Action Items 05 August 2009
Action Items 05 August 2009
AFRALO Action Items
5 August 2009
Participants: (F. Seye-Sylla), H.Diakite, M. Tchonang, A.Mulenda Yamukandu, Y, Atohoun, T, Ben Jemaa, M. El Bashir, B. Schombe
Apologies: Aziz Hilali, Khaled Koubaa, Didier Kasole,
Staff: H.Ullrich, G.Gruber-White
- At-Large Staff to work with Yaovi and Mohamed on further developing the bylaws. Staff will incorporate the various comments that have been made as well as make suggestions to ensure that AFRALO organizing instruments are the most effective for AFRALO. The various versions will be posted on a wiki as well as sent out on the AFRI-Discuss lists for comment prior to the next AFRALO meeting. The Bylaws will be discussed during the next AFRALO meeting to take place on 2 September 2009.
- HU to send AFRALO election call information to the AFRI-Discuss list.
- Participation document was adopted. Mohamed to work with At-Large staff to begin implementation of this document.
- HU to provide update on issue of translations of documents that are open for public comment.