02 September 2009 Action Items

02 September 2009 Action Items

Participants: F. Seye-Sylla (FSS), D.Kasole (DK), T. Ben Jemaa (TBJ), M. Tchonang (MT), G.Bombasko (GB), B. Schombe (BS), Y,Atohoun (YA), M.El Bashir (MEB), A.Mulenda (AM), A. Hilali (AH), V.Ciza (VC)

Apologies: Hawa Diakite, Khaled Kouba

Staff: N.Ashton-Hart (NAH), H. Ullrich (HU), G.Gruber-White (GGW)

Staff is to send the links to the French translation of the Proposed Bylaw Changes to Improve Accountability to the AFRI-Discuss list as soon as it becomes available.

Staff is to send the French translation of At-Large Review Implementation Outline to the AFRI-Discuss list as soon as it becomes available, but deadline for public comments will remain 30th September 2009.

A small group consisting of FSS, YA, TBJ and MEB will review the draft AFRALO Bylaws and draft AFRALO Operating Principles. They will report back at the next AFRALO teleconference with their suggestions as to which document should be adopted by AFRALO.

Staff is to arrange an AFRALO conference call with the Board Liaison nominees.

DK is to send a message to the ALAC indicating the name of the AFRALO recommended candidate for the African regional seat. Alternatively, FSS or MEB are to send the message.