06 Janauary 2010 Action Items

06 Janauary 2010 Action Items

Staff will inquire whether it is possible to have transcriptions of the monthly teleconferences (the recordings are already linked to the agenda pages)

Nairobi Outreach WG

Tijani will send the final proposal to the members of the working group by the end of next week.

Staff will organize a call for the Nairobi outreach WG in the middle of next week and invite Alice from the organising committee

Cheryl, Matthias and Heidi will draft invitation letters to help the African ALS members to find sponsors to attend the Nairobi meeting. There will be one letter for Baudoin and a general letter for all regions.

ICANN Strategic Plan

Dave will coordinate the African view on the Strat plan. He asked everybody to send in his or her views on the Strat Plan.

Nairobi Meeting

Staff will look for a suitable date to hold the AFRALO March conference during the Nairobi meeting and contact the regional leaders.

AFRALO Brochure

Mohamed, Yaovi and Michel will draft an AFRALO Brochure. The draft will be sent and discussed on the lists.

Staff will send Yaovi the brochures that have been created for LACRALO and EURALO.