16 June 2010 summary minutes

16 June 2010 summary minutes

Participants: Ben Akoh, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Sophia Bekele, Rafik Dammak, Pierre Dandjenou, Dave Kissoondoyal, Fatimata Seye Sylla, Michel Tchonang, Dave Kissoondoyal, Tijani Ben Jemaa

Staff: Gisella Gruber-White, Matthias Langenegger

Discussion Notes

Dave presented the draft statement to the participants.

Tijani: the objective is to have consensus on our statement to be able to send it to the JAS WG.

AI: Tijani and Dave will update the draft statement and send it to the list by tomorrow

AI: Fatimata will draft a paragraph on the proposed business plan and send it to Dave and Tijani by tomorrow

• Introduction and Purpose of Meeting (Moderator)(5 min)
• Results of Joint SO/AC WG on New gTLD Applicant Support (Avri Doria or Evan Leibovitch) (TBC)(10 min)
• Presentations of WG Statement (Dave Kissoondoyal, Tijani Ben Jemaa) (15 min)
• Roundtable discussion on proposed Statement to the Board (Moderator)(45 min)
• Wrap-up and next steps (Rapporteur; Dave Kissoondoyal) (15 min)

Katim Touré and Nii Quainor were suggested as panelist members and chair/moderator of the session respectively.

AI: Staff will update the agenda and send it to the discussion list for comments.

AI: Tijani will confirm with the presenters, Katim and Nii about their participation

AI: Tijani will send out a note to the suggest a meeting time in Brussels with the members of the working group for final preparations.

The meeting was then adjourned