10 December 2008
AFRALO Monthly Teleconference
Date: 10 December 2008
Time: 14:30 - 15:30 UTC (For the time in various timezones click here)
Meeting Number: AL.AF/CC.1208/1
How can I participate in this meeting?
Comment est-ce qu'on peut participer à la téléconférence?
Who is on the dial-out list for this call?
Summary Minutes: Meeting Summary 10 December 2008
Action Items: Action Items 10 December 2008
Interpretation: French and English
Recording: English Français
Apologies: M El Bashir
Please note that the Agenda is subject to changes
- Select a Chair for the meeting ( 5-10mins).
- Adoption of Meeting Summary 19 November 2008 ( Chair )
- Review of the Action Items 19 November 2008 ( Chair )
- Update on current issues ( Staff + African ALAC members )
Including :
1.Improving Institutional Confidence process (governance and
accountability of ICANN after the end of the Joint Partnership Agreement with the US Government)
2.External Review of the ALAC (consultation now running)
3. New Generic Top Level Domains (consultation now underway, AFRALO participant needed to
help with an At-Large response)
4.Role of Internet Users in the GNSO (consultation underway, ended 28 November)
5.Draft Implementation Plan for IDN ccTLDs - consultation ends 8 December)
- The summit : what AfRALO want ( Mohamed ) .
- Updates from ALS + Regional Activities (Present ALSes)
- Any other Business
I have asked staff to table a letter of invitation for Fatimata to join the ALAC ExCom to represent AFRegion... Hopefully they will email to Didier in advance of the meeting... I do trust you will be able to deal with this matter in your meeting today... Please accept my apologies for this late addition, but my laptop died during the IGF meeting and that means files lost (though I will get them recovered =>I think) and email contacts lost... kindest regards... CLO
contributed by cheryl@hovtek.com.au on 2008-12-10 01:06:02 GMT