07 May 2010 Summary Minutes

07 May 2010 Summary Minutes

Participants: Fatimata Seye-Sylla, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Cheryl Langdon-Orr

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Gisella Gruber-White, Mandy Carver

1. Introduction and purpose of call (Tijani)

T. Ben Jemaa explained that the purpose of the call was to discuss the organization of a joint AFRALO/AfrICANN meeting to take place during the 38th ICANN Meeting in Brussels, Belgium.

As agreed on the AfrICANN mailing list, the joint meeting is to focus on the single topic of providing assitance for developing countries applying for new gTLDs. However, there is also the possiblity to discuss other issues of interest to the participants.

2. Scheduling date/time of Meeting

It was agreed to schedule the meeting on Tuesday, 22 June between 16:00-18:00 local Brussels time.

3. Planning the Meeting

a. Expected outcome

It was agreed that the expected outcome would be a statement to be sent to the Board highlighting what the African community would like to see on the issue of support for new gTLDs.

The preliminary results of the JAS (Resolution 20) and Catigorization WGs will be reviewed to see if they results satisfy the African representatives.

b. Format of meeting

It was agreed that the format of the meeting will be a roundtable with 4 speakers.

A moderator will introduce the topic, review the results of the two WGs, and present the draft statement.

The speakers will then present.

There will be a roundtable discussion on the draft statement.

A Rapporteur will summarize the discussions and present the statement.

FR/EN interpretation will be needed.

AFRALO brochures should be available for distribution.

c. Speakers

It was suggested that either M. El Bashir or Nii Quaynor could serve as moderator.

There should be a speaker who could discuss the experience of an African new gTLD applicant.

4. Next Steps

F. Seye-Sylla and T. Ben Jemaa will send out a call for volunteers to join a Africa WG to help draft the statement on the AfrICANN list.

A WG will be formed to prepare the draft statement.

T. Ben Jemaa will get in touch with African contacts and identify possible speakers.

The next meeting will be on Friday, 21 May at 19:00 UTC.