Action Items 01 April 2009
Self-evaluation by ALSes (leader: Hawa)
AFRALO ALSes have until 10 April to send their self-evaluations to H Diakite.
Draft AFRALO By-LawsEN_FR(leader: Khaled)_
draft afralo bylaws for comments
AFRALO members must add their own comments on the draft AFRALO by-laws in English or in French by clicking on the ‘comment’ box at the bottom of the respective Wiki page (see links above). Deadline is 10 April.
H Ullrich will send the AFRALO draft bylaws both in English and in French through the AFRALO discussion list and highlight as well the relevant provisions with regard to financing*
Capacity Building (leader: Michel)
Michel and his WG have one week to come up with a list of issues interesting AFRALO to suggest as themes for the future ten-minute briefing sessions if not, Gabriel will take the lead of the capacity building WG.
AFRALO members must make their suggestions for subjects of briefings through AFRALO discussion list
New gTLDs
H Ullrich will add Yaovi Atohun and Didier Kasole on the WG3 discussion list.
AFRALO members are welcome to comment on theNew gTLD Draft Applicant Guidebook, Version 2 sur l’espace de consultation publique de l’ICANN avant le 13 avril.