ullrich: Just could we speak about them during the proper place--.
Nick Ashton-Hart: -The appointed point-.
Heidi Ullrich: Yes. This is – it's point two of the agenda, so--.
Interpreter: --Okay. Okay. So, let me mention that to her. Hold on.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Okay. It's Fatimata here. Perhaps, Heidi, you haven't been following that because we're dealing – we're talking about the statutes and the bylaws now. That's what we're dealing with.
Interpreter: (Speaking French.) So, one of the gentlemen is saying that I read the operating principles that have been proposed. And I--. Okay. He was about – he was saying something about the operating principles. (Speaking French.)
Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) I found that the operating principles were very light and did not deal with the framework of the work. We need more detailed and clear structures. As far as the bylaws are concerned, there's a conflict 2003 – between--. Let me see the point. Regarding the election of third parties, depending on Article 9.1. And Article 9.1, it says the chair's elected by the board and there's a conflict.
Interpreter: Okay. Evidently Fatimata is saying, as usual, there's a lot of noise in the background because somebody did not do star-six for mute. So, it's making it--.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) There's another point in the bylaws where we're talking about the treasurer.
Interpreter: Okay. (Speaking French.) Okay. I think I got--.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) Okay, the last time I said regarding the bylaws, the General Assembly election is no longer in the official – and it's no longer in there.
Interpreter: I believe he's talking about in the document now.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) So, that's what I think of the bylaws and what we called the operating principles.
Interpreter: He has some objections about that.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Thank you, Tijani. I would like to go on the second point. You were talking about – I think the word was treasury but we're not hearing very well.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) So, I'm going to repeat. The first point was there was a conflict with the election of the chair between Article--.
Interpreter: He's looking at it now.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) In one article it says the chair is elected – between 9.1, that the chair is elected by the General Assembly and then it says the chair's elected by the board. That was the first contradiction. And I also find that the operating principles was too light, and did not give a work structure framework that was comfortable to be able to work within that structure. There's no structure. We don't know who's responsible for what. So, we need to have clarity in the bylaws. There's got to be a president or a chairman, two vice-presidents or one vice-chair. There's a treasurer. It has to be clear, clearly set forth in the bylaws, I believe.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Do you want to make a proposal then?
Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) Yes. I can make – I will be glad to make a proposal.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Does anybody else have something to add to that? Anything else new that you would like to mention to add or to take out or to modify?
Mohamed El Bashir: Mohamed's here. I would like to comment.
Interpreter: Who's this speaking?
Mohamed El Bashir: Mohamed.
Interpreter: Hold on a minute, Mohamed. I'll mention--.
Speaker: (Interpreted.) We need to deal with the kind of form. Are we gonna deal with the bylaws? Are we going to adopt a statute or the operating principles? They're very different things.
Interpreter: (Speaking French.) Okay. Go ahead, Mohamed.
Mohamed El Bashir: Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. I just currently had a quick review on the bylaws and operating principles. Unfortunately, last week I was very busy and unable to contribute to that. And Yaovi was taking the lead on that as opposed to assisting in that. But, yeah, I can see that have two documents that are different, in terms of the bylaws that's very detailed in terms of giving us structure to AFRALO. It include board, it included why they cancelled, which is the first time I heard about that the advisory council.
Interpreter: The first time you heard about what? Could you repeat that?
Mohamed El Bashir: Advisory council and the structure of the organization. And we have the operating principles, which it's understandable that it might be brief and precise. But I also share the comment that we need to have a linkage between the two documents if we are going to adopt them. I mean, I'd like to propose that Tijani and Yaovi and maybe myself, and if Fatimata will be interested, to go through the bylaws proposal and to take any – to review the text and modify any clauses that it's – I think it's unnecessary. Maybe Yaovi could comment on this because the past weeks, two weeks, he was working on this issue. Thank you.
Interpreter: Okay. Okay, Yaovi on the line.
Yaovi Atohoun: (Interpreted.) Thank you, Mohamed.
Speaker: (Interpreted.) Good morning, Yaovi.
Yaovi Atohoun: (Interpreted.) Can we continue?
Interpreter: I believe it's Yaovi speaking.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Okay. So therefore, if we agree, we can accept Mohamed's proposal and we'll work as a group consisting of me, Yaovi, Tijani and Fatimata.
Interpreter: And I believe she said somebody is the head of the thing. I'm not sure what name she mentioned. It was the static.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Is everybody in agreement that we'll work on this – on these documents?
Interpreter: And everybody seems to be responding yes.
Speaker: (Interpreted.) Because we now have a number of people. So, we need to choose the right statutes, the right operating system so that they're complementary and they're not in contradiction.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Yes. The operating principle in general – according to my experience, there are statutes. But there's also regulations. There are two things that are different. (Speaking French.) The difference between the operating principle and the rules of procedure is clear. The operating principle is there for one purpose and then there's the statutes and then the staff has to work on that.
Yaovi would like to speak. Or--.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) Fatimata, this is Tijani. When we started working on the statutes, we worked also on internal regulations. I think we need to work on these statutes. I'll do that as much as I can. I believe that could be valid and I will try to participate in that so that we have a clear statute and also the regulations that are clear.
Interpreter: And I don't know if it's Yaovi. Yaovi, I think, is speaking.
Yaovi Atohoun: (Interpreted.) I believe that the idea of the statute, if I remember, we have to mobilize and organize the group--.
Nick Ashton-Hart: --Okay. Let me just (unintelligible) --.
Yaovi Atohoun: (Interpreted.) --It's a long type of work and we can adopt the operating principles as far as we're concerned now. So, if the statutes are not indispensable, we could just use the operating principle. It's a little bit lighter, but maybe we could do that.
Interpreter: Okay. (Speaking French.) Please speak, English side. Who's speaking? (Speaking French.) Who's speaking? Nick?
Nick Ashton-Hart: Yeah. If I can get on the floor. Has Fatimata offered – given me the floor, or--?
Interpreter: Yes. Go ahead.
Nick Ashton-Hart: I just wanted to make sure that it's clear that one would not really have both operating principles and the bylaws. The operating principles are a shorter way to organize yourselves and the bylaws are a much more complex way or organizing yourselves.
In the regions which have chosen to have operating principles, the shorter, simpler way of organizing themselves, most of those regions have accompanied that with rules of procedure for their meetings, which are all basically in standardized form drawn from those of the U.N. General Assembly. And that is why other regions have been able to deal with the issue that was raised about structure and the need to structure the work and define roles and responsibilities. In the other regions they have done that through their rules of procedure rather than through a constitution.
But I just wanted to make sure that it was clear that one would not really have both operating principles and bylaws. That would be even more complicated to attempt to keep them in synch when they are such different – they have such different objects.
Interpreter: Thank you, Nick.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Thank you, Nick. But we're all talking basically about the same thing. After the discussions we let that drop and so we tried to just work as an entity. I think we just need to forget about the statutes for the moment. Let's use the operating principles. Maybe that would be enough, or the interior rules, as far as I'm concerned.
Interpreter: (Speaking French.)
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Since we'll not – we will no longer have an independent legal statute, or let's say a – since we don't have that any more, we won't have a statute, a separate statute. We'll have internal regulations and the operating principles, I suggest. And I don't know what the others think. Perhaps Yaovi might agree. What does Mohamed and the others think about this? As far as I'm concerned, the statute was only to have some kind of – some kind of legal statute. That's all. That's what I think.
Interpreter: (Speaking French.)
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Any response from the English side?
Mohamed El Bashir: Mohamed is here.
Interpreter: (Speaking French.) Go ahead, Mohamed.
Mohamed El Bashir: Yeah. I think if we are in agreement, that that small group could take that task and go forward. I would like to suggest that we approve this and we proceed in more discussions among ourselves. I think it's very clear now. We have a document and we just would like to make things clear in those documents.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Yes, we agree. We agree on this. But Tijani had asked that we – if we're going to work on that, we just need to be in agreement and work on the operating principles, or are we going to work on the statutes only or are we gonna work on the operating principles? We just – that's why we raised the question. I just wanted to know what your position was and what you – we have the position of Yaovi, of Mohamed, of the others who are here, I believe.
Mohamed El Bashir: Yeah--.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) -So that everybody gives his opinion-.
Mohamed El Bashir: (Unintelligible.)
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) And we'll see--.
Interpreter: Hold on. Hold on.
Mohamed El Bashir: Yeah.
Interpreter: Who's speaking? Who's speaking now?
Mohamed El Bashir: This is Mohamed.
Interpreter: Okay.
Mohamed El Bashir: Yeah. Personally, I think we – the more we have simple, very clear, precise document, that is the goal. So, I'm in favor of going to the operating principles document. But we need to maybe elaborate with more details in some of the (unintelligible) and operating principles.
Interpreter: Okay. Let me see if there's a response here. (Speaking French.) Okay. Tijani is about to speak.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) I agree as far as the operating principles is concerned. As long as the document is frank and clear, and we can work on that, we can create this document, this working document. But we still have to have internal regulations or the rules of procedure, however you want to call it, that manage the meetings, the work, you know, the day-by-day operations.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Okay. Yes, we can all work on that. We're in agreement.
Interpreter: Yaovi is now speaking.
Yaovi Atohoun: My position is to see if this document, the operating principles, is not too long, but also includes what we need. After that we can see --we can work on these operating principles so that we have these things stated clearly.
Interpreter: "Alright. We're in agreement," somebody else said.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Okay. So – oh, Gisella? Is Gisella--? I didn't know she (unintelligible).
Speaker: (Interpreted.) Yeah. It was Gisella who read the agenda for the day.
Interpreter: Another lady is speaking now.
Speaker: (Interpreted.) I'd like to ask--. (Speaking French).
Speaker: (Interpreted.) Oh, does anybody else, Tijani, have the agenda? It's on the Skype.
Speaker: (Interpreted.) I'm not on the Skype. I'm on my Skype, but I’m not on the group's Skype.
Speaker: (Interpreted.) Okay, just a moment. I'm on another call. Just excuse me.
Interpreter: This could be Gisella who's speaking now. They're trying to resolve this.
Speaker: (Interpreted.) So, where were you?
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) We finished with the bylaws. So the – now we're talking about functioning principles. Point 2B, operating principles. In English.
Speaker: (Interpreted.) Oh, so that's done. Okay. So, three is planning for Seoul for the At Large meeting. That's what we're onto now.
Interpreter: It's Fatimata who's speaking now.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) I had asked on the list-. Is Nick there? If we could have-.
Heidi Ullrich: Yes, Nick is here.
Interpreter: Okay. I'm sorry. Now I didn't hear what – if we could – something before the reunion of the secretariats. (Speaking French.)
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Before the big meeting, AFRALO, that we could have our regional meeting beforehand for all the RALOs. Could we have that for all the RALOs?
Heidi Ullrich: Okay. This is Heidi.
Interpreter: Okay. This is Heidi. Go ahead, Heidi.
Heidi Ullrich: Yes. So, Fatimata, to be clear, are you requesting that AFRALO have their regional meeting in Seoul prior to the regional secretariats' meeting or after?
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Before the secretariat meeting.
Heidi Ullrich: Yes. That's correct--.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) At Seoul.
Heidi Ullrich: So, we currently have the AFRALO meeting scheduled for Monday the 26th, and the regional secretariats' meeting will be on Wednesday, the 28th of October. Will that be okay for everyone?
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Yes. I believe that works for me. Everybody else seems to be agreeing that that's fine with them. Okay, so that's--. So, that's the – it means that we'll be able to work on the agenda for the reunion. We'll be online and we'll be participating together.
Interpreter: Now there's another question. Hold on just a second.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) Okay. What I said, we need to plan and work on the secretariat meeting, too.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Thank you, Tijani. The reason I asked that we have our regional meeting before the secretariat, so that we are up to date for all of the agenda for the regional agenda before the secretariat meeting.
Interpreter: And so, he's in agreement also. Okay.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Everybody's alright with that?
Interpreter: Yes, they're answering.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Didier, I don't hear you. Are you there?
Interpreter: No response.
Gisella Gruber-White: (Interpreted.) Tijani, can you look at the question from Nick, because your Skype seems to be blocked.
Interpreter: Now it's Yaovi who is speaking.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Are you not on the Skype, Yaovi?
Yaovi Atohoun: (Interpreted.) No, I'm not on the Skype.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Okay. Who else is not on the Skype? Is Gabriel on the Skype?
Interpreter: "I'm afraid since I don't have everybody's Skype address, I can't add them to the list." I believe that's Gisella speaking.
So, a couple of gentlemen are speaking about being on or off Skype, but I can't hear their names.
Fatimata's asking of Baudouin is there. Doesn't seem to have an answer.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) I believe that, as far as the planning is concerned, with respect--. Oh, I would like to discuss about this – the AFRALO matter online. Was there anything else? With respect to the staff, that the staff would like our input? (Speaking French.) With respect to the Seoul reunion, is there anything else the staff would have to say about that?
Heidi Ullrich: This is Heidi.
Interpreter: Okay, Heidi. Go ahead.
Heidi Ullrich: I wanted to stress that the link – I just put the link to all of the At Large meetings in the Skype. And we would welcome the AFRALO input into the agenda for all of the meetings, what you would like to have spoken about during these meetings, what you would like your ALAC representatives to speak about in the policy discussions that will be taking place on Tuesday during Seoul, as well as adding the agenda items for the AFRALO meeting, as well as the regional secretariats' meeting. And you can add your comments directly onto the agenda page by clicking on the red comment button.
And thank you, Fatimata. We have seen your two comments. And we would, again, welcome comments from the wider AFRALO participants.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Alright. I would take some time, perhaps, and I would like to suggest that the members who did not respond yet could please to try to respond during this week as soon as possible. And at the same time, since we have the other reunion, that each person should express their interest and see if they wanted to participate because – so that we're – everybody--. (Speaking French.) To see what their remarks and participation is with respect to what they've actually been living, what they have – what their experience is. You understand what I'm saying? Is everybody in agreement?
Speaker: (Interpreted.) Hello. Oui.
Interpreter: (Speaking French.)
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) So, we're in agreement on this point. We should be able to go forward now, keep going.
Interpreter: And now there's a bit of static on that side. I'm gonna ask them to put on mute.
Heidi Ullrich: Trisha?
Interpreter: Yes. Yes. You want to have – who's this, Heidi?
Heidi Ullrich: Yeah. Just very quickly. If we could ensure that we talk about agenda item one, which is the elections.
Interpreter: Hold on a sec. (Speaking French.) And what was that article? What was that--?
Heidi Ullrich: --It's – well, it's agenda item one. If we could talk about the current election.
Interpreter: Okay.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Yes. Okay. Yes, I believe so. We – yes, we could certainly talk about that. I don't see why not if everybody else is in agreement, as far as the elections on our level. I don't think it's very – I don't think there was – it wasn't complicated. There wasn't a lot of competition, right?
Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) It's clear that Yaovi was--. (I think he said elected for the NomCom.) For the ALAC representation there was Mohamed, I believe.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) So, there's no problem. In other words, they were seeking over one another, but there doesn't seem to be a problem.
Heidi Ullrich: Well, just to--.
Speaker: (Interpreted.) I would like to add – I would like to add something about ALAC.
Interpreter: Excuse me. (Speaking French.) Okay. "Repeat, Fatimata," one of them said.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) As far as liaison positions, with respect to voting is concerned. Alan? Alan Greenberg. You know him, right? Not me, but he's the liaison for the NSO, I believe. And he's asking – he would like to be sustained by AFRALO as far as his candidacy is concerned and nomination. He's already been nominated by AFRALO. (And she mentioned another group.) And therefore, he has approached us and asked for our support. I don't know what you feel about this, if you're in agreement. I believe it's somebody who really knows ICANN quite well. He knows the system very well. I believe he could represent ALAC as far as the votes are concerned.
(Speaking French.) Up until now, it was Wendy who had this role. (Oui, oui. Continue.) Who had this role, and now it's a question of changing of the replacement. And I believe you must know that we will soon – I believe that it's been accepted. I believe we could vote on that as for ALAC and the At Large. And so, certainly, we need somebody who has a lot of experience, who knows ICANN well, who knows the procedures. And who could also defend our interests and our causes, and who could prepare everything because I know that – I know Alan is able to prepare statements that we want to submit. So, what do you think? I would like to give the word – I would like to give the floor to Mohamed. (Speaking French.) Mohamed, would you like to respond?
Mohamed El Bashir: Thank you very much.
Interpreter: (Speaking French.)
Mohamed El Bashir: Alan is a very good candidate, a very friendly person on a personal level. And he's very proficient in doing his tasks (unintelligible). Added more value to ALAC. This is a key in his role on the GNSO, as the GNSO liaison. And--.
Interpreter: Sorry, you said (unintelligible)?
Mohamed El Bashir: Liaison.
Interpreter: Oh, as liaison. Sorry.
Mohamed El Bashir: And definitely he's a good candidate to select. Just maybe for clarification, my understanding that this vote is going to be for ALAC members. So, we have three members on the ALAC who could vote representing Africa. I didn't see that email on the mailing list from Alan requesting support, but I can say Alan is a good candidate and he knows – I mean, different cultural issues in terms of – especially issues affecting the participation from the different regions, and specifically Africa. I guess we can support--.
Interpreter: Specifically what? Sorry.
Mohamed El Bashir: Issues facing participation from Africa.
Nick Ashton-Hart: If we could, when the--.
Speaker: (Interpreted.) Who's speaking, please?
Nick Ashton-Hart: It's Nick. If we could clarify something?
Interpreter: Go ahead, Nick.
Nick Ashton-Hart: Just in case – it doesn't seem that it is obvious to everyone, but the nomination period for board liaison candidates does not end for two weeks. So, there will undoubtedly be other nominations. There already are several candidates of which Alan, as has been mentioned, is one. There will be a conference call for all members of At Large to meet and speak to all of the candidates and hear their views and their proposals in the middle of September. So, of course you are free to recommend anyone at any time, but you may wish to consider all of the candidates that are actually available at the close of the nomination period and hear from them before you choose a result.
Mohamed El Bashir: Nick, when that – will we have to – I mean, is there going to be a conference call for each RALO or it will be a general conference call?
Nick Ashton-Hart: There will be at least one conference call for all RALOs with interpretation in Spanish and French. If it's--.
Mohamed El Bashir: -Okay-.
Nick Ashton-Hart: --Necessary in order – to have additional calls, I'm sure that no one will object to that.
Mohamed El Bashir: Okay. I think if that the case, I can – maybe, Fatimata, if we can ask the members if they're interested in having an AFRALO conference call for the candidates to present their – let's say proposals, their candidacy proposals.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Yes. I think it's a good idea. Mohamed?
Mohamed El Bashir: Yeah?
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) I believe it's a very good idea. In fact, with respect to Nick's intervention-. (Speaking French.) One of the questions that was asked by Alan with respect to AFRALO-. (Speaking French.) To – I just wanted to recognize the value of Alan and the role that he played with respect to ALAC. Well now, the proposal, as Mohamed said, I think that's an excellent proposal which would allow us to evaluate the value and the worth of each candidate, those that we know and perhaps that we don't know yet at all.
Would anybody else on this side like to say something with respect to that? Yaovi would like to speak.
(Speaking French).
Interpreter: Trying to--. (Speaking French.) So, Tijani is speaking.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) I agree with what has been said, but I think Mohamed and Fatimata could tell us their impressions and their reactions with respect to the candidates who have asked our support with respect to AFRALO.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Thank you. Yaovi, did you want to say something also?
Yaovi Atohoun: (Interpreted.) Yes. I believe Mohamed's idea is a good idea so that we can see the other candidates and hear from them. So, it's just a question of waiting a few more days to hear about the other candidates as well.
Interpreter: And another woman just said, "We agree."
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Does anybody else have something to say? So, can we go to the next point, because it's getting late here. So, could we go to the next point?
Heidi Ullrich: I just – this is Heidi.
Interpreter: Oh, Heidi. Hold on, Heidi.
Heidi Ullrich: Sorry.
Interpreter: (Speaking French.)
Heidi Ullrich: Yes, just a very quick clarification on the--.
Interpreter: Go ahead.
Heidi Ullrich: A very quick clarification on the issue of the NomCom election or appointment. The position of Yaovi, since it is uncontested, means that his name now will be taken up to the ALAC as the AFRALO recommended person for the AFRALO – the NomCom representative from the African region. So the next stage, again, is that his name needs to be transferred up to the ALAC. So, that can either be done by the secretariat or, upon the request of the secretariat, At Large staff can transmit his name.
Nick Ashton-Hart: And that was due yesterday, actually; that transmission.
Mohamed El Bashir: Mohamed. I would like to have--.
Interpreter: Who's speaking, please?
Mohamed El Bashir: Yeah. I'm not sure if Didier is available. On the last – I mean, on the last couple of calls, I'm not sure if he's available and he's able to handle the secretariat tasks because we seem to have – haven't seen any activity in the mail list for some time and we're missing now a deadline for an activity that's supposed to be done. Can someone maybe – could make (unintelligible) with Didier and clarify his position? Because we need an active secretariat, really, in the coming period.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) I'm not really answering that, but normally the nominees of AFRALO must be received by ALAC as soon as possible. Otherwise, we could lose our candidates. So, this needs to be done.
Interpreter: Any--.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) Fatimata, can you say something?
Interpreter: I think we may have lost Fatimata. There is a kind of silence there. Tijani just spoke. Oh, Yaovi is going to speak.
Yaovi Atohoun: (Interpreted.) Since we can't seem to get to Didier, could the conference choose somebody to send on behalf of the secretariat? So, could somebody do it? That's the question I'm asking. If Didier's not available, could somebody else take this over or act in his stead for the moment at least?
Interpreter: I think we may have lost Fatimata or her line may have dropped or something. So, I just mentioned it here to Adigo. Let's see if there's any response from your – from the English side.
Mohamed El Bashir: Yeah. Mohamed would like to comment. Yeah.
Interpreter: Who's speaking?
Mohamed El Bashir: Mohamed.
Interpreter: Okay, Mohamed. Go ahead.
Mohamed El Bashir: Yeah. My understanding that as – is that the officers could – are able to explain that to ALAC and submit the name of Yaovi to ALAC. But I would like to raise this issue that we need to have a communication with Didier and request him to be more active. But I think for this case specifically, the officers, myself or Hawa or Fatimata, can do that and send it to ALAC. But I guess we need to – as a meeting, we need to send a note to Didier that we need really more activity from his side.
Interpreter: So, I'm just letting you know on the English side that we seem to have lost Fatimata for the moment. I know Adigo's working on it here. I don't know what happened to her line. But they had – you heard their reaction and I did interpret that so they know that. So, there's a kind of a silence at the moment. I'm gonna see if there's anybody else there.
No answer from Fatimata at the moment. So, they're working on trying to see where she is.
Okay. It seems that Fatimata is now going onto Skype. So, she may have something to say on that.
Okay. Fatimata is back. Okay. Tijani is speaking.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) The proposal by Mohamed, since Didier did not advance the nominations or – we wanted to ask both you, Fatimata, and Mohamed to do this so that the nominations of AFRALO ALAC could be done by tomorrow.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Alright. That's excellent. Agreed, that Mohamed and Fatimata will take care of that. Is there any other – what point are we on now?
Gisella Gruber-White: (Interpreted.) Fatimata?
Interpreter: Gisella is there.
Gisella Gruber-White: (Interpreted.) I have another point regarding a question of information. With respect to the working groups, the regional working groups, the 9th of September, that's next Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. universal, with French interpretation. And the purpose for this call is to discuss the relationship and to answer with questions and contribute to the comments on this. I think you've already received an email with all of the information regarding this, as well as the links and the wiki information. And you should have that at the bottom of your page, the links that will lead you to the points that we need to discuss.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Okay.
Gisella Gruber-White: (Interpreted.) Okay. I think that should be done as soon as possible. If everybody could try to be on that. If we could have as much participation as possible on that call, it would really be great. We would certainly be very happy to call you with respect to that call.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) I believe that everybody would be willing to participate.
Interpreter: "We certainly will try to," says Fatimata and another gentlemen.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) And we'll try to have as many people as possible at 8:00 p.m. And there'll be some people who are observing Ramadan, but we will try to have as many--.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) This will be much better for me.
Interpreter: I believe Tijani's speaking. They're saying – they're in agreement that this would – that would be a better time.
(Speaking French.)
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Oh, are there other points to be discussed, other items?
Speaker: (Interpreted.) The last point on the agenda was the calendar as far as the At Large matters were concerned.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Oh, yes. I believe, Heidi – when we announced the meeting, the African on IDS, I believe Heidi sent something. And that was announced – I don't remember the date now. I don't have – but it was certainly sent.
Heidi Ullrich: This is Heidi.
Interpreter: Okay. (Speaking French.) Go ahead, Heidi.
Heidi Ullrich: Yes. I have put into the AFRALO Skype chat the link to the new At Large external regional events calendar. And you can see that there are a few events in the AFRALO region that have been indicated. But we need to know all of the Internet or ICANN-related events that are going on in your region, in AFRALO, so we can inform the other regions and we can all see which events you're planning on attending. So you can see, for example, if you click on that link, that there is on the 7th of September an East Africa Internet Governance Forum taking place. So, it might be useful for some of you to know who is going to that meeting.
Interpreter: Heidi, I asked if there was an answer.
Heidi Ullrich: Okay. Thank you.
Interpreter: Fatimata is speaking, I believe. (Speaking French.)
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) I said – I had given my opinion online, so did Hawa. Perhaps we could have other people's reaction. If you agree with Heidi's proposal, that I think is excellent.
So otherwise, if there – if we don't have any reaction right at the moment, then Tijani – it's better – I think it's better that we – okay, end the meeting.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) Before ending the meeting, I would like that the work group-. (Speaking French.) I'm repeating. Before we finish the meeting, that whoever is responsible for the principles-. I have the email from Yaovi, but I don't have one from Mohamed. And if we could – if Yaovi has all of the emails, he could perhaps put them on a group – or send them to everybody so that we at least know what's going on. And then we have to work on that. Because each month we speak about the bylaws and each month we say we're gonna work on it and then it gets delayed or put back. So, this time I would like to have definitive bylaws to be adopted by the next meeting.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Thank you, Tijani. I think that's a very good suggestion. I think it'll be a much--.
Interpreter: (Speaking French.)
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) I just wanted to say I appreciated Tijani's proposal and say that now that he has rejoined the little group to draft this document, we will certainly be able to finalize the internal parts of it. And we'll certainly be able to do that by next month.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) I hope so.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) So, if there's no objection, I believe I can declare this meeting closed, that is today's meeting. And we will have another meeting for the next time with the At Large – or another meeting, as many people hopefully will be able to participate. Is that – is everybody in agreement?
(Speaking French.)
Interpreter: Any other – the English side?
Nick Ashton-Hart: No.
Heidi Ullrich: No, not from staff. Thank you very much--.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Okay. Thank you very much--.
Heidi Ullrich: --Fatimata for chairing.
Nick Ashton-Hart: Thank you very much. Bye-bye.
Interpreter: Goodbye from the French side, also. Thank you.
Okay. Everybody is signing off.
Heidi Ullrich: Okay. Thank you, Tisha, very much.
Nick Ashton-Hart: Good night, Tisha.
Interpreter: Thank you. Take care.
Heidi Ullrich: Bye.