02 December 2009 Transcript EN
Fatimata Seye Sylla: We need to start the reunion. It's already five minutes over, says Fatimata.
French Interpreter: It may be that there's no noise where she is in her room, but she-- there obviously is noise from somewhere else. So we're trying to understand as clearly as possible what she's saying.
Okay. So, if you could, on the English side-- There is a lot of static. So I think somebody is not on star and mute. Thank you.
Dave Kissoondoyal: On the English side, can anybody hear me?
French Interpreter: Is this the English channel? Who's speaking, please?
Dave Kissoondoyal: Dave here from the English channel.
French Interpreter: Yes, Dave.
Dave Kissoondoyal: So you're able to hear me. So (unintelligible) problem on the French side again.
French Interpreter: Okay. Well, I'm trying now. Let me see if I can hear them. They're all talking at once now. Hold on.
Okay. Fatimata is now going to speak, and hopefully we can hear her. She's going to repeat what she said, and hopefully we'll be able to hear.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Somebody was supposed to do something with-- Tijani was supposed to do something with AFRALO and, I think, to do with Heidi. And there is a lot of static. There's something about changing the mandate, and he did that.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: I didn't change the functioning principles that we had prepared, says Tijani-- that we had spoke about at Seoul. We needed to add an article limiting the number of successive or subsequent mandates. And I sent that to everybody's list-- I sent that to everybody-- on everybody's list, both in French and English, says Tijani.
Mohammed El Bashir: Mohammed. I would like to comment on that.
French Interpreter: Who's speaking, please?
Mohammed El Bashir: Mohammed.
French Interpreter: Oh, great. Thank you. Okay. Go ahead, Mohammed.
Mohammed El Bashir: Yeah. Thank you, Tijani, for sending that basic document. I have looked at the document. I'm okay with the changes, as long it has been agreed on your meeting in Seoul. I wasn't present at Seoul meeting.
I think there will be a challenge for AFRALO to have-- to continue to bring good candidates to leadership positions either in AFRALO or ALAC. ICANN community-- To understand issues and to be well informed about the issues in ICANN community takes some time. And that's why sometimes it's useful to have experienced people in AFRALO and in leading positions.
Saying that, I'm okay and agree with the changes. But we need to think of setting a criteria for leadership positions, so we make sure that we have good, experienced people in those positions.
French Interpreter: Thank you.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: Okay. So the criteria as far as choosing officials hasn't been set because we're at the first steps. This is the first time that we have some kind of regulation or standards. We elected these three people, who-- Fatimata-- I'm Tijani, the Vice-Chair, and DG (ph) is the secretary. So we-- I hope in the future there will be more participation, and we'll have more candidates who are interested in participating and also candidates who have experience and who are willing to be involved and work.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: I would like to pick up on Mohammed's remark. I agree about rotation. We have to be very clear about the criteria for selecting people in AFRALO. Now I see that Cheryl would like to participate, and so we'd like to thank her, and we want to thank her for her involvement. And I see that the time is going by. Are there any more proposals on this point-- on the other side or from the French side, Fatimata's asking.
Dave Kissoondoyal: Yeah. I think the good proposition--
French Interpreter: Who's speaking?
Dave Kissoondoyal: This is Dave.
French Interpreter: Oh, Dave. Okay. Let me tell them. Go ahead.
Dave Kissoondoyal: Yeah. There's a good proposal from Cheryl. She's stating that perhaps looking at the criteria ALAC uses now and adjust it for regional use is a starting point. The ALAC chair and the agencies (ph) committee of the ALAC will be happy to assist in any way we can. So we have to thank Cheryl for this proposition.
Unidentified Participant: Thank you. We appreciate that. And can we continue on with the agenda? Okay, so the third point on the agenda was about public consultation-- ICANN's public council review and consultation. And that's now open.
Would Matthias like to speak to this? Would somebody like to address this regarding public review and consultation? Would anybody like to make any comment about this? Anybody on the English side like to comment?
Heidi Ullrich: This is Heidi.
French Interpreter: Okay, Heidi. Go ahead.
Heidi Ullrich: Yes. I wanted to highlight that I have put the PAD, the policy advice development schedule, into the AFRALO Skype chat. And this document is, as we've discussed on the last several calls, is a document that we encourage all ALS representatives in AFRALO to take a look at and on a regular basis. And I invite Matthias to discuss any of the key issues on the PAD.
French Interpreter: Heidi, I'm just waiting for a response. I told them what you said.
Heidi Ullrich: Thank you.
French Interpreter: Yes. Sure.
Matthias Langenegger: If you're on the site, says Matthias, on Skype, you'll see that there are several documents. And the community is working on these. I think there are something like eight documents up there. And so, recently, we've added a document on the subject of the ccTLD policy. And we actually did a teleconference with Jameson (ph), the person who produced a lot of the information. And we are going to have tomorrow afternoon, at 2:00 UTC in the afternoon, we're going to have a reunion or a meeting. And we want to discuss this document then and also the draft applicant handbook. And that will be next week. So, if you're in one of the workgroups and want to participate, you will receive an invitation to participate. Then you can be involved next week in this teleconference.
And then we also have the documents of the NomComm board review. And these documents were prepared by Sebastien and-- Sebastien and Adam. These documents were prepared by them. And soon we'll have a vote for the ALAC members regarding these documents. And this document will be useful so that you can prepare yourselves to see what's happening and how you'll be able to participate in these discussions and which are the pertinent documents that need to be submitted to the board and also the documents that need to be presented for public consultation.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: I will participate in the teleconference on the new TLDs. And I'm a member of the workgroup, and I will certainly participate in that call.
French Interpreter: Would any of you like to speak on the English side?
Heidi Ullrich: This is Heidi. I just wanted to highlight that very recently, I believe today, the public comment for the strategic plan for the years 2010 - 2013 has opened for public comment. And I have just put the link on the AFRALO Skype chat. And I wish to highlight the great importance of this public comment for the At-Large community, as this-- contributing to this document will allow the At-Large community to actually develop or to have input into the strategies that ICANN has for the years 2010 - 2013.
And, on this link, you may take a survey of two questions, where you can highlight which policy areas are of greatest importance to you. So we would encourage that you take that survey, at a minimum, as well, of course, to engage in the discussion that the At-Large community will be having on this issue.
French Interpreter: Thank you, Heidi. I'm asking the French if they have something to say.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: I would like to know, says Fatimata, regarding the French side. Okay. Do we have these comments by Heidi or your question, Heidi, somewhere?
Tijani Ben Jemaa: It's clear. Obviously you want our comments, and you want our reactions. And I think it's very important. And I think Heidi's absolutely right to request that.
French Interpreter: Tijani's asking if Fatimata heard him and heard his comment on the importance.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: I don't hear Fatimata anymore, says Tijani.
French Interpreter: I said, I interpreted for the English side, but I'm not sure Fatimata's online or on the call at this point. Okay. Fatimata's there. So now Fatimata's here, all is well.
Unidentified Participant: Yes. I just wanted to make sure everybody was in agreement with Heidi.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: I think everybody is in agreement as far as this is concerned, says Fatimata.
Dave Kissoondoyal: Dave here. Can I just--?
French Interpreter: Sure, Dave. Hold on. Go ahead.
Dave Kissoondoyal: Basically, what I suggest is that, okay, once the ALS-- they have commented on the (unintelligible) and the survey, is it possible to drop (ph) the notes on the wiki so that we know at least how many members on the AFRALO have taken the survey and have commented on (unintelligible) is the question that I'm asking.
Heidi Ullrich: Dave, this is Heidi. I didn't hear the first part of your question.
Dave Kissoondoyal: Yeah. Basically, what I'm saying is that-- Is there a possibility that, okay, once the ALS-- they have commented and then taken the survey, to just drop in notes-- a mention on the wiki that, okay, this ALS has already taken the survey, because what we want is to make sure that we have the maximum ALS taking the survey and commenting on the (unintelligible). So the only way that we can make sure that, okay, the ALS have commented from the AFRALO side is that, after they have done so, they just put it on the wiki-- on the comments side of the wiki. Like, okay, suppose if I have taken the survey and then commented, I just put a note that, okay, Dave has already taken the survey. Is it clear, Heidi?
Heidi Ullrich: Yes. Thank you. Is this something that the AFRALO community or, indeed, Cheryl, the At-Large community would like? We could create a wiki page for this purpose.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: I think we've understood that. And thank you, Heidi. I think it's a really good idea. If the other members of AFRALO are in agreement, I think it's a great idea to do that. I'm a little worried about the time. I think we need to keep moving forward. As far as the public consultation is concerned and public review, I think that's just about finished-- that particular timeframe.
French Interpreter: After-- Oh, yes, after the participation-- I think she said Matthias. I wasn't sure.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: If there is no other point-- any other important points to add to the discussion we've had just 'til now-- up to now, we should go ahead because we have other things we need to cover, and we don't have a lot of time left. So can we keep moving? Is everybody in agreement that we can move ahead-- we can keep going on?
Dave Kissoondoyal: Agree, from Dave. I'm just saying that I'm agreeing that we carry on with the agenda.
French Interpreter: Okay, Dave. I interpreted.
Dave Kissoondoyal: Thank you.
Unidentified Participant: So there were other things to be discussed now-- other points-- other additional points to be discussed. The AGS results of the meeting in Seoul-- we discussed about half of it at the Seoul meeting. We discussed about half of them. In other words, the activities that had-- the members had to participate.
As far as AFRALO is concerned, I would like to propose, if there are particular points that are very important for AFRALO, that we should maybe write them up.
With respect to those who had participated in the IGF, what do you think about that?
Tijani Ben Jemaa: I don't think there are any specific points for AFRALO in the IGF meeting. The essential points-- of course, all the subjects regarding IGF were discussed. But I think that the most important thing at that point was if we should continue IGF after the fifth meeting. And the second point was, if we continue, should we continue with the same statute, because perhaps has it been developed not enough. I think that's the most important thing that we need to cover at that fourth meeting. And, generally speaking, should we continue, with the exception of China, who refused-- But I think that China only refused IGF in its present form with respect to the format or the makeup of it. So I think that the general feeling, with the exception of China, is to continue IGF, and everybody speaks about improving the IGF in the second mandate, which will start after-- after the venues (ph) meeting, the fifth one that will take place next year.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Thank you, Tijani, for that report on IGF. I was wondering if AFRALO-- if the IGF meeting in Egypt could perhaps bring us something on this theme. Regarding IGF in Egypt, with respect to AFRALO, it should be-- it should reinforce AFRALO on the level of ICANN. And we can hope to have some recruitment. And so, hopefully, we can talk about this participation next time also regarding IGF.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: Yes. You're right. It's something that was done. But I don't think it's a major problem. We'd done that in March regarding-- And I think Hadja, who's an observer, is leader of a new ALS, and so it's an opportunity for them to-- And there are others who might-- And we hope that very soon-- We hope that one of your ALS will join AFRALO.
French Interpreter: Did somebody on the English side want to speak? Mohammed?
Mohammed El Bashir: Yeah. Thank you. Regarding the participation, I'd just like us all--
French Interpreter: Could you repeat that, Mohammed? I couldn't hear you well. Please repeat.
Mohammed El Bashir: Yes. On the participation side, I would like to bid (ph) AFRALO that IGF was a good chance to talk with some fellow African and ITT NGOs (ph). And we expect that a couple of potential ALSs will apply (ph) in the coming months, hopefully. And we need to consider regional and national levels of IGF platforms because this is-- Our (unintelligible) have been going. And, in Africa, we have east Africa IGF forum, which has been chaired and hosted by Kenya. So we need either ALSs to engage on the national level or AFRALO to be-- present and also chair (ph), even though, at least, use such event to recruit more ALSs.
French Interpreter: Could you repeat that last bit? There was some interference. Go ahead.
Mohammed El Bashir: Use regional IGF forums like the one in east Africa to recruit more ALSs.
French Interpreter: Thank you.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: I think it's good. On Skype, Cheryl and Mohammed are at this point speaking about the meeting-- the upcoming meeting. So we could perhaps go ahead with that. And what has been proposed is a regional meeting of some kind, obviously, with AFRALO involved. And so we could start as of now to start thinking of the theme that we need to discuss. And also, as far as the scheduling is concerned, we need to do that as soon as possible.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: So, thank you, Fatimata and Cheryl, also. As you all know, I had approached Teresa (ph) regarding development and building of the African members. And I think this action is extremely important for public participation, particularly regarding Africa. As we well know, the African ALS do not participate in the ICANN process, unfortunately. And we've noticed that these ALSs don't participate simply because they have a flux of activities that is not followed, and they're a little bit lost. And so they don't have the courage to participate because they feel that they're somewhat behind the situation. I think the situation is caused by the fact that they didn't have, from the start, the necessary information and the knowledge or the know-how to understand the structure of ICANN and its activities. And this particular structural building-- that could give them some kind of basic structure that would allow them to really be able to follow and participate the information and the activities that are taking place and, therefore, be more involved-- actively involved with the consultations and with the whole ICANN process.
I think that, since the meeting will be in Nairobi and it will be on African territory, it will be less expensive because, obviously, it's going to be less since it's in Africa-- certainly less expensive than to go to Europe or to go to the States or to North America. It's a great opportunity for us to give something to Africa and to allow them to be involved in a much greater, larger way. And I think this initiative-- I've been-- I'm going to follow it, and I've followed it since the beginning. And I will continue to follow it.
Unfortunately, up to now, there's still the problem of financing. And the financing is not very generous regarding transportation and lodging. And so we need a special budget from ICANN for this operation because this operation will bring a lot of benefits to ICANN. And it will also bring a great deal to the African ALSs. So it's extremely worthwhile.
French Interpreter: Any comment from the English side?
Dave Kissoondoyal: This is Dave.
French Interpreter: Go ahead, Dave.
Dave Kissoondoyal: I think what we need is that we need to set up a working group re: the attributes for planning and organization of the (unintelligible) Nairobi meeting and then, secondly, the regional IGF meetings in Africa.
French Interpreter: Which regional meetings in Africa?
Dave Kissoondoyal: The regional IGF meeting.
French Interpreter: Oh, thank you.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: I am completely in agreement with Dave and the comment that Tijani just made with what we have always tried to do. We have been working on this since the Mexico meeting.
Dave Kissoondoyal: Can I just add one more thing, please?
French Interpreter: Is this Dave?
Dave Kissoondoyal: Yeah. In the working group, we can add members of the executive committee of ALAC. We can provide any valuable help to the working group.
French Interpreter: Was that a question, Dave?
Dave Kissoondoyal: No. It's a statement. I'm just proposing that we add members of the executive committee of ALAC, who can provide--
French Interpreter: Just a second, Dave. Fatimata needs to be reconnected. Hold on.
Dave Kissoondoyal: Okay. Sure.
French Interpreter: Continue, Dave.
Dave Kissoondoyal: What I was proposing is that in the working group that we are going to set up for the organization of the Nairobi meeting and the regional IGF meetings in Africa we can include members from the ALAC executive committee.
French Interpreter: Thank you, Dave. I asked for a response from the French.
Unidentified Participant: Since Fatimata is absent, I'll pick up on that. With respect-- I'm asking those who would like to participate, please, respond to Dave on this matter. I think it's very valuable. There's no question about it. Perhaps Dave and Cheryl would have some input, I believe he said before.
French Interpreter: Any response from the English side?
Mohammed El Bashir: I think creating a workgroup is a good idea. Basically, let's keep it-- To be productive, let's keep it a small group - specific mandate planning for the Nairobi meeting and the next African regional IGF meeting. It's supposed to produce action items, so we don't want it to be a big committee. We need a few people, like we did in different activities before. So I'm proposing Dave, Tijani, and Fatimata and myself-- I'm also happy to volunteer.
French Interpreter: I'm asking the French if they would like to respond to that. I'm not sure we have Fatimata back online. Fatimata is back.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: I believe that the members who will participate in the workgroup, because there will be certain themes-- there will be certain subjects in Nairobi. I'm already seeing, says Fatimata, the group will have to work on the reinforcing capacity building. And so, once we are working on that, we also have to work also on-- we have to deal with subjects that are of particular importance for Africa. And we, in Africa, need to take some kind of position-- point of view with regard to ICANN, obviously. We've been asked to include Cheryl in the working group, but I think she's already involved in the working group. And we always need-- we need assistance. We need help. And so we will certainly be asking her for her feedback each time. Each time we meet, we need her feedback and her assistance. And I believe she's willing to do that. And then there will be small groups that will work on the budget.
There are three essential points that the work groups need to deal with. Heidi was saying that the group shouldn't be too big, and I agree with that. But we need to have quick results, so maybe two or three people in the group on a particular theme, reinforcing the capacity. Once the subjects have been decided, then we have to deal with the budget. And Cheryl-- and also to work on the theme women and policies to do with women. I think that's a great idea, says Fatimata.
French Interpreter: She's asked Tijani to respond. I'm not sure Tijani is on the line at this point.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Would anybody else like to add something? Is there a date, Cheryl, to present the proposal so that we can make the decisions that need to be made?
French Interpreter: That's the question coming from Fatimata.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: As soon as possible, hopefully. Any comment from the English side? So we have a schedule-- Oh, we have a deadline for December, before the 15th of December to do this. That means that we need to start to work on it online-- very definitely online. As soon as possible, we need to be involved in this online. So, personally, I would like to be involved with Tijani. Okay. Heidi will also assist us.
French Interpreter: And Tijani seems to be back online now.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: So, can we already start this work? So, if we can have involvement--
Tijani Ben Jemaa: I would like to ask the following question. Has the working group been set up? And what is its mandate?
Fatimata Seye Sylla: I think we've already put it on Skype. The work groups consist of me, Mohammed-- (and she's mentioning a couple of names that are going to be put on the Skype). So the mandate we have to decide exactly what it is. We're talking about the global mandate in Nairobi. We talked about capacity building. We spoke about budgets that have to be set up-- to have as many members as possible and also to discuss and set up subjects that are of most interest and that really involve Africa. If you have any other subjects, Fatimata says-- We've got to deal with the schedules, and we have to do it quickly. So we have to have these proposals set up before a certain point in December.
French Interpreter: Any reaction from the English?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Just because I'm wanting to perhaps make sure that the French channel understands, and I'm aware that not all of them are in the Skype chat, I'm very keen to get the feedback and planning from the AFRALO workgroup in the December period because, after that document (unintelligible) draft form, we can then go towards ISOC and other potential--
French Interpreter: Cheryl, we can go towards what?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (Inaudible).
French Interpreter: Thank you.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: – and other potential partners (inaudible) exciting and meaningful program and, I trust, attract funding.
French Interpreter: Any response from the English side? Oh, wait a moment.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: I wanted to say that I didn't understand.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Are you still on the Skype, Tijani? So, but you understand what Cheryl just explained-- that we need to have a draft prepared by December by this workgroup, and therefore-- and so that we can have assistance and reaction from other partners. We need to have a schedule, and this is really an important matter that needs to be dealt with. So Cheryl will be, we think, the chair of the working group. That would be great because, for Africa-- with respect to ALAC and At-Large. And it would be normal that Cheryl would be among us as our chair. Your feedback? Is Mohammed in agreement?
French Interpreter: Tijani did not understand.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: What I'm trying to say, says Fatimata-- I think that it's clearly set forth on Skype. Cheryl says that she will be a partner, and I think that's a very reasonable-- I agree with that, says Fatimata. Is that good for you, Tijani?
French Interpreter: Tijani is also in agreement.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: Definitely. Yes, I agree with what--
French Interpreter: Go ahead, Cheryl.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: It must be regionally led. I will bend over backwards to assist. I will partner. I will help. But it must be locally and regionally led.
Dave Kissoondoyal: This is Dave. Can I just intervene? Mohammed proposed Fatimata to be the chair of the working group, and I'm going to second this proposal.
Unidentified Participant: Okay, (unintelligible). Did you say, Dave, that you're proposing that Mohammed be the chair of the working group?
Dave Kissoondoyal: No. I did mention that Mohammed proposed Fatimata as--
French Interpreter: The chair?
Dave Kissoondoyal: – of the working group. Yeah. So I'm going to second Mohammed's proposal to have Fatimata--
French Interpreter: Just a second. She's in agreement. Fatimata is in agreement. There was a bit of confusion. So she agrees to be the chair.
Dave Kissoondoyal: Okay.
French Interpreter: Okay. Fatimata is in agreement to be the chair of the working group. Okay, she agrees in advance.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: So, there is a point-- Can we go ahead with the agenda? Can we continue on now, since we resolved that? I understand that Dave seconded Mohammed's--
As far as the support and the contribution of ICANN, ICANN is going to support the regional as follows (ph) and participate in the Nairobi meeting. And we need to discuss this and the various regions. Usually, it's pretty evident, and it needs to be clear. And we want to know if it's supposed to be-- I'd like to pass the word-- I'd like to have some reaction from Cheryl so that she could give us her experience because we'd like to discuss this as members of AFRALO. So is it supposed to be managed like this, or is there other criteria for selection?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: The Nairobi meeting and the current ICANN/ALAC travel budget is set. And do remember we are going to try and do better for your regional showcase and the other activities. But let's leave that to one side for now. We have funding available for two officers of each region to travel to any face-to-face meeting held in this financial year. So, for Nairobi, I'm needing from your region the names of two people. To date, you have sent your secretariat. And, to date, I do not believe the face-to-face work and the around-the-table input from your representative has been at as high a level as you deserve for the money that ALAC is spending.
To that end, with your new structure of chair and vice-chair, I would strongly encourage your region for the Nairobi meeting to send your chair and vice-chair as the ALAC-sponsored travel. That is my personal opinion, and it is based on return on investment criteria that the ALAC will be making available, is publicly available, and we will be using in the future as a measure for all sponsored travelers, whether they be regional leaders or ALAC members. Thank you.
French Interpreter: Thank you, Cheryl. I will ask their response.
Mohammed El Bashir: Just before I comment, I want to make sure my understanding is correct. ICANN funds ALAC members representing the region plus RALO officers; as we can say, two RALO officers.
French Interpreter: I'm sorry. Two what kind of officers?
Mohammed El Bashir: AFRALO officers.
French Interpreter: Okay. Thank you.
Mohammed El Bashir: And there has been some work in AFRALO in producing, and I've been doing this work and producing, a minimum participation criteria because I think, personally, that in order to have active members, we need to set the criteria for a required level of participation and activity that could justify support from ICANN and that also could make us look at an active community organization within At-Large. We already produced that document stating general minimum participation criteria. After that we're supposed to have a mechanism to measure that-- to measure the effectiveness of participation - who's participating, and who's not. And, based on that, we can decide internally on the travel support. Personally, I think we need to have the chair and the vice-chair representing AFRALO funded by ALAC at Nairobi meeting.
Dave Kissoondoyal: Basically, I have a different view. Instead of restricting once for all (ph) pertaining it black on white paper-- that the chair and the vice-chair has to represent AFRALO. I think we have to leave it open to one seat decided by the AFRALO members and is also based on the criteria for participation. It is not necessarily the chair or the vice-chair; it's the criteria that decides whoever gets the funding. This is for the first seat.
And the second seat, it's always that, okay, the ALAC executive committee decides because, when people are participating, the ALAC executive committee is aware who are the persons from the regional At-Large participating. So I propose that, okay, that second seat be decided by the ALAC executive committee.
So, I summarize. One seat by the AFRALO, and one seat by the ALAC executive committee. This is a proposal from my side. It's not necessary that, okay, if I do agree. I'm just putting it on the table for discussion.
Mohammed El Bashir: I think we need to make it regional. Yes, ALAC executive committee is doing a good job and could assist, but we need AFRALO to take matters and so on. Currently, we don't have a criteria to decide, first, who's active and who's not. We have general-- We have a document setting the benchmark, if I can say. The next step was for myself and the staff or someone else from AFRALO to work with the staff and trying to have a mechanism to measure that; let's say, counting AFRALO calls attendance, participation on the mailing list-- different tools that could be used to measure that. We don't have that formally approved within AFRALO. So I can't say that currently we have a mechanism of selecting candidates for travel based on such criteria. I can see it as currently the funding is for AFRALO leaders to represent AFRALO in ICANN meetings, and I think we need to keep it at that at this level.
ALAC on the future could consider support to the regional organization for funding of travel of regional organization members - AFRALO members if that meeting is happening in Africa, for example. And that could be considered (unintelligible) at the level-- ALAC level and could be communicated back to ICANN to check the feasibility of such a proposal. I think currently we need to-- we need to keep it at AFRALO leaders level, and then we need to think later on on how we can utilize that for the members. But I think, currently, those two funding representatives (ph)-- there's no room to divide it like that currently.
French Interpreter: I'm asking the French for their reaction.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: I'm not sure I understood Mohammed's proposal. Very briefly, what is Mohammed suggesting, asks Tijani. Tijani's asking: What is Mohammed's proposal? I'm not sure I've understood it. Can you tell it very simply and clearly?
Mohammed El Bashir: Basically, Tijani, I'm saying that, at this time, we need to limit the funding chances or opportunities to AFRALO leaders-- leader positions, which is the chair, the vice-chair, and the secretariat - at this level. Later on we can revisit that. But I think now we need (inaudible).
French Interpreter: I'm sorry. What was spent last thing you said, Mohammed? You want to limit it to the chair, vice-chair, and secretary?
Mohammed El Bashir: Yeah, the leaders positioned currently, as funding is to represent AFRALO and ALAC at ICANN meetings.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: Mohammed, you must know, says Tijani, that the travel funding which Cheryl is speaking about is only speaking of two people - responsible people from AFRALO. And Cheryl is now suggesting or proposing or discussing who will be the two responsible people. Will it be the chair and the vice-chair, or will it be the chair and the secretary? That's basically the choice. And Cheryl has her point of view. And she has written on the Skype. She's written about that on the Skype.
Heidi Ullrich: I wanted to stress that, again, as all RALOs only receive, currently, two places for their regional officers, we are asking that AFRALO decide today which two of their regional officers-- again, that would be the chairperson, Fatimata; the vice-chair, Tijani; and the secretary, Didier (ph). Which two of those will get travel funding for the Nairobi meeting? Again, if we could have that today-- It is urgent because the constituency travel team is working or needs to have this information in order to start the process.
So I'm hearing that Cheryl encourages you to support the chair and the vice-chair. I'm seeing that Mohammed is also now agreeing to that. So, if we could get consensus agreement on that today, that would be most useful. Thank you.
French Interpreter: Thank you. I'll ask them to answer.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: I think maybe-- I'm reading what's happening on the Skype. Michel, are you there?
Tijani Ben Jemaa: No. She's not there, evidently, says Tijani.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Who's on the French side now? Tijani? Arnold? I'm not sure he's there. So, Michel is on Skype, so that's good, says Fatimata. So we're going to ask her opinion regarding this, says Fatimata.
French Interpreter: And Tijani is asking if Michel can give her opinion. And I'm sending her a question in French.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: It would be better, says Tijani.
French Interpreter: So, basically, they're asking Michel's reaction of so that they can come to a decision at this point.
Unidentified Participant: We understand for ALAC the chair and vice-chair. We're waiting for Michel's reaction. So, Cheryl, I understand you need to have the names. We just sent her a French message asking for her reaction as far as--
Tijani Ben Jemaa: – because it's also a question of participation, above all, says Tijani, also-- and reiterates Fatimata.
French Interpreter: So, they're basically just waiting for-- Michel has written-- has responded, and she's saying-- They're basically-- Both Tijani and Fatimata are just waiting for her reaction.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: If there's no participation in the meeting-- What I'm suggesting, says Fatimata-- We just need to have Michel's reaction so that we have her feedback. I think they've sent her an e-mail.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: The agenda-- It was mentioned-- There was an item on travel support. So everything that has to do-- whoever wants to give their reaction can participate. So what I'm asking, says Tijani-- Is there enough time? I mean, you know, you can send an e-mail, and then they can answer you a week later.
Unidentified Participant: We're just trying to get an answer from Michel regarding-- to make sure she has her participation so that we could, at least, by tomorrow give you an answer. I think that ALAC's feedback is important regarding the regional participation. And so, then, tomorrow, perhaps we could have the secretary and the reactions.
Mohammed El Bashir: I think we have a proposal in front of us. We have a second on that proposal in front of us. I think for the meeting procedures, and we are current (ph), I guess. Unless someone objects, I think we need to make a decision in this conference call. Any objection could be sent or could be noted, but I don't think we need to delay that.
French Interpreter: Thank you, Mohammed. I'll ask their reaction.
Dave Kissoondoyal: Dave here. Can I just intervene? Basically, what I'm proposing is that, okay, we do not make it a general rule that every time it has to be the chair and the vice-chair that has to be the persons getting the travel support. This time, okay, we can say that there is consensus. We have the chair and the vice-chair. But tomorrow, we can get the chair and the secretary based on the latter's participation. So that's why I do not make-- I do not want that, okay, we take it straight-- it's a stringent rule that it has always to be the chair and the vice-chair. Tomorrow we can get the chair and the secretary as well. But I agree that, for this time, the chair and the vice-chair is the right choice.
French Interpreter: Thank you. I will get their reaction.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Yes. I agree with Dave. I believe we don't want to have it set in stone and that it's got to always be such and such a position-- so that there is a choice in the future. So I think, generally speaking (ph), the members of AFRALO should decide who should leave and who should not leave. So it could be the chair and vice-chair, or, the next time, it could be the chair and secretary or the vice-chair and secretary. In other words, it's what they decide as far as the participation of these people.
French Interpreter: So she is in agreement.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: I agree, that this time, it should be the chair and the vice-chair because we need to be involved in the work groups and also because we need to have enough-- the information to be able to participate and be prepared for the meeting in Nairobi.
French Interpreter: So Fatimata agrees that, this time, it should be the chair and vice-chair with, certainly, more choice allowed for the future.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: Is there any opposition to this? Is everybody in agreement with the chair and vice-chair for this time?
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Well, everybody has written on the chat in Skype, so there's no opposition to this. So then we can go to the next point. So we're in agreement, says Fatimata. I think that we should go on with the other points now, since we're in agreement. Or perhaps we could bring up the next points in the next meeting or teleconference, says Fatimata. Heidi perhaps could assist us in our work.
Heidi Ullrich: This is Heidi. Yes, Fatimata, I think that's a very good idea, given the time of this call. We could discuss the AFRALO brochure in the next meeting, as well as highlight the progress that has been made with the working group for Nairobi. So those are two key issues for the next AFRALO meeting.
I just also wanted to note on today's agenda that the At-Large community call for the selection of the At-Large director will be taking place on the 7th of December at 0800 UTC and that we do request-- The chair of ALAC requests that regional representation is at that meeting who are able to contribute their regional advice from each of the regions.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Yes. I'm just giving my agreement. Yes. I am in agreement. I think I've put it-- and I think Tijani is also an agreement as far as this proposal is concerned-- that we are committed to be involved so that we represent AFRALO with dignity.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: Fatimata, Heidi's question regarded-- her point regarded-- Oh, I just forgot; I think that's age. No. She was discussing something else, I believe. Heidi, can you just repeat that and summarize what you just said would, just very briefly.
Heidi Ullrich: Tijani, I don't think it was your age. I think it was me being not as clear as I could be. So let me try again. Let me try again.
I just wanted to announce that the next community call for the AFRALO selection of a director will take place on the 7th of December at 0800 UTC and that it is encouraged or requested that the representatives from AFRALO be on that call who are able to give the AFRALO consensus on the issue.
Unidentified Participant: No. It's very clear. It just slipped my mind. But what I wanted to say, Fatimata, is the question is the participation in this conference of the set (ph), and we need to participate as we are officials of AFRALO. And I will certainly be there, and I hope you will be also there, Fatimata.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Okay. I will be there, she said, at 0800.
French Interpreter: So that's a.m. Fatimata was just asking. But I'm sure you can also send her the information so that she knows. It was the 7th of December. Is that correct?
Heidi Ullrich: Yes.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: I just said that it was regarding the selection of the voting directors on the board representing ALAC. The process for selecting-- We spoke about this, and I believe you've already represented AFRALO. And so we need to continue with that because there will be a discussion on the 7th at 0800. And I believe that we should both be there.
French Interpreter: And she's talking about discussing it beforehand with him as members of AFRALO. So they'll probably discuss it between the two. And they're agreeing on that. Okay.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: I think, she's saying, we're in agreement on that. We thank Cheryl for her participation and assistance. We appreciate that. And thank everybody, also, on our behalf, says Fatimata.
The next meeting-- I think it's the first Wednesday. And, in waiting, we'll see what happens, and we'll go over it.
French Interpreter: Anything from the English side? Well, no, I think they were thinking, and they may have been signing off because there's some kind of music-- muzak playing. So I think that perhaps the French have signed off. I'll double check.
Heidi Ullrich: Thank you, Tricia.
French Interpreter: Thank you. Is this Heidi? Yes. Can I safely say the call is ending?
Heidi Ullrich: It looks like it.
French Interpreter: Yes.
Heidi Ullrich: All the thank yous that are coming through--
French Interpreter: Okay. So, great. We'll sign off now then.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thanks, Tricia.
French Interpreter: Oh, thank you, Cheryl.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (Inaudible). I gather that this is not the norm in AFRALO meetings, Heidi has assured me when I was panicking earlier.
French Interpreter: There was a little bit of-- sometimes a problem hearing, or they would sometimes go off and on. But I think we got to the main point. Oh, wait a moment. I think everybody-- They're both greeting-- They're thanking you all. Merci.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Merci.
French Interpreter: So she's saying-- I'm sure you heard. So I think they're signing off. Thank you very much. Take care, Cheryl.