11 June 2010 summary minutes
Participants: Dave Kissoondoyal, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Didier Kasole, Rafik, Ben Akoh
Apologies: Fatimata Seye Sylla, Hawa Diakite
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Gisella Gruber-White, Matthias Langenegger,
Action Items
Tijani: I sent the letter to all networks and organization I know, but I have not received any replies, which is greatly disappointing.
Ben Akoh: I received two replies to the mail I sent to the AfrICANN list. I was thinking that the African ISP network would be interested but I received a firm no. However, APC showed interest in the initiative. That’s very encouraging news.
Tijani: Our main goal is to identify new gTLD applicants from Africa and to get there expectation from the resolution 20. We haven’t identified them so far but I do not think that there are no potential applicants. We need to continue looking for them.
Didier: who are two applicants from Africa? What gTLD are they interested in applying for?
Ben Akoh: The two interested organizations are APC based in South Africa and FOSSFA based in Ghana.
AI: Tijani will contact the interested organizations and provide them with all the necessary information about the application process (eg. what are the requirements from their part?).
Tijani: I suggest that we start drafting the statement to be submitted to our joint meeting in Brussels, as we do not have time for another teleconference before Brussels.
AI: Dave Kissoondoyal and Tijani Ben Jemaa will write the first draft of the Statement by Monday, June 14th. The final draft will be ready by June 18th.
AI: Ben will send all necessary information for the Statement to the members of the drafting and organizing committee.
Tijani: with the DAG v4 and Resolution 20 we have enough source material to start drafting the Statement.
AI: Tijani will forward the email from Sofia to At-Large Staff for follow up.
Heidi: The call for members of the organizing committee was sent a couple of weeks ago and there was no reply. I suggest that the members of the drafting team be the members of the organizing committee. We could have another call on Tuesday/Wednesday next week.
Tijani: We need to submit the African POV by the end of the meeting to the Board to consider it. That’s why it needs to be ready by the end of the Brussels meeting. However, our work can still go on.
Heidi: The org committee has prepared a draft agenda, which we could review.
Ben: Could we have a list of all the expected participants?
AI: Heidi will work with GP department to get a list of expected participants to the session.
AI: Heidi will send the proposed agenda to the AfrICANN and AFRALO list
AI: Staff will organize another call for this Drafting/Organizing committee on Wednesday, 16 June at 1600 UTC.
The next call will be on Wednesday, 16 June at 1600 UTC.