07 October 2009 Transcript EN

07 October 2009 Transcript EN

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) So, we're starting now. So, we've made the call.

The second point of the action points, the action items. And the staff has sent the information that they were supposed to. And then – so we have the group for the operating principles and also the various operations. So, we obviously will follow through on that afterwards.

The third point in the action items, actually the fourth point, the staff has prepared a teleconference for the nominees. And the last point, Didier was there for the presentation of the various candidates. So, we have the call, the action items, public comment and then the public presentation of this. And there's the development schedule and then there's the proposed bylaw changes to accountability. And the deadline for the last one, until November.

French Channel: (Speaking French.)

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) And that's a November, 2009 deadline. Would somebody like to comment on that point? I know that Hawa had asked that we--.

French Channel: (Speaking French.)

Tijani Ben Jemaa: I know that Hawa had asked that we put some time aside for those two points.

French Channel: Could somebody on the English Channel please mute, because I'm having a lot of static. It's hard to interpret. It's star-six for mute. Oh, that's much better. Thank you.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) Okay. So, if anybody has any comment or reaction to this, which is what Hawa just asked – or Tijani, rather – if there are any remarks or comments and you would like to respond, please do. And to unmute, remember, it's star-seven.

Is there anybody from the English Channel who has something to respond?

Mohamed El Bashir: It's Mohamed here.

French Channel: (Interpreted.) Mohamed. Okay, great. Go ahead, Mohamed.

Mohamed El Bashir: I didn't have a chance to go in more detail of the proposed bylaw changes and accountability framework, but we can see that the deadline is extended out to the 27th of November. So, maybe by that time we can try to draft something, or at least have a statement from AFRALO.

French Channel: I'm sorry. Could you repeat that? There was somebody who was not on mute and there was a lot of static.

Mohamed El Bashir: Yeah. I was saying that I didn't have the chance to read extensively the proposed bylaw--.

French Channel: Pardon me, Mohamed. You're gonna have to stop a moment because somebody on the French side has not silenced – put theirs on mute. I think maybe they have now. Let's hope. Okay. Go ahead again.

Mohamed El Bashir: Okay. I'm saying that I didn't have a chance to read extensively about the proposed changes and improve the accountability framework, so--. But we have good news that it has been – the deadline for comment has been extended to 27th November. So, we have a chance to comment if AFRALO feels that we need to send something or to provide our comment on that.

French Channel: Thank you.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) If there are no more commentaries, I'm going to continue with the other points.

French Channel: Hawa has a commentary. (Speaking French.)

Hawa Diakite: (Interpreted.) With respect to taking more – having more accountability, we really need somebody who is going to take responsibility for this area and who can help us. Maybe we need a briefing on this subject so that we can have a contribution from all parties. And I would like to do that even today.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) I don't believe everybody has had a chance to read it, so I'm not sure we can do it today. We definitely need to have a briefing.

Hawa Diakite: (Interpreted.) Maybe you could do it right now on the phone.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) What I suggest is that the next teleconference we are going to dedicate a certain amount of time to cover this subject of accountability. And that way we could have comments in the meantime and remarks online, which would help people to be up to speed and to have more knowledge. Remember that the next meeting is at Seoul – on Seoul. That's not the next teleconference. We're talking – the next teleconference is before Seoul.

Heidi Ullrich: This is Heidi.

French Channel: Oh, Heidi. Okay, Heidi, speak up. Let me interrupt them a moment. (Speaking French) Go ahead, Heidi.

Heidi Ullrich: Yes. Just a note that the next AFRALO meeting will be the Seoul meeting, but the issue of accountability could be discussed in Seoul. Thank you.

Mohamed El Bashir: Mohamed here. That's very good news and timing. So, I think that the AFRALO members who will be attending the Seoul meeting could have a good chance to review and involved in those discussions.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) That's absolutely true. But what I'm saying is that the briefing should take place in the next teleconference because not everybody is able to go to Seoul; not everybody--. So at the next teleconference in November, it would be very good for everybody to have – be brought up to speed.

Hawa Diakite: (Interpreted.) The next meeting at Seoul, not everybody will be there. So we really need, it's true, to have more information.

Heidi Ullrich: This is Heidi.

Hawa Diakite: (Interpreted.) So if we could put it on the agenda--.

French Channel: --Okay, Heidi. Go ahead, Heidi. Hold on. (Speaking French.)

Heidi Ullrich: I wanted to inform everyone that the Seoul meeting will have a dial-in capability. So, those of you who are not going to be in Seoul will be able to dial in. And there will also be translations. So, it will be just like a regular teleconference except that several of you will be in Seoul.

Hawa Diakite: (Interpreted.) But the next time when we speak here--.

French Channel: Okay. So he's asking that – I interrupted him before but--. (Speaking French.) They're saying could you just wait, Heidi, if you have something to say because I interrupted them while they were speaking, to have your response. And I said it's very difficult when three people are speaking at once. There's no way the interpreter can do that. However – so, what you could do, if you could just say "question" and then wait a second and I'll come back to you.

Heidi Ullrich: Okay. Thanks.

French Channel: Okay. Sure.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) Okay. So now we're talking about the agenda for the next reunion, if we could put that on the agenda. At the reunion at Seoul, we'll deal with this question of accountability and changing of bylaws regarding this, alright? So, let's go – if there are no other commentary, let's go to other points. Are there no other commentary? If we don't hear from you, then we'll just go on. No? Okay, good.

Mohamed El Bashir: I'd like to--.

French Channel: Oh, wait a moment. (Speaking French.) Go ahead.

Mohamed El Bashir: Just reviewing the--.

French Channel: --Who is this speaking, please? Who is speaking?

Mohamed El Bashir: It's Mohamed.

French Channel: Hello?

Mohamed El Bashir: Hello? It's Mohamed speaking.

French Channel: Okay. Thank you.

Mohamed El Bashir: Yeah. Just reviewing the last meeting action items, I'm happy to see that we have achieved most of – almost 90 percent of the action items. And I think that's a good sign of progress. Just – that's my comment.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) Thank you. Now the next point, we want to welcome the new ALS AFRALO.

French Channel: (Speaking French.)

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) Ofok Al-Tanmia. I'm sure he will put it online which – who – and she's from Egypt.

French Channel: So he's saying welcome to this new member and the name will be posted hopefully online. Thank you, Heidi.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) So, we want to welcome her. (And he welcomed her in Arabic.) And if somebody would like to comment or talk, please feel free to now.

Mohamed El Bashir: It's Mohamed. I welcome Ofok and I'm looking forward, and I'm sure the rest of AFRALO, to work closely with them.

Moataz Shaarawy: Shaarawy is talking for Ofok. Thanks, Mohamed; thanks to all. We are glad to be a part of this and we hope to do something good. Thanks.

French Channel: Thank you.

Moataz Shaarawy: You're welcome.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) The second point, the most important perhaps, the functioning principles of AFRALO. I'd like to speak – address this because I'm one of the people who has prepared these operating principles. And we have with – among those three or four people we did a first draft and then we reviewed it. As a result, we revised it twice and presented it to everybody who is a member of AFRALO. And we had some remarks, commentaries, which were included. And then the last draft was done and I asked Heidi to put it on the second – I think page two of this meeting.

So, we had the maximum of the commentaries because we couldn't include every single one, but we tried to make it as cohesive as possible. And so, I hope that everybody has read the last draft of it. And if there's anything that needs to be modified, I need to hear about it now so that we can add these or change anything so that we come to a final draft of this. That's it. I've read – I've basically stated – said what I have to say. Any reactions?

Hawa Diakite: (Interpreted.) Thank you, Tijani. I think we need to review this with the new participant. And yes, and with Mr. Moataz, so that they understand what this is about, to give them the time to read it and to have them a chance – to give them a chance to go over it and so that they have a chance to give their reaction at Seoul. So our newcomers, our new friends – so that Moataz and that, the new member, that they should be really up to date and they must take the time to read this.

French Channel: Okay. Fatimata just joined. And so, they're kind of greeting each other and explaining – he's explaining who's online. Mohamed and Moataz Abd ElBaky and Motaz Elewa. And also – and another member on the French side. (Speaking French.) And so, on the French side we now have Arnold Mulenda Yamukandu, Fatimata, Hawa and Tijani. And Tijani's explaining that we're already at the second point of the AFRALO Guiding Principles and that that's what they're dealing with, and asking any new members or more newer members to please take the time to read it before Seoul so that they're up to date. Tijani is continuing.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) I have stated what we have done, more or less, up to this point and the various drafts and how we posted it. And we'd also included the majority of the commentaries and remarks.

Hawa Diakite: (Interpreted.) And since we have a new member, we need to make sure that this new member has the time to read it and to understand its composition, and that the adoption of these guiding principles must take place in Seoul.

French Channel: So basically, he explained to Fatimata exactly what we've been doing and that we also have a – he's asking Fatimata if we – he wants her to do the briefing.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) No, no, Tijani, go ahead. You're the one who did a lot of this. Has everybody read it, that's the question? (Speaking French.) Has everybody of the English side read the Guiding Principles? Have they had a chance to yet? Any reaction from the English side?

Unidentified Participant: Actually, we take a look on the Guiding Principles and I think that we need more time maybe to get familiar to them.

French Channel: You're saying you need more time to read it.

Unidentified Participant: (Inaudible.)

French Channel: Do you agree – wait a moment. Sorry, wait a moment. I'm interpreting Tijani.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) You agree with the fact that, if you review it now, then we can definitely deal with it Seoul?

Unidentified Participant: Yeah. Sure.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) Okay. And so everybody is in agreement then that we need that time to look it over. But as this Arnold Mulenda Yamukandu – it seems that Arnold Mulenda is no longer with us. He was online but he's no longer online, evidently.

Okay. So now this question, we've resolved that. Now we're going to number three. We're talking about the director appointment process now. And I think it's very important for me so that we can really review this. We're talking about the RALO, of course, had already done a teleconference on this matter and they've already stopped the – they're proposing a procedure with voting and so on. It was very instructive and I think it's very important for everybody else to read the RALO teleconference. There are also people who have reacted from Europe, the European side, and you can read that on the wiki page. And that would be very valuable also for everything because it gives their point of view and their remarks.

I believe that we really need to reflect on this. We need to think about this. This is not a simple question and it's not something we can neglect, either. We will have a director who has the voting rights on the board. And if we don't choose the right person then we have no control. Once he's elected, they can do exactly as they want. So, it needs to be – the procedure for choosing and the criteria for choosing this new director, even the duration of this mandate, these are very important things. And that needs to be discussed. And I don't know if anybody has a remark or a comment, but I'm willing to hear. But I wanted to put that on the floor.

French Channel: Now, I believe--. (Speaking French). Okay. Fatimata is speaking.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) I would just like to add the problem of participation exists as far as the base membership is concerned. For example, have we taken into consideration the objectives of the general membership? What about the 15 members of--.

French Channel: (Speaking French.)

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) So, the 15 members of ALAC, we need to know as AFRALO members are we going to opt to have one voice? When it's a question of voting, do we want one voice who will have one role and understand the various points of view, and will that voice really represent the five representatives of Africa? So, there are various procedures that need to be discussed among the group and we need to think about this and ponder this. How are we going to do that? And as far as – Tijani said, as far as the duration, is it going to be for one year or two year? All of these things we need to be – we need to go over these procedures.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) All of the directors of the board, it's for a year. But as far as we're concerned--. So it's a question of having the right person. If it's not the right person, then it's a problem.

French Channel: They were having some problems hearing each other.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) What I was saying, not just the laws by all of the board directors are named for three years and it's not a – I'm not sure we have the choice. And since it's the first time and since we have no control over that person--.

French Channel: They're worried about whether that person would not have any – they would have any control over that person. And to choose them for three years if they're not sure about them is really a problem for them. They want to make sure it's somebody that they can trust and that will respect the various points of view.

Mohamed El Bashir: Mohamed here.

French Channel: Who's speaking?

They're saying it's a very delicate situation. They're worried about the fact that this person would have three years in office and if they're not too aware of the background or if they don't know them very well. And that's Fatimata and Tijani who were discussing this.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) And so, we need to really find a way of resolving this. And I think that we have to do this in a way that is helpful to every member of AFRALO. All of the organizations who have representatives or directors on the board, they give them – I believe there's a choice as to what their regulations are.

French Channel: So, he's mentioning something about two board directors.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) We only have one. So the thing is with the other groups, they always have two members who represent them. So if one of them doesn't work out, at least you've got another one who can work out. And this is what really bothers us, that we only have one representative from Africa. And this is something that really needs to be taken into consideration that we think is not – you know, may not protect us properly, give us the right kind of voice to be heard.

Mohamed El Bashir: Mohamed. I would like to comment on--.

French Channel: Okay. Yes. Hold on, Mohamed. Mohamed, please go ahead.

Mohamed El Bashir: Yeah. I would like just to stress that we don't need to mix between the issue of having a diversified board and that of select regions and among the African, because I know that we have one board member from Africa. But I guess there could be more discussion related to that in other forums. For example, the ICANN regions discussion and (inaudible). And I think we need to focus more here about the mechanism to select ALAC board member, the time period for that person in the board and, thirdly, how we ensure that the elected person is accountable to At-Large. This is very important. We need that person to report back to At-Large, escalate or forward At-Large issue to the board. Those issues need to be in consideration. Personally, I don't think – or I'm not in favor of a – I mean a rotated--.

French Channel: I'm sorry, could you repeat that? I'm not in favor of what?

Mohamed El Bashir: Having a rotation, geographical rotation for that board membership. Like this year somebody from Africa or that year somebody from Asia. No, we don't need that. We need a qualified person, persons nominated for that.

My concern is also regarding the election process because, currently, there are three options of election process. The first option is that ALAC selects the board representative. The second option is that RALOs elect the board representative. And if we go with the second option, that means we have five votes in total, each one for every region. Or the third option, which is a hybrid option, where we have ALAC representatives and RALO chairs elect board representatives. I think the third option is more logical and gives--.

French Channel: --Sorry. Which one are you saying is more logical?

Mohamed El Bashir: The third option, option three, which it gives more role to RALOs at the same time as ALAC members in election process. I guess our experience in drafting the operating document, operating objectives document for AFRALO, we can use it as well in trying to draft, let's say, our position. Less than one page position or brief statement from AFRALO regarding those issues; how we select the candidate, serving period for the – on the board; and the third is how we ensure that this candidate is accountable to the At-Large community.

French Channel: Thank you.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) I would like to answer myself. There's no way to – the person that we elect, there's no way, once he's elected, or she, whether – he can say whatever he wants. We have no right to ask him any accountability. So, all the philosophy is to choose the right person and who is close enough to ALAC, At-Large, and who can respond to the At-Large community. Don't ask him later to be accountable because they won't do it if they're not connected with the At-Large community.

French Channel: And now I think Fatimata is speaking. It's Fatimata. Go ahead – so Fatimata is speaking now.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) With regards what Mohamed is saying, there is a question that I'm asking the participants. Is – are the voting – or the members who are voting, are they outside of ALAC? That is, not on the committees?

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) Well, I can answer that.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Are we allowed to note the RALOs? That's the first worry. The second one is regarding Mohamed's proposal. Alright. We're not gonna do rotation, I understand. But then how – we have no way – what if the person goes to the board and does exactly the opposite of what we want him to do? What can we do? We don't have any recourse. How can we be protected so that we know that the person elected will respect our points of view?

French Channel: So now Tijani is going to respond.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) We have three months to choose. They have to be members either of ALAC--.

French Channel: She's saying she can't hear him.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) I repeat. Mohamed said – oh, Mohamed gave the three different choices – or the 15 member of ALAC elect the person, or the 5 RALOs, or there's a hybrid solution, the 15 ALAC members and the RALOs participate. That's the third variation. And the North Americans suggested these three possibilities.

But the only way to guarantee that the person can guarantee that the At-Large community is respected is to make sure we choose that person well because, afterwards, we have absolutely no protection if he doesn't follow what we wanted. So, we need to choose very carefully. Yes, we have to choose properly.

So, I really was thinking of this rotation question. I'm not sure we should be too severe about the rotation question, but we definitely want to make sure that the people chosen are from the At-Large community because you may have somebody who's better known but, if they're not from the At-Large community, they're not gonna respect our points of view. And secondly, the choice--. We must be very careful about regionalism.

French Channel: And Fatimata is agreeing.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) The choice must be really objective, not just focused on my favorite because he's from that region or whatever.

Mohamed El Bashir: Mohamed--.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: --It's definitely that it's somebody who defends all our interests.

French Channel: Oh, hold on, Mohamed. Speak, Mohamed.

Mohamed El Bashir: Yeah. I do agree with most of what has been said. I would like to just give my comment in the issue of accountability. Other ICANN constituencies, like the ccNSO, they have board representative on the ccNSO constituency sitting in the ICANN board.

French Channel: I'm sorry. You said – I missed something there. Who has representatives on the ICANN board?

Mohamed El Bashir: Other constituencies, like the ccNSO, for example. They have board representatives, two board representatives, I guess, sitting in the ICANN board. And there is – I have been involved in the ccNSO for a while. And usually, ccNSO representatives to the board come to the ccNSO meetings. They report on what's happening in the board, observe the meeting. So, the ccNSO--.

French Channel: I'm sorry, of the what? What meeting?

Mohamed El Bashir: Of the ccNSO.

French Channel: Oh, thank you.

Mohamed El Bashir: And reflect what's happening in the ccNSO to the board. So, there's some sort of a connection and accountability in place. We can't just leave it – that open. I'm not sure – that is not written bylaws or guidelines in the ccNSO (inaudible) the board's representative should do this and that. But this is a practice that is happening. I'm not sure how ALAC could handle this issue, but at least some sort of reporting back to the community, feeding back to – giving information back to the community on what's happening on a board level and reciting the issues is important. I'd also agree with the point raised earlier about be from the At-Large community.

French Channel: Fatimata, excuse me, is now speaking.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) So, how to choose. That's the question. There is another question that I'm trying to understand to go deeper into this subject. Do we – are we in touch – since we want somebody from the At-Large community, do we need to propose this to the At-Large community and should it be somebody from ALAC? Is that the question?

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) Yes. But Fatimata, you have to understand, however, the board had asked that we have a working group to choose the candidate. And the working group must be – we decide who is involved in that. But I personally think that each RALO should nominate two people, members of the – to be members of the working group, and the working group should solicit candidates. Because if they're not important or significant candidates, then we need to solicit candidates who have the right qualifications from the At-Large community, with the help of RALO.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Since we're AFRALO, we need also to make--.

French Channel: (Speaking French.)

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) What I'm saying is, as AFRALO, we need to be faithful to our vision as far as the process is concerned and the nomination of an At-Large director. And that's what we're actually discussing at this time, what we're trying to come to terms with. Now we agree that we want somebody who is an At-Large member, that the mandate – that we need to propose people. We don't think it's good to have rotation so we need to choose the person carefully. There needs to be absolute transparency as far as the activities of the board and the participation of this person is concerned.

So, let's say we have somebody who represents us very well for a year. What happens if let's say they do well for a year and then we realize it's not working. Is there anything – can we recall somebody? Once somebody's been designated, then they have the mandate and that's it. And there's no methodology or means to be able to control them. And we don't think that we can do because there's no – we're not sure how that would work with the board reunions. And all of the work with the board is done in various committees and commissions and those are even more closed. So there are very few ways of knowing if this person has really represented our community properly.

So, in order not to just jump off a precipice, we need to figure out how to do this and to have some kind of selective system or system of selection with criteria to choose that will give us a bit more of confidence and security in our choice.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) And I totally agree, because the working group obviously will have to deal with this. I think that we at least have some understanding of this point. We have to decide – are we voting then, are we going to accept the third option? Is that what's happening?

French Channel: Hawa now wants to speak. Hawa is now speaking.

Hawa Diakite: (Interpreted.) I would like to add--.

French Channel: (Speaking French.) Okay.

Hawa Diakite: (Interpreted.) Now, I'm proposing that this person, at the time of the At-Large meetings, should be present at our board meetings. Because sometimes at the meetings the liaison was not always there when we had meetings. And so, we could put in the criteria that – have a little bit more control that we make sure that this person comes to the various meetings.

French Channel: I'm not sure if Fatimata's saying --.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) I haven't understood what you're saying, Hawa, but--.

French Channel: She's getting to some point.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) When they have the ICANN board meetings, when the various members come, go to those meetings, or they have – I'm not sure how that works.

French Channel: Oh. So in other words, she's saying that the person we choose should have to come to the At-Large meetings with the other constituencies or participants.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) So that means they would have to be able to participate with some of our meetings to make sure. Once the person is named, however, it's going to be very difficult to try to control them, but we could put some criteria in beforehand that he is – so that he's more in tune with the At-Large community.

French Channel: (Speaking French.)

Fatimata Seye Sylla: Because for instance, he could – the person elected could refuse to come to the various meetings with the various constituents. I guess he would have that right. But we would like to know that that person would listen to us. So, it's important. The question is defined, the person who would meet with us and who would listen to our ideas so that he could reflect some of our ideas at the board meetings. That would be very important to us. And the person must be involved and understand the ICANN activities and be able to contribute. And also to take positions that are in our favor, that would protect – you know, in other words really represent us.

French Channel: This is extremely important they all feel.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) If I could propose something. If we could ask for a teleconference dedicated to this particular question. And I would suggest that somebody else would be willing to make any kind of proposal on this matter so that we could deal with it at a particular teleconference. Is Heidi there that she could--? I think Heidi's there, but what does Heidi think about this, that we could have a particular conference?

Heidi Ullrich: Yes. Actually--.

French Channel: (Speaking French.) Go ahead, Heidi.

Heidi Ullrich: Yes. This has been a very interesting discussion. And I've noted that the key issues that you're concerned about are issues of accountability, of recall and of establishing certain criteria for this board director. And I think that one of the leaders should be nominated today to bring these concerns to the community call scheduled for tomorrow. So, that would be either Mohamed or Hawa or perhaps Fatimata. So, if you could maybe nominate one of yourselves to bring these issues to the call tomorrow. Thank you.

Mohamed El Bashir: Heidi, what time is the call tomorrow, please?

Heidi Ullrich: I believe it is 20 UTC. Let me check on that. It is actually 1900 UTC, which is 2200 in Nairobi.

French Channel: Thank you, Heidi. I'm waiting for the response.

Heidi Ullrich: Thank you.

Unidentified Participant: (Interpreted.) I believe that the president would be the right person to represent us, so Fatimata.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) No problem.

French Channel: So, they seem to be in agreement--. (Speaking French.) So, they are in agreement on Fatimata.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Yes. I participated in the meeting and so I'm – I know that – I believe Heidi also took notes, so I could certainly present these. And we have gone over this. And now, Tijani, we can have a more random discussion.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) But if we need to present – if AFRALO needs to present a project and procedures for choosing this person, well, I would propose that we have a specific teleconference for that so that finally we can present a proceeding, that the procedure for selecting the person, with all of the various parameters and possibilities, in a way that--.

French Channel: (Speaking French.) Oh, Fatimata's now speaking.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) So that it's done in a correct way.

French Channel: Fatimata is now taking the floor.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Tijani is proposing a conference call for AFRALO, but there's already a call tomorrow with ALAC and each RALO is supposed to come with their own proposals tomorrow.

Unidentified Participant: (Interpreted.) So, what's that about? I'm not sure everybody is up to speed about what we're doing, we've been able to do today. So, if Fatimata can assist on this particular--.

Mohamed El Bashir: Mohamed. I would like to comment.

French Channel: Okay. Mohamed. Hold on, Mohamed. Okay. Mohamed, go ahead.

Mohamed El Bashir: Yeah. I think we've had a very good brainstorming talk about the options and the issues related to the election. If Fatimata could bring and reflect our views. For example, we have an agreement that we are not that concerned about – and we're not interested in the rotation for that seat. For example, we have concerns about accountability. So, those issues could be reflected back to the conference call. I'm not sure if tomorrow we're supposed to provide a formal response or at least proposals.

This is – the whole process is currently in a discussion phase and ideas and brainstorming. Because even if you look to the options, these are options from AFRALO – sorry, from North America RALO. They are not final agreed proposals. So, a lot of discussions will be in tomorrow's teleconference. And I guess – I'm sure Fatimata could reflect the issues that we're already currently in agreement and the issues that concern us to that call.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) I agree with that. I would like, perhaps, just before going on to another point, that Heidi – if Heidi, you could just summarize the points about this so that we're sort of clear about what we're going to do.

French Channel: And Tijani is asking Heidi if she would step in for just a moment regarding this.

Heidi Ullrich: Yes.

French Channel: Thank you.

Heidi Ullrich: What I have in my notes are that AFRALO is concerned with the issue of accountability, the issue of recall, and also the second specific criteria for the board director, for this new director from the At-Large community; whether, for example, they should attend meetings and how many, etc. The issue of rotation was also of importance, with AFRALO intended this not to be a very big issue to them. And also that the idea that a person should be coming from the At-Large community was also very important to AFRALO. And that the choice must be an objective choice, rather than based on the person being well known within the community. It must be the best person for this position. And finally, that the third option seems to be the favored option for AFRALO. So, is that correct? Is that how you understood that? Thank you.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) There is one point regarding the duration of the mandate. That was the only other.

Heidi Ullrich: Oh, okay. Thank you.

Unidentified Participant: (Interpreted.) Oh, yes. Thank you, Heidi.

Heidi Ullrich: I will put that into my notes and append it to the list.

French Channel: Wait a moment, Heidi. Just a second, Heidi.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) The first point was the duration of the mandate, which we had spoken of two years maximum. And also, I said with respect to the choice, that they have to be objective. And I would certainly – could go into that because we explained that we would like that the person not only be from the At-Large community, but also that they – that it be a person who understands the ICANN community well, too, as well. And also knows what needs to be dealt with and discussed so that he can represent our points of view properly and take positions that will represent the At-Large community. So basically, that's it.

And everybody happy now? I believe we – is that alright with everybody? Any remarks regarding this point here?

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Oh, there's another point. (This may be Fatimata.) The point that Mohamed brought up. We would like to have ALAC vote, as well as the RALOs, so that ALAC and the RALOs could vote. The representative could also vote on this. I don't think that was necessarily specified quite as clearly. That's – well, the first choice was the 15 members of ALAC. The second was the five RALOs. And the third choice was to have the 15 ALAC members and the RALO members. And that's the third choice which we have all gone for, which we have chosen, basically.

Have we forgotten anything else or are we good to go?

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) I think we really covered everything. I think that we've really gone – we've got a pretty good handle on it. So, if we've finished with this, let's go to the next point, the planning for Seoul, for the meeting in Seoul.

French Channel: (Speaking French.) Okay. Now the – I hear some noise on the English side. Did somebody want to speak or not? Or should I let Tijani continue or do you have something to say on the English side? Okay. I'm going to have him continue then.

Okay. Tijani is now speaking.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) We're going to the next point and that's the planning for the Seoul reunion.

French Channel: Okay. Hawa wants to say something.

Hawa Diakite: (Interpreted.) I had asked that I had to go, unfortunately. So, before – okay. I'd ask permission to leave. I have to leave now, unfortunately, before you start the next point. I heard this last one.

French Channel: So, bon voyage, everybody, she's saying and she's leaving the teleconference call now. That was Hawa.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) Now, to continue, I'm going back to the Seoul meeting. And what is important is the AFRALO meeting during the Seoul meeting.

French Channel: And they're in agreement. Fatimata is speaking.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) That is a very important point for AFRALO. And I believe that we already have a major point on the agenda and that's the adoption of the principles. That is the operating principles. That is already one point. And a second point now, after tomorrow's meeting, first we could see about an agenda because we really have to have an agenda regarding this. And perhaps we could do that online, too. That's a possibility.

Heidi Ullrich: This is Heidi.

French Channel: Oh, Heidi. Hold on, Heidi. (Speaking French.) Okay. Go ahead, Heidi.

Heidi Ullrich: Yes. I wanted to mention the suggested AFRALO agenda items for the meeting that will be taking place on Monday, 26 October, with a telephone conference ability so everyone here can dial in to that call and participate. The first agenda item that I'm suggesting, or that has been suggested, is an update from Seoul. So, your representatives who will be in Seoul will be able to update you on what has been going on in the meeting.

The second issue, very important, is the process to select the At-Large voting board director, the issue we've just discussed.

The third item is the joint ALAC/GNSO/RAA related activities. There are two activities there, two working groups, one working on the draft – a registrant rights charter and the second looking at possible new amendments for the RAA.

Another issue is increasing AFRALO participation. Also, another item is recent and upcoming activities of ALAC. And as Fatimata just mentioned, the adoption of the AFRALO operating principles will also be on that meeting.

So, are there any comments to those suggested items? Thank you.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Yes, I have something to say. I think that this will be a great occasion to – since the next meeting will take place on African territory, that we should discuss this a little bit. And at the same time, we need to recruit. We have certainly worked well in Mexico, but I think that we also need to have other African members as part of AFRALO. We need to do some recruitment there. So, that's basically what I wanted to say. That's it.

French Channel: And Tijani is thanking Fatimata and saying also:

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) Hawa had suggested that a briefing should be done during the Seoul reunion, a briefing on the bylaw changes to improve accountability. And therefore, I think there should be a meeting on that point in the public commentary, on the – that would be the 27th of November. So, we should use that meeting to have comments and remarks on that matter.

Heidi Ullrich: This is Heidi.

French Channel: Okay, Heidi. Go ahead. (Speaking French.)

Heidi Ullrich: Thank you very much for those additional items. I have added the increasing AFRALO participation and outreach as an item. I have also added the idea of perhaps a first look at planning the meeting in Nairobi, which will be a fantastic opportunity for all of you. And I have also added the issue of having a briefing on the proposed changes on the bylaws for accountability. And I would like to ask whether you would like another briefing on the GNSO improvements from staff? That would be the latest issues on what is happening with the non-commercial stakeholder group and the new constituencies that will be affecting you. Thank you.

French Channel: Thank you, Heidi.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) Thank you. As far as the Seoul meeting, are there any other points? I think – or any other remarks on that? No?

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) No. I accept Heidi's proposal as far as this is concerned at the meeting.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) Great. So, the next point is the--.

French Channel: (Speaking French.) Okay. The At-Large elections now, so the candidates. So, Fatimata wants to speak.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) I noticed, as far as the ALACs are concerned--. (Go ahead, Fatimata.) As far as ALAC is concerned, there are elections that are going to take place and there were some nominations a couple of days ago.

French Channel: (Speaking French.) I just asked somebody to put on mute because there was a--. So now Fatimata's continuing.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) We've started for the nomination as far as the president is concerned. Has been named--.

French Channel: (Speaking French.)

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Of ALAC, for the office. Alan and Sebastien were both nominated as vice president. And Vanda, possibly, who is also elected liaison. She was vice president. So with Sebastien-. Now, Alan was secretary, who was also nominated. So the candidates now-.

French Channel: Fatimata? Fatimata, if you'll excuse me. (Speaking French.) Okay. Hopefully, we'll hear better.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) We can still continue to nominate, but I think somebody from AFRALO should also be elected to the secretary. It should be somebody – a member of ALAC for next year. Not somebody on ALAC now, but ALAC after--. (Interpreter – I believe she said Seoul).

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) Fatimata, there are three of us – myself, Mohamed and Fatimata. I believe there is somebody else who's been named. There's a NomCom whose been named.

French Channel: (Speaking French.) Oh, thank you.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) Yaovi was named.

French Channel: They are fading out, so hopefully I'll hear this. But I got Yaovi had been nominated.

Unidentified Participant: (Interpreted.) And those are members of the NomCom.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) I am talking about the ALAC NomCom nominee, Yaovi, he answered. And the nominee of ALAC, is the ALAC nominee, Yaovi.

So now, if I may, recapitulate for ALAC, you have three members there of AFRALO.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) That's right.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) So there are three members, Mohamed and Hawa.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) I'm still a member of the Executive Committee. And then Cheryl was president and then Alan, Secretary. And Sebastien and Vanda (Interpreter - I think she said vice president). And we need to have Africa to be there and so we need to ask them to join the panel.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) So why don't you be the next secretary?

Unidentified Participant: (Interpreted.) Is Heidi going to let us know about the NomCom nominee for ALAC?

Unidentified Participant: (Interpreted.) I think it's – or is it Yaovi?

French Channel: They're discussing, really, among themselves. They're trying to figure it out.

Heidi Ullrich: Yeah. This is Heidi.

French Channel: Heidi. Okay. Go ahead, Heidi.

Heidi Ullrich: Yes, it is Yaovi who is being – who will be the AFRALO--.

French Channel: Sorry, could you repeat that? Could you repeat, Heidi?

Heidi Ullrich: It is Yaovi who was nominated.

French Channel: Go ahead.

Heidi Ullrich: Yes, it is Yaovi who won the AFRALO nomination for that position.

French Channel: Thank you, Heidi. (Speaking French.) Yaovi is now here, evidently. (Speaking French.) Okay. So Yaovi's – no, they want Yaovi to speak.

Yaovi Atohoun: (Interpreted.) We can talk about NomCom. I believe that – I don't have much to say about it. I think we've dealt with it pretty well.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) So Michel, do you have something to say?

French Channel: I think Yaovi mentioned – I think – so Fatimata would like to continue. Okay. Fatimata's now speaking.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Can Mohamed – can we nominate Mohamed as the secretary or is he too busy?

Mohamed El Bashir: Thank you very much for the nomination. But I don't think I'll have more time for that. I guess someone else could be nominated, I'm sure.

French Channel: They understood. I repeated that. Now another--.

Unidentified Participant: (Interpreted.) I would prefer that the person be bilingual.

French Channel: So Tijani and then secondly Yaovi is asking to speak.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) Hello, Yaovi. Go ahead and speak.

Yaovi Atohoun: Excuse that I am late, but I don't understand. What secretary? Could you clarify? Could you bring me up to date?

French Channel: And he's explaining. Fatimata, could you repeat that please then?

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) It's the – we're talking about the executive for ALAC.

Yaovi Atohoun: (Interpreted.) Okay.

French Channel: I'm not hearing too well, but she's trying to explain to him. And hopefully it will clear up.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) But now there are nominations on the table that will take place after Seoul for ALAC. Alright? You understand now? Now we've had some nominations. Sebastien and Alan are vice presidents.

French Channel: (Speaking French.)

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Cheryl is the president, yes. And then for Africa we need a person for the position of vice president and for the position of--.

French Channel: I don't know if they're saying for the secretariat or as secretary. Now somebody else has arrived.

Heidi Ullrich: This is Heidi. If I could--.

French Channel: Oh, Heidi. Okay. Go ahead, Heidi.

Heidi Ullrich: Yes. I wanted to stress--.

French Channel: Heidi, hold on. Hold on because they're all talking at once.

Heidi Ullrich: Okay.

French Channel: Okay. Hold on. (Speaking French.) Okay. Heidi, hold it. She wants to finish. Okay.

There's a lot of static on the English line so I'm not – can somebody put on mute just for the moment? Thank you.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) I would have loved Mohamed because he has so much experience, but – and because he declined, then I was forced to take the position of ALAC as an – for the Executive Committee of ALAC. So, maybe somebody else would like to speak. So Heidi.

French Channel: Okay. Hold on.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Heidi, would you like to speak?

Heidi Ullrich: Yes.

French Channel: (Speaking French.)

Heidi Ullrich: I would like to point out that the ALAC officers election is currently going on at the moment. The nominations will close on the 9th of October, which is this Friday. And the acceptance of the nominations will be due on the 16th of October. The ALAC voting will begin on the 1st of November because the ALAC officers' positions will be elected only by the ALAC. The ALAC voting concludes – will conclude between five and seven days following the 1st of November.

The current nominees that have been received are Cheryl for the chair position; Alan Greenberg and Sebastien Bachollet for the – have been nominated for the ALAC vice-chair positions. There are two positions for that. And the fourth position of rapporteur, there have been no nominations for that position yet. So, you are welcome to nominate anybody for any of those four positions. So again, one is ALAC chair, then there are two possiblities for ALAC vice-chairs and then one position for rapporteur. Thank you.

French Channel: Sorry. Did you say repertoire?

Heidi Ullrich: No, rapporteur. My French is bad.

French Channel: Rapporteur. Oh, rapporteur. Okay, thank you very much.

Tijani is proposing Fatimata be nominated for the position of the rapporteur.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) What about that, Fatimata?

French Channel: Are you there Fatimata? Now we seem to have lost Fatimata. He's just proposed--.

Heidi Ullrich: This is Heidi.

French Channel: Okay. Go ahead.

Heidi Ullrich: Should I go ahead?

French Channel: Go ahead, Heidi.

Heidi Ullrich: Yes. I wanted to clarify that Fatimata's term on the ALAC will end in Seoul. So, the position, the nomination would need to be from one of the current ALAC members from AFRALO. Thank you.

French Channel: Michel and Yaovi are there with Tijani, but they seem to have lost Fatimata. Now Michel is going to speak.

Michel Chonang: (Interpreted.) I didn't follow exactly what was going on.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) We're speaking about the election of the executive bureau of ALAC.

Michel Chonang: (Interpreted.) Okay. Great.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) There are nominations on the floor. The president has been named, two vice-presidents. But the rapporteur has not been nominated yet. So, we wanted to nominate Fatimata. And we had asked Mohamed, but he doesn't have the time. And I suggested Fatimata, but Heidi says that Fatimata is finishing her mandate in Seoul. So, she can no longer be a candidate for that next election. So then, if you like, I would be willing.

Unidentified Participant: (Interpreted.) It has to be a member of ALAC.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) I am a member of ALAC.

Unidentified Participant: (Interpreted.) What about Yaovi?

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) Yaovi is going to be a NomCom, so he can't do it either.

French Channel: So somebody else wants – so Yaovi is speaking.

Yaovi Atohoun: (Interpreted.) I believe that the way it was--.

French Channel: Could somebody please mute the English side because I can't hear the French now. I'm sorry; could you please mute while they're speaking? I cannot interpret. Okay.

(Speaking French.) Okay. Yaovi is now speaking.

Yaovi Atohoun: (Interpreted.) And I am proposing, since the nominations go until the 9th, that we give two days, tomorrow and Friday, regarding AFRALO to come to a decision. That way we can – we don't have that much time, but we can certainly try to do that among AFRALO.

Michel Chonang: (Interpreted.) I don't hear. Is Tijani there? If I've understood this (Interpreter: I think it's Michel), members of ALAC can be elected and that now we have Yaovi and we need Didier and Fatimata?

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) No. We have Yaovi-. No, she will no longer be in ALAC after Seoul. So Hawa and Mohamed and Yaovi, those are the three. And Mohamed can't; can not. And I believe that – I think – so I believe it's Yaovi who would be left standing after everybody has been-.

Unidentified Participant: (Interpreted.) So may I speak?

French Channel: (Speaking French.)

Unidentified Participant: (Interpreted.) Is it a member of AFRALO who will have this post? Because I'd like to think about this – I'm in Tunis tomorrow – and then we can come to a decision. I believe that would help.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Alright. So, I think that would be good.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) I believe we could also communicate to ALAC and we can go over this and give ourselves a couple of days to come up with somebody. That would give us just a bit more time to figure it out. But I'm very surprised that Fatimata is going to be at ALAC.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) No, it was voluntary, Tijani. There are too many things I'm involved in for Senegal. And this trying – still trying to find ways to make things better for the Internet, but I want to be able to follow everything. So, I can still be the Chair of AFRALO.

Unidentified Participant: (Interpreted.) And are you being – are you going to the ALAC meetings? Can Heidi answer that?

French Channel: Let me see. (Speaking French.) As president of AFRALO, can Fatimata attend ALAC meetings? As the chair or president of AFRALO, can she attend the – can she be considered a member of ALAC. That is the question to Heidi.

She's saying no, she doesn't think so. I don't know if Heidi--.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) No, I want to participate in the – I can participate in the meetings because they're open meetings. There's no problem. Are you talking about ICANN meetings or ALAC meetings?

Unidentified Participant: (Interpreted.) I'm talking about ALAC meetings and can the secretary of RALO, are they members of ALAC or are they considered members?

Unidentified Participant: (Interpreted.) I'm not sure that I understand what you're saying.

Unidentified Participant: (Interpreted.) Can the president of RALO – or the secretary of a RALO may be considered as a member of ALAC?

Unidentified Participant: (Interpreted.) No. I believe they can attend meetings. Is that – we have to ask Heidi. Does Heidi have anything to say on that?

French Channel: (Speaking French.) Heidi, do you have anything to say? Is there anybody on the English side?

Heidi Ullrich: Can you hear me?

French Channel: Okay. Heidi, you want to go ahead?

Heidi Ullrich: Yes. Can you hear me?

French Channel: Yes. Yes.

Heidi Ullrich: Okay. I wanted to say that Fatimata was correct in everything that she said. Fatimata was elected chair of AFRALO in Mexico. She – her term as a member of ALAC will end in Seoul, but she will be able to attend or listen in on the AFRALO – on then ALAC calls and meetings since they are open to everyone. Thank you.

Yaovi Atohoun: (Interpreted.) What I wanted to say was, regarding the ALAC members, AFRALO doesn't have a – I'm saying AFRALO did not have a document at the beginning and I think there was a lot of confusion. What I was going to ask, when the new terms of AFRALO will be applicable? The positions that are mentioned in the document that has been adopted, the operating principles, we mentioned. And in those operating principles, if we adopt that and if we have a new document today, then we need to nominate or we need to confirm those people based on the operating principles. So, that's a question that I wanted to ask. There are details--. But also regarding the cost. And I think a lot of people are thinking that after Seoul – we thought that certain people would automatically be the heads of ALAC. And I think that things need to be clarified after these various participations. So, the operating principles, does that mean that AFRALO will start as of a certain date? Will there be some kind of a document issued as far as internal elections are concerned?

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) I think, Yaovi, that's a very god question. I think it's important as far as the context is concerned. But perhaps since we asked about the operating principles that we needed time, to give people time to review the document so that they would understand the various parts of it. I think that this – we could add a certain point that we could refer to, and in Seoul we can make it official. And we need to post this online.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: I agree with this. (Interpreter: I believe Tijani is speaking.) And I agree with Yaovi. There is a point in the operating principles that says that the elections of officers must be made at the same time as the elections of the ALAC AFRALO representatives. That is – we elected Mohamed and then we confirmed him as chair of ALAC and AFRALO. And at the same time, we need to elect the officials at the same time.

I think at the Seoul reunion we need to adopt the text. We need to elect the person who's going to be responsible and the person – then we'll start counting as of that date. Since we have said that the mandate of the chairman and vice-chair – or of the secretary two years, but in the first election we were going to do it for one year because there will be an overlap. So therefore, the Seoul reunion would be the point of departure for this.

French Channel: Yaovi is now speaking.

Yaovi Atohoun: (Interpreted.) I'm not sure it's clear because the first election took place in Portugal. And since Portugal, we – not too sure about the elections in Seoul. I know that all – not all of the members of AFRALO will be present so it's difficult for me to speak about elections in Seoul. So, we have to see if this is done at another conference, not at Seoul, because all of the members of AFRALO won't be there so how could we do that? And the first election took place in Portugal.

French Channel: Fatimata is now speaking. Or--.

Yaovi Atohoun: (Interpreted.) And then since then we haven't had elections.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Was Yaovi in Mexico?

Yaovi Atohoun: (Interpreted.) Yes.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) He must know that at the Seoul meeting there will be the chance to participate at long distance, in other words by phone, even if you are not able to make – so you will be present in a way. So, the Seoul reunion will be very important regarding the operating principles. Okay?

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) I'd now propose – does anybody have anything to say regarding the people who were elected in Mexico who are going – their positions are going to expire since there may be an overlap between the president and secretary? And perhaps we need to do an evaluation and that we – about the people we have elected so that we can finish the mandate and also make some evaluations for the next election. The secretary should be elected for a year only because of the overlap. What do you think, Fatimata?

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) I'm open to everything that you suggest. But I think that it's logical, the proposal of Yaovi, to review the dates of the elections. But I think that Seoul is a very good chance to do this because – some people will be there, but not everybody. And so the people who really want to participate make a point of participating, if they can't be there physically, by phone at least. So, I agree with that.

I think that perhaps, Tijani, we could continue the discussion because it's getting late now. Okay?

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) Who will be in Seoul? (Interpreter: somebody's – I think it's--.) Fatimata, will you be in Seoul?

Fatimata Seye Sylla: (Interpreted.) Yes, I will be there.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) Will Yaovi be there?

Yaovi Atohoun: (Interpreted.) I will be in Seoul. I got a fellowship so I'll be in Seoul, also.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) And Michel?

Michel Chonang: (Interpreted.) No, I won't be there because I didn't get a fellowship.

French Channel: There's somebody else, but I can't hear. Okay. (Speaking French.)

Yaovi Atohoun: (Interpreted.) It's important that both – his colleagues try to have fellowships because sometimes fellowships will allow them to go.

French Channel: Tijani is not certain that he'll be there yet. He said maybe; I would like to come. But he said – Tijani said that the financing is not absolutely certain yet.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) I didn't ask for a fellowship.

French Channel: I don't think he may have known about it.

So another person--. (Speaking French.) Aziz is here now.

Aziz Hilali: (Interpreted.) Regarding the elections in Seoul, those who are doing it long distance, are they going to be at specific times because we're not gonna be there. So how – are you gonna have a certain time that we can participate? Because we're not able to always participate at the same time because of the time difference. So, the 26th of October, what time, Heidi?

French Channel: (Speaking French.)

Heidi Ullrich: This is Heidi. It's early in the morning for Africa. I will give you set times--.

French Channel: (Speaking French.) Oh, I'm sorry, Heidi. I was talking on the wrong line. Hold on a second. What – you're gonna send them the information?

Heidi Ullrich: Yes, but it is early in the morning. It's a reasonable time morning for most of Africa. Let me – but I will send the exact times. Just a moment.

French Channel: What do you mean by early in the morning, one of them is asking?

Heidi Ullrich: I will send--.

French Channel: --You'll send it, of course. Of course.

Heidi Ullrich: Tell them it's early.

French Channel: Okay. Thank you, Heidi.

Unidentified Participant: (Interpreted.) Okay. With the change in time in Africa, I suggest that the elections be made by email or at distance rather than directly. Because you have to give the other people of ALS and other members to vote, that they don't have to vote at a certain specific hour with the people who are in Seoul. It wouldn't be fair. It wouldn't be fair to anybody to have to vote at the time that we're – the same time in Seoul. And everybody agrees with that.

So, I'm continuing – in Seoul we need to adopt the text and then we decide on a period to vote. We'll say the vote will take place between this date and that date online. And I propose that the people in Seoul should also be voting online. Everybody at Seoul, as well as the others, should vote online for everybody – to give everybody the chance to vote between a certain date and a certain date so that there's a time.

Unidentified Participant: That's excellent. Is that good for everybody?

French Channel: Hold on. Okay.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) Okay. So, we've finished on the various agendas. Any other commentaries? Otherwise, we're going to wind up the reunion.

Unidentified Participant: (Interpreted.) No, I think we're good to go.

Unidentified Participant: (Interpreted.) No, we can leave.

Unidentified Participant: (Interpreted.) Just one detail. Who's coordinating the voting online as far as Seoul is concerned?

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) We'll see about our representatives at the NomCom and our representative – ALAC representative in the same way that we did it with ALAC and NomCom.

Unidentified Participant: (Interpreted.) Alright.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: (Interpreted.) It's very transparent when they nominate somebody and the others can either approve or not approve or vote for them, yes or no.

Okay. So we believe – so we've finished I think. Is there another point? I think we can end. I would like to end this meeting.

Heidi Ullrich: This is Heidi again.

French Channel: Okay. Hold on. Hold on. Go ahead, Heidi.

Heidi Ullrich: Just with the times of the Seoul meeting, the meeting will take place at 6:00 p.m. at night, 1800 Seoul time, which is 9 o'clock in the morning in Accra and 12 o'clock noon in Nairobi.

French Channel: I need the international time, please.

Heidi Ullrich: Yes. The UTC time is 900 UTC.

Unidentified Participant: (Interpreted.) Okay. And is the voting going to be online?

Heidi Ullrich: If that's what you decide. That would be up to you all to decide that.

French Channel: Everybody wants to have it online. Thank you very much, Heidi, they're all saying. They really want it online. And they're thanking everybody and they're thanking for the information. They're thanking everybody and they're saying good evening.

Heidi Ullrich: Good evening.

French Channel: Okay. Good evening.

Heidi Ullrich: And please, everyone, if you can join the community call for the director tomorrow.

French Channel: Okay. Thank you. I'll tell them.