Action Items 01 July 2009
Action Items from 1 July 2009 AFRALO Meeting
H Ullrich will contact Khaled to see if he can, with the assistance of Yaovi, finalize the AFRALO draft bylaws. If he cannot do it, H Ullrich will try to write a brief summary of the modifications suggested.
Staff to help Yaovi, Khaled, and Mohamed to finalise a new draft of the Bylaws.
Secretariat to coordinate with AFRALO members to find out what briefings on ICANN activities are required.
Mohamed will follow IDNs and ccTLD issues for AFRALO and will brief AFRALO on these issues.
Secretariat to ask AFRALO members what areas each is interested in and would be willing to follow.
Staff to send out a listing of who in AFRALO is in which working group to confirm they'll be willing to continue and act as a focal point for those WG's activities.
Action items for various people who were not on the teleconference are brought forward to the next meeting.