Action Items 06 May 2009

Action Items 06 May 2009

1/ Follow up of self-evaluation by ALSes

Mohamed will send a set of participation criteria to the AFRALO list

2/ Follow up of draft AFRALO By-Laws

Khaled will write the revised by-laws draft and will incorporate the comments of all the members to it
H Ullrich will today or tomorrow post the publication of who represent AFRALO in ALAC

3/ Capacity Building

F Seye Sylla proposed to identify online the subjects for briefings as part of the reinforcement capacities
AFRALO will have the subjects defined for 21 May and will send the list of them to staff

4/ Open Public Comment Periods

4/1 FY10 Budget plan

Proposed Framework for ICANN's FY10 Operating Plan and Budget (ends 30 Apr 09)
The Public Comment period ends 30 April but Kevin Wilson will also consider community input received after the deadline.
AFRALO members must look at the PowerPoint presentation that Kevin Wilson gave on 30 April and ask him directly any questions they have on FY10 budget and plan. https://st.icann.org/alac/index.cgi/index.cgi?budget_ops_meeting_30_april_2009
H Ullrich will send on the AFRALO list a one page document in French and English to clarify the relationship between ICANN strategies for 2009-2012 and the Operating budget.

4/2 Other currently open public comment periods:

Report on Improving Institutional Confidence Plan (ends 11 May 09)
New IDNgTLD Constituency Petition and Charter (ends 20 May 09)
Proposed Registrar Disqualification Procedure (ends 28 May 09)

5/ Update on Sydney

The ICANN meeting program is posted on the ICANN Web site. Members can look at it.
H Ullrich will see if the other RALOs are interested by the AFRALO proposal to give a presentation and share views with the other RALOs at the RALOs meeting in Sydney.

6/ Travel/Visas/Participants

Any questions for travel and visa contact will be attended in English or in French at: constituency-travel@icann.org
For BCD travel and tickets information: email to veronica.demartini@bcdtravel.com

7/ EURALO online tool for increasing engagement in policy making and outreach

H Ullrich will send the link of the EURALO online policy-making and engagement tool. AFRALO should look at it and decide whether staff should implement something similar for AFRALO.

8/ AFRALO teleconferences

Members are urged to attend on time.