28 May 2010

28 May 2010


Date: 28 May 2010

Time: 16:00 - 17:00 UTC (For the time in various timezones click here)

Meeting Number: AAE/0510/3

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Summary Minutes: English

Action Items: English

Recording: English


Apologies: Fatimata Seye Sylla

Staff: H. Ullrich; G. Gruber-White

Drafting Team Members:

Ben Akoh (AfrICANN)
Tijani Ben Jemaa (AFRALO)
Sophia Bekele (AfrICANN)
Rafik Dammak (AfrICANN)
Pierre Dandjenou (AfrICANN)
Didier Kasole (AFRALO)
Dave Kissoondoyal (AFRALO)
Fatimata Seye Sylla (AFRALO)
Michel Tchonang (AfrICANN)


1. Adoption of Agenda

2. Selection of Drafting Committee Chair

3. Purpose and Objectives of Meeting

a. Review of Mission of Drafting Team

  1. to identify the expectations of the new gTLDs African applicants as per the Board resolution regarding the support to facilitate application for and operation of the new gTLDs
  2. to prepare the outcome statement to be sent to the ICANN Board and the joint SO/AC working group

4. Brief Review of Key Documents - 5 mins (Tijani)

a. Resolution 20

b. Joint SO/AC Working Group on New gTLD Applicant Support (JAS) Working Group Charter

5. Identification of Potential African New gTLD Applicants

6. Way Forward and Next Steps

a. Milestones of JAS WG



29 April

First conference call. Preparations for chair election and charter. Work planning

10 May

Adoption of charter by participating SOs and ACs

5 May - 9 June

Weekly conference calls. Drafting of recommendation.

15 June

Posting of "snapshot" on WG's plans and progress for public comment

21-25 June

Community discussions during ICANN Brussels Meeting

10 July - 10 August

Weekly conference calls resumed, development of final recommendation based on public comments received.

13 August

Final recommendation posted.

b. Next Steps