02 December 2009
AFRALO Monthly Teleconference
Date: 02 December 2009
Time: 1900 - 2000 UTC (For the time in various timezones click here)
Meeting Number: AL.AF/CC.1209/1
How can I participate in this meeting?
Comment participer a cette teleconference
Who is on the dial-out list for this call?
Action Items: EN, FR
Interpretation: French and English
Transcripts: EN, FR
Recording: English Francais
Apologies: D. Kasole, H. Diakite
A G E N D A - Draft
Standing Issues:
1. Roll Call (2 minutes)
2. Review of the Action Items of 26 October 2009 (5 minutes)
3. Open Public Comment Periods (Issues currently open for public comment) (5 min)
a. At-Large Policy Advice Development Schedule
b. Root Scaling Study Team Report - deadline: 29 December 2009
Proposed Issues:
1. Feedback from the Seoul Meeting and the IGF (5 min)
a. Key At-Large activities and action items -click here for the At-Large list of meetings
2. Planning and Organization for Nairobi Meeting -click here for the At-Large Nairobi Meeting Schedule (15 min)
For information see: click here for the ICANN Nairobi Meeting page
a. Travel Support for 2 AFRALO regional officers
b. Planning of Regional showcase
3. At-Large Director Appointment Process; click here for the At-Large Director Appointment Process Workspace (7 min)
a. Community call, 7 December at 08:00 UTC - click here for the agenda
b. Next steps in developing the AFRALO perspective
4. Updates from AFRALO Regional Representatives (5 min)
a. ALAC representatives
b. RALO regional officers
5. Development of an AFRALO brochure (15 min)
For Information see:
Tri-fold EURALO Brochure (Revised 11-2009) - IC_Euralo_Brochure_1.pdf
At-Large Brochure (Updated 11-2009) - IC_At_Large_Brochure_High.pdf
Version Francaise - (Ordre du jour à confirmer)
Points permanents de l’ordre du jour:
1. Appel des présences (2 minutes)
2.Examen des actions à suivre du 26 Octobre 2009 (5 minutes)
3.Consultations publiques de l'ICANN qui sont actuellement ouvertes (5 minutes)
a. Rapport de groupe d'étude de graduation de racine - date-limite : 29 décembre 2009
Proposition de points supplémentaires à discuter:
1. Résultats de la réunion de Séoul et de l'IGF (5 minutes)
a. Les activités et les actions à entreprendre At-Large principales - cliquez sur ici pour la liste At-Large de réunions
2. Planification pour la réunion de Nairobi - cliquez sur ici pour le programme de réunion At-Large de Nairobi (15 minutes)
Pour information : cliquez sur ici pour la page de réunion d'ICANN Nairobi
a.Support Voyage pour 2 AFRALO dirigents régionaux
b.Organisateur du Regonal "Showcase" réunion
3. Directeur At-Large Appointment Process; cliquez sur ici pour le directeur At-Large Appointment Process Workspace (7 minutes)
a. Examen d'appel de la communauté
b. Prochaines étapes en développant la perspective d'AFRALO
4. Mises à jour des représentants régionaux des représentants (5 minutes)
b. Dirigeants régionaux de RALO
5. Développement d'une brochure d'AFRALO (15 minutes)
Pour information voyez:
Brochure triple d'EURALO (révisée 11-2009) - IC_Euralo_Brochure_1.pdf
Brochure At-Large (mise à jour 11-2009) - IC_At_Large_Brochure_High.pdf
Please confirm the time for the meeting.
Best regards
contributed by dave@isoc-mu.org on 2009-11-13 10:25:23 GMT
I think there is a mistake in the time announced. May be from 19:00 to 20:00 UTC.
Welcome Dave.
contributed by guest@socialtext.net on 2009-11-13 17:13:44 GMT
Thanks Fatimata,
I have updated by calendar.
Best regards
contributed by dave@isoc-mu.org on 2009-11-16 11:35:54 GMT
Please include the following on the Agenda
Planning and Organisation for the Nairobi Meeting
Best regards
contributed by dave@isoc-mu.org on 2009-11-18 07:31:55 GMT
Action item:
To form a WG and collaborate with the ExCom for the planning of a Nairobi event to showcase AFRALO Secretariat.
Best regards
contributed by dave@isoc-mu.org on 2009-12-02 19:07:23 GMT
I had a problem with my network and sorry that I was not available.
contributed by yaovito@yahoo.fr on 2009-12-08 17:59:42 GMT