03 February 2010 Transcript EN
Interpreter: Okay. Tijani Ben Jemaa is with us on the line. I'm sorry, he apologizes. He had asked to be called on the land line and they called on the mobile, so that's why it took a bit of time. So, now we have Baudouin present, we have Yaovi, we have Michel, we have yourself, Mohamed, and Dave. Dave is here, good. Okay, very well. Is Didier here? No, I don't think so. Do you know what happened?
For the action items, I had to listen to the whole recording last time, so, really, this time, I want someone to take notes. Somebody else just joined as well, so give us a second.
Dave Kissoondoyal: Do we have Didier on the call?
Interpreter: I don't think we have Didier on the call. Let me confirm, okay?
Dave Kissoondoyal: Okay.
Interpreter: Are you guys ready to start, at least in English, says Tijani? Okay, very well, says Tijani. So, if everybody is here, we shall then start. We have already lost 13 minutes, so since Fatimata is not here, I am going to replace her tonight. So, let me start with the first point, which is to check who is present. We have Tijani, we have Hawa. Who else is present? And I know Hawa is here. We have Tijani here as well. We have Yaovi as well. Who else is present? And Didier is here, how are you? It's very good to have you here. And, Baudouin, are you here? Yes, I'm here. Very good. And, Michel, are you here? Is Michel here? I can't hear him. Okay, very well. Arnold, are you here? Arnold? Kamiko, are you here? No? Pierre? No, okay. And I know that in English we have Mohamed and Dave.
Very well. So, I have counted, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven people. It's Tijani, Didier, Baudouin, Yaovi, Mohamed and Dave. So, let's go ahead and start, then, with these seven people. Let's hope that other people are able to join us.
So, let me start with Didier, please, take notes for the minutes, I would really appreciate that. Are you going to be able to do that?
Right, my connection is coming in and out at all times. Didier, do you know what I have to do to get the action items from the last meeting? I had to listen to the whole recording. It took me two hours to listen to the whole recording. And I didn't realize until later that they had actually done a transcript in English. You know, so I always say that it's a lot faster to do the transcript. But, anyway, okay.
So, Didier, you will ask two people to take the notes, then? So, two people to take notes, and then you can check each other's notes and consolidate them. Do you agree? Right, but my connection is bad.
And, guys, give me a second. Unfortunately, okay. I'm sorry, we're not able to hear Didier. I can't hear him at all. Yes, and I hear him – I'm trying to decipher what he says. And, guys, just so you know, when Didier speaks, we're having a difficult time hearing him. So, when this happens, just bear with me, okay? Who is this? Hello, who is this?
And, good evening. We now have Michel, and welcome, Michel. Very well. I'm sorry, it wasn't working, the phone previously. Right. So, Michel is here. Michel, we need someone to take notes for the action items. Didier has a very bad connection and he is cutting in and out. He is usually the secretary. He usually takes the minutes.
So, I am going to ask you to please take the minutes. Right. But the thing is, so the first thing, we need two people to take notes. That way we are able to then compare both notes and we are able to have our record of minutes of everything. Could you do that, please?
I am sorry, who is this, Dave or Mohamed? Hello? Hello? Hello? Can you hear me? In English, can you hear me?
Mohamed El Bashir: I can hear you?
Dave Kissoondoyal: I can hear you.
Interpreter: You can hear me, right? You can hear me well?
Dave Kissoondoyal: We can hear you well.
Interpreter: Okay, you can. Okay, just making sure, because I thought somebody said you can't hear me, so I just want to make sure you can hear me.
Dave Kissoondoyal: I think the problem is on the French channel.
Interpreter: Okay. No. Right. You guys can hear me, okay, great. So, let's continue. So, then, Hawa, can you help us take notes? And that is Tijani asking Hawa. Can you take some notes for this meeting?
Unfortunately, I am in traffic at this time. And I'm sorry, can I do it, says Yaovi? Yes, I'll take the notes. Thank you, Yaovi. Thank you so much. So, Yaovi will be taking notes, okay. So, now we have resolved that problem, let's go ahead and start.
So, we have done the roll call, now let's go to the seven points. Did somebody say something? Okay, I'm sorry. All right. So, let's go to, then, let me remind you guys there is an Adobe room, if you guys want to join. And the best thing for all of us to be in the Adobe room, that way I am able to see who would like to speak. Most likely Matthias already posted on Adobe all the documents and all the materials pertinent for this teleconference.
Very well. Okay. So, please, everybody, join the Adobe room and you'll be able to see there the agenda for today's meeting. Okay.
Now, second item, and this is action items from January 6. Well, there is a mistake there. Yes, so it's not a problem. So, then, these are – this is a review of the action items, as I told you guys I have to listen for two hours for the last meeting. So, for the strategic plan we decided Dave will be preparing a draft. He did that. We had a discussion online and so AFRALO's statement has been sent already for public comment for everybody's review.
And, also, our draft has also been considered by ALAC. So, ALAC has taken into consideration our statement and their point of view. I sent my personal point of view as well separately. Because it's public comment, it is sometimes necessary to send the region's comment several times. But each member is also able to send their own point of view. So, in that way we are able not only to see ours and ALAC's point of view.
So, third item, outreach. I'm sorry, did somebody want to say something? Okay, I don't see anybody's hand here. Let me go ahead and continue. So, let's go ahead and continue. So, for which program that we want to organize in Nairobi, we decided to send for the financing request before January 15. Unfortunately, this was not done and we'll discuss this during the next item. Because there is something that will be dealing with that issue specifically.
Now, right. So, Cheryl had a promise to write a letter for Baudouin in regards to the financing for his participation. I don't know if that was done. She had also said that she was going to send a general letter for everybody, and that she was going to try to personalize each letter per person. I haven't had any feedback in regards to that, so Baudouin, can you tell me, did you get any news on that? Did Cheryl send you the request letter? Well, until now I have not received anything. Okay, so we have to, then, follow-up on that.
Now, third item, or fourth item, that was for the brochure. And we, Mohamed and Yaovi, we were going to prepare, let's say the draft of a brochure and now everybody from the AFRALO community is going to contribute to that. Yaovi already sent a draft. Mohamed took this draft and he already arranged it. And then there were many contributions, and this was therefore updated.
So, the brochure is now ready. It's now being printed. And we had asked that this is done in both languages, in French and in English. I had asked our colleagues for somebody to do the translation, if necessary, but ALAC had told me that the staff was going to take care of that. So, we should be having now both options, English and French.
A final point was in regards to the white paper. And this related to – I'm sorry, Yaovi, did you want to say something?
Mohamed El Bashir: Yes, it's Mohamed. I'd like to say something about AFRALO group.
Interpreter: Okay. Let me go ahead. You know, do me a favor, Mohamed. Are you in the Adobe chat room?
Mohamed El Bashir: Yeah, okay.
Interpreter: Can you go ahead and raise your hand, just because, as you know, it is just so difficult to interrupt as they are speaking, do you know what I mean? So, if he sees that you've raised your hand, he'll call on you. But let me go ahead and try and tell him that you want to say something.
Okay. And so at this point I'm just letting you guys know what the actions that we decided at the last meeting. And the things that we did not do. But we actually will be dealing with the brochure, so we want to discuss the brochure in a few minutes, okay?
So, we had said that there was the white paper related to the election of a member of the council representing AFRALO or ALAC or At-Large. So, now someone – nobody At-Large. So, the white paper, there was a lot of activity this last month related to the white paper.
There was a teleconference in which I attended, and so Cheryl really wanted to organize a special teleconference just for AFRALO to discuss the white paper with somebody from the work group who drafted this white paper and then to participate by teleconference. There were only four people. It was only Dave, it was only Didier, myself and the other person, who was Sebastien Bachollet, who was the other person. So, we had a very few people. And so there was not much benefit in regards to that.
We had a discussion. I do think it was useful nevertheless. There was a teleconference for the whole At-Large community in regards to the white paper. And so there we did present AFRALO's point of view.
Well, I mean, you know, at the same time I don't want to say it was all AFRALO's because there were only four people that participated. But the points of view that were expressed during that AFRALO teleconference were also presented during the community call, the At-Large community call, once again, related to the white paper, once again, related to the selection of the representatives of the council. And so those were the important items, action items that needed to be followed up on.
Now – yes, Hawa, did you want to say something? Now, is there a specific – no, Hawa, what I had told you, I had told you Dave was the one that was going to take care of the first draft for the brochure. He did his work. And then there are many people that made comments.
So, finally, in regards to the statement, we had an AFRALO position for that, for the outreach program. The people that were in charge of that. It was myself and Fatimata and Cheryl and Dave and Mohamed as well. This is for the outreach.
So, these are the people that took care of that. For the brochure it was Yaovi and Mohamed together. And for the white paper there was an invitation for all the members to read the white paper and for the people to participate in the teleconferences. And this is what happened. Did you get that, Hawa? Yes, thank you so much.
Very well. So, let's go ahead to the third point, if you have no more comments. And this is for the open public commentary, it's for ICANN. I'm sure that you guys have followed on the link. There is a lot of public comment that has been going on. . Now, here, of course, on the agenda we have the At-Large Policy Advisement Development Schedule. And there was also the ALAC statement on the gTLD applicant guidebook, and this is, of course, for the candidates for the new gTLDs, which is called The Guidebook, Version 3.
And so this is just information. This is just for you guys to be aware, and to also encourage you to participate in these public comments. Because definitely AFRALO's presence is only guaranteed if we participate in the consultation period.
The participation is very important, and so each and every one of us needs to try as much as possible to be present and contribute to these public commentaries. Because it is there where policies are made. It is there were decisions are made. Very well. So, that was – these were the permanent items.
Somebody else wanted to say something? Hawa, I'm sorry, I cannot hear you. So, in regards to public consultation, and this is a very, very important point that Hawa just stated. It is very important for people to share each other's qualifications.
This is very important mainly because the people that have, let's say a specific qualification, can contribute on specific subjects, like the gTLDs, for example. That is something very important. And I think that is something that we need to work on. Does somebody else want to say something? Yaovi, did you want to say something?
No, this is Baudouin. Yes. Right. And the issue is many times there isn't enough time to contribute in feedback because we don't get the information on time. For example, the debate or the ICANN policies, and that's an issue. And, you're right, this is something that – how can I say this – this is maybe lack of organization with the subjects.
I think that the issue is many people many times do not contribute because they're not familiar with sometimes. And other times people are familiar with but they don't even participate.
So, the point of the outreach program, and this is why we're working on this and I am able to be able to organize this in Nairobi is to be able to give enough information and enough knowledge to all AFRALO members – I mean, not the members, but all the ALS representatives in AFRALO to be able to give them enough information that make things more feasible, easier for you to have an understanding. Because if you have an understanding of the way things are working, the way – you understand the way the process works, I think you'll feel more comfortable to read whatever documents you got in to be able to have more expeditious reactions. And I do have another question.
In regards to our position, would it be possible maybe to, let's say, prepare sort of a blog? We're going to prepare a statement on this specific subject – I'm sorry, Didier, I didn't get that. Could you repeat that again, please, says Tijani?
Okay, every time we have a discussion, you're talking about the consultation period. Okay, got it. All right. So, if there is any way to do something to create a certain blog, to have a certain logic link between a decision that happened on discussion on one subject to the discussions on another subject, to have that link to continue the understanding. And this has to do with participation.
I told you Dave had the draft on the strategic plan and then we released an AFRALO statement, as I told you. So, I think it became a bit easier for the AFRALO members, because there was something released. And also ALAC had released a statement in regard to the strategic plan. So, when we're going to talk about the strategic plan, we're going to be more comfortable because that was done.
No one else is going – the problem is, nobody is going to do the work for us. We have to do the work ourselves. And the way to do this is to actually render a product. So, during the consultation period it is the AFRALO members who have to come up with their contributions. And, once again, this is the way it will be easier for things to be more feasible and easier to understand for our members. And I understand what you are saying.
Right. But once again, it is also good to have these documents available to other members, other ALSs, because there are many people who would be able to give feedback, yes, but that is our role. You know, if we're not able to encourage this from other people, then we're not doing our job.
Okay, very well. So, let me go to the suggested agenda items. So, let's talk about, then, the selection for the candidate for the regional director selected by At-Large.
So, we – for that, if you read the white paper, and I hope that all of you read the white paper. In this white paper there is a selection process that has been proposed. There were five recommendations, five or six recommendations. Let me just confirm. No, there were five recommendations in total, and so there is a selection process.
Now, for that process to work, then it is necessary. You know, there is the At-Large – there were two entities that were created. There was the At-Large Selection Design Team, and this is the team that takes care of the design. And this is the one that is going to, let's say, put on paper the procedure, the process, and that is going to take care of supervising the whole selection process.
And then there was another body or group that was also created, and this is the At-Large Selection Committee, and this is the committee that is going to choose the candidates. I hope that we do have a large number of candidates. And so then this committee will take care of selecting those candidates that fulfill the qualifications.
So, it's two groups to organizations made of – composed of ALAC members, composed of the committee of ALAC and AFRALO members, so what we ask of you today is to nominate two people for the selection committee and for the design team. It doesn't state in the white paper that each RALO nominate a member, but during each – during the last conference, Dave had suggested that I become involved in the design team.
So, he wanted me to be with him in this design team. So, I had told them that AFRALO needed to approve this. So, there was an e-mail that was sent and there was a lot of feedback, people that said they agreed. But then many actually said that they also wanted Tijani and the selection committee as well.
So, from Dave's proposal came about another proposal. I had stated that I could participate in both, but I cannot do – what I said was, I could do one or the other, but I could not do both. So, I guess we have to decide if you guys want me to be in the design team or the selection committee. Besides that, we need two people in the selection committee.
So, if I am in the selection committee, then we'll need somebody else in the selection committee. So, this is a debate. Can I say something, and this is Didier. Didier, yes go ahead.
Give me one second. Mohamed, can you hear me?
Mohamed El Bashir: Yes.
Interpreter: And Didier is speaking. Give me one second, okay, because he's always the one that's got a bit of a weird connection.
Mohamed El Bashir: Okay.
Unidentified Participant: Mya, can you ask somebody to call me back, please, because I am dialing international.
Interpreter: Okay. Let me go ahead and tell them at this moment.
Unidentified Participant: Thank you.
Interpreter: And give me a second, okay, Mohamed? I'm trying to decipher what he is saying. And so what Didier was saying is that the members of the design team, or the selection committee are not able to, let's say, post themselves for the board, then he does not want me to participant in either of these two bodies because he wants me to be a candidate for the board.
So, now I am going to answer Didier. First of all, thank you so much for your trust and I'm very proud of this. But just thinking about presenting my candidacy, I think that there are people that have a bit more – possibly to be chosen as members of the board. I think it's going to be a very, very difficult battle. I don't feel too much inspiration to enter this war, so I think there should be somebody else who should be a candidate for that.
But thank you so much for that trust that you place in me. Thank you so much for that, Didier. Now, so, let's go back to once again the two teams. So, I am asking all of you members, first of all, which of the two do you want me to be in? And then who are the other people that we can actually have as fellow representatives especially in the selection committee?
Mohamed El Bashir: Hello. Mohamed here.
Interpreter: Yes, Mohamed, give me a second. Let me see if I understood you. Didier, you want yourself and Yaovi to be in the selection committee; is that what you just said? Very well. Go ahead, Mohamed, please, and I apologize. Go ahead, Mohamed.
Mohamed El Bashir: Yes, before nominating people, I was going to ask how many candidates we are supposed to have? Is it a must that we have two candidates or one candidate for each committee?
Interpreter: Go ahead and repeat that again, Mohamed?
Mohamed El Bashir: How many candidates we need to have in each committee? Is it two as a minimum or one candidate in each committee? What's the minimum number of representatives that need to be in the committees? One or 10 others?
Interpreter: Well, for the selection committee we need two people. And then for the design team, it's not necessary to have only one or two people – I mean, but it's important to have – I think we already have one representative. We have Dave, and so if I participate with him in the design committee, then we will have that covered. And then we need two more people for the selection committee.
Mohamed El Bashir: Yes. A second question. What is the outcome status of opening nominations, candidates, or just finalizing the selection process for the At-Large board?
Interpreter: Well, so far we don't have any candidates for that specific issue. I know that there was an intention statement that each candidate needed to fill out, but I know that the process has not yet started, because we are barely at the beginning of the process.
Mohamed El Bashir: Okay. Okay. So, for the nominations, maybe I can put that on the mailing list, but I am interested to be a part of the selection committee.
Interpreter: Okay, very well. Mohamed, selection committee candidate, very well. So, now we have three candidates. We have Didier, we have Yaovi, and we have Mohamed. Very well. Now, be aware that we can only choose two, and that was clearly stated in the white paper. So, two people per RALO.
So, now we – I'm sorry, who wanted to say something? Okay, one second. One second, Mohamed. Didier is speaking again, give me one second. Didier, I am so sorry. I didn't understand what you said. Are you saying that there is two people now besides myself and Mohamed? Is that what you said?
So, then, Didier, now then declines for the benefit of Mohamed. So, now we just have two candidates, and thank you so much, Didier. It is very, very noble of you. So, now we have two candidates, then, for the selection committee. We have Yaovi and Mohamed. Yes, Yaovi, did you want to say something?
From what I understood, I though Baudouin had also expressed interest. Baudouin, are you a candidate? Baudouin? I think he is no longer with us. But I can work on this committee, says Yaovi. . Okay, very well. So, since Baudouin did not present himself for this, then we will keep Yaovi and Mohamed. Does everybody agree? Can I then say AFRALO agrees with this? Yes? Very well. No objection? Then let's go ahead and continue. Yes, Hawa?
Very well. So, AFRALO is in agreement. So, we all agree with that proposal. Very well. Thank you, Hawa.
Okay. Let me go ahead and once again summarize. The design team will be represented by Dave and Tijani. And the selection committee will be represented by Yaovi and Mohamed. And these are the AFRALO members on each of those teams. Everybody agrees with that? Yes? Very well.
Next item. Next action item. Now, this is in regards to the outreach program that we want to organize in Nairobi. And this is for the benefit of the African ALSs. Now, what has happened in this last month, what has been done? Not a lot. Why? Because people have been too busy. We have had the support of the people from Kenya, who were very nice, who attended one of the teleconferences and who announced their support, at least in regards to logistics.
As you know, this program has two goals: One is capacity building or training, and, second, this is going to be the presentation, the showcase, as we say in English. It is similar to what we did in Mexico, and so we need members to bring materials to be able to show what subjects, what things that they work on – it's a presentation for African ALSs during Nairobi. And we have the support therefore of Kenya, like I said, who are going to contribute members to be able to part of this showcase. Because, you know, there are ALSs that are going to be not only getting training, but also doing the showcases, and not everybody can do that.
So, in this showcase we will hopefully try to do it at the same time with the fellowship program showcase as well, for their people. Last time, I think it was a karaoke, and then the time before that it was like conjoined party.
But this is the advantage, that everybody participates, everybody shows. And so we'll try to coincide both of these, then, together, so people are able to explore more and have more knowledge of African ALSs. So, that's the showcase portion.
What else is there? Yes. So, – and I do have a proposal, says Yaovi. I'm sorry, Yaovi, I did not hear that. Right. Well, you know, the two issues where training sessions, so we have that. And we already posted this on the Wiki for AFRALO. And this is for the AFRALO – so, there is a whole training session.
First, there is a capacity building, that is one of the goals. And this is training very early in the morning to, let's say, give the ALS representatives all the information and all the knowledge related to ICANN and the ICANN process and the development of ICANN policies. All of this for people to be more aware of the ICANN process.
Now, once you are aware of this and there is going to be an e-mail that is going to be sent, because once you receive all the training, you'll be seeing things that you have seen before. So, there is going to be information sessions the whole morning, with a longer session on Sunday that is going to last the whole afternoon related to the development of ICANN policies. So, that's going to be the second issue.
Yes, Hawa, go ahead, please. And thank you for this program. Now, in regards to the fellowship, are we going to get everything related to that? Well, there is only one ALS that was chosen for the fellowship. Hawa, did you hear me? Right. So, there was only one ALS.
Right, I know that there were some people from Mali who got that fellowship. Right. As you know, Hawa, it is the best way to be able to allow people to participate in the ICANN meeting, but this is going to be happening in the morning. But you see what I'm saying, though, right, Hawa?
Right, but I do think it's important to include a briefing on fellowship in one of these training sessions. I do think that would be important. Right. It's one of our missions. We'll talk about that in a moment. There is one that talks about that how to recruit new ALSs during the Nairobi meeting. Okay, very well.
So, yes, Yaovi, go ahead. I didn't understand very well. Let's go back to our reception. Like I said, there is no one talking about the ALS representatives that have been chosen for the fellowship. Unfortunately, before the list had been presented we had thought of doing a partnership with the fellowship program, to have joint session.
Because it seems to me that we do many of the similar things, so I thought there were certain sessions that we could conjoin with the fellowship program, and that's what I told you previously. Not only to be more time efficient, but also to share some of the trainers and to have more people within the sessions, and that way be able to have the possibility of recruiting more people.
But since the fellowship program has not yet presented their program, we don't know how much we can do in partnership. We are also having financing issues as well as AFRALO, because we are not too sure what is going to happen with our financing. So, I think that the most important thing for us is to first make sure that we have the financing and then be able to finalize the organization and the manner in which we are going to give these training sessions.
Very well. Yes, Michel? And I'm so sorry. So, I'm sorry. Go ahead, Michel, you were saying? What I'm talking about here, I sent you the list of Cameroon and I know that we got the list for the Cameroon organizations that wanted to participate, and I know that it's teamwork and people are not always as available. There we go. I know that there was someone who was going to do an official letter. I know that the last teleconference, I know that Baudouin had asked for a support letter, and I don't know who was going to take care of that in this procedure. I know that we requested for the same thing. We as well sent our list of people.
Look, Michel, the letter can only come from ALAC. The support letter needs to come from ALAC, and ALAC signs it and it needs to be an official ICANN letter. And the thing is, the direct link from ICANN is At-Large. So, the working group that takes care of this, we decided for this to be prepared. It has not yet been done. I'm hoping that this will be done in the days to come, you see. You know, it's not that people don't have – are not doing this in bad faith, it's just that there are people that are very, very busy, and that's really the issue. Okay, Michel?
And I'm hoping that this is done as soon as possible. I am also very worried, and the people that are with me in the working group know this very well. And thank you for that.
Once again, we're – let's go ahead. We go to the third point, then. Now, planning for the Nairobi meeting, like I said, AFRALO is going to have a general meeting in Nairobi. This is going to be face-to-face. We have already asked – I think that we're the only RALO that is going to have this meeting, which is even better.
The reason why we have asked for this meeting is because we have this outreach program to have more participation, and this is why it's important to have this face-to-face meeting. And this is why we ask for this. Obviously, the people that are not able to attend Nairobi will be able to follow this face-to-face meeting by phone.
So, we will use that opportunity to organize the recruitment in the outreach as Hawa stated previously. We will try to also have – bringing together the African fellows as well. We have already been sent the details of the African candidates for the fellowship. So, we already have the e-mails and the contacts.
So, we are able to then, now, organize with them a working session. And so they may join AFRALO as well, because, as you know, the fellowship program is not just for Internet users; it's also for government representatives. All participants of the Internet. They're not just the final users, if you will.
So, we are going to try to get together with the fellowship programs that are in Africa and to encourage them and to explain to them how they can join ICANN, and how they can also join AFRALO, okay?
Very well. So, during the Nairobi meeting there are two choices – either a 60-minute meeting during the lunch hour or a 90-minute session on Wednesday morning. So, it's up to us to decide. I personally would prefer Wednesday morning for 90 minutes. Why? Well, because the lunch session, I'm very certain that many of us are not going to be attending that meeting. And if you're going to be eating during that meeting, then we're going to be sharing our attention between one or the other. So, this is my opinion. This is why I think what I think. Very well.
So, I have told you what my point of view. Can all of you please tell me what would you rather do, the lunch session or the 90-minute session? Michel? I know that you agree with what I just said, Michel. Very well.
For the preparation of that meeting, how we are going to be doing that. Because of that issue as well, I guess we think that Wednesday – I'm so sorry, Michel, I am not able to hear you. You said that we need to – oh, got it.
So, you're saying that if we have this meeting on Wednesday, we will have more time to prepare for this meeting. Right, because we're not aware of many other points that we need to be – and have ready for that. I got it, okay. Very well.
And the other members here? Didier, what do you think? Because I'm going to call on each and every one of you. Didier, what do you think? I think that we've lost Didier. Hawa, what do you think? Wednesday or Monday? I'm so sorry, Hawa, I was not able to follow.
Let me go ahead and tell you once again. We were discussing the proposed Tuesday sessions. Either Monday lunch session for 60 minutes – can you hear me, first of all, Hawa? Hawa, can you hear me? Yes, I can hear you.
So, listen very well. So, they have actually two alternatives: Monday during the lunch session, they will give us one hour. Or, Wednesday in the morning and that's 90 minutes. What would you rather have? And who just spoke? Didier, did you just say something? So, you prefer Wednesday as well, then, Didier, is that what you're saying? Yes, very well.
Okay, so Hawa, what would you rather have? Hawa, once again, what would you rather have? Oh, we lost her. That's not good. Okay, yes, Yaovi, what did you say? Well, I mean, obviously, I just want to make sure that if this is an AFRALO meeting, we have a time where many other people are able to participate in remote participation. So, you are saying that the morning is not a good choice? Is that what you're saying?
Well, I know the issue is, with the time change, Yaovi, the thing is, remember the lunch hour is not the same for everybody depending on the country. So, even noon is not a good – so, then you're saying – Didier, the two thoughts that were proposed is that's what we have to work with. So, we have to choose between both of them.
Right. But there will be remote participation. People will be able to participate long distance. This happened in Seoul, yes. So, I need our point of view. Do you want Monday session or Wednesday? Wednesday, very well. Baudouin, are you here? Baudouin, are you here? No, very well.
Okay, Mohamed, and what do you think? Monday or Wednesday?
Mohamed El Bashir: It's hard for me to decide because I'm not going to be attending the meetings. But I think the earlier day, so (inaudible) Monday. Early in the morning would be good for ICANN meetings, get busy and people who get back to other meetings.
Interpreter: And, Dave, what do you think? Dave, are you on the line?
Dave Kissoondoyal: Yes, yes. In fact, (inaudible). My preference will be Wednesday, the 90-minute session, for the following reason. We can get Monday and Tuesday to convene and prepare the meeting properly. So, we have ample time to prepare the meeting.
Interpreter: Very true. Very true. Of course, I agree. Okay, well, then, second issue that I wanted to raise, and this is (inaudible) the agenda for that meeting. What are the important items for the agenda for that meeting? I think that a face-to-face meeting is extremely important – is a lot more important than a teleconference, and I am certain that we have to prepare. We really have to work on the agenda. So, what are the items that we should include in that agenda?
And this is Yaovi speaking. So, one of the items is evaluation of our participation. Very well. Okay, very well. You know, Yaovi, the goal of the outreach program is to start, is to encourage in sight the participation for the African ALSs. I think that at the beginning of 2009, we did do an evaluation. In fact, Mohamed and Hawa did do an evaluation to analyze the African ALSs within ICANN activities. And they did in fact publish a report, and the result of that is we have very little participation. The reason for this is because people do not have enough knowledge in regards to the organization.
And this is why the documents and the e-mails and the consultations, you know, a lot of times they don't find them easy. Many of these documents are not easy to follow, and so many times people are discouraged and they don't even look at these documents. And this is just something that I am telling you.
So, during the Nairobi meeting, I think that we need to analyze participation, but in which way? How to go about this? So, what you're saying is, see what the evolution has been of the African ALSs, the evolution of such. That's what you're saying, right? Very well. Okay, so that's another point. Are there any other items that we should include? Yes, Michel, go ahead.
Well, I mean, we did work on capacity building. That is something that was very important. From the moment AFRALO has become an institution because we have people that participate. Okay. Let me go ahead and reformulate what you just said.
What are the next steps on these outreach programs? Because it's a program that is going to take time. What are the next steps on that program? That's what you're saying. That's another agenda item that you are proposing. Yes. Very well. So, that's another point, okay.
Any other points that we should be including in that agenda? Right, and then in regards to communication, we need to really – now, this is a matter of awareness. We need to start an awareness campaign of some sort on the existence of AFRALO (inaudible). So, how are we going to go about communication? What is the best way of communication? I didn't very well follow what you just said. Can you tell me?
Talking about communication. We have to implement. Got it, okay. So, what you're saying is to find a list, a way, so you're talking about outside communication. You're not talking about remote? Okay, got it. So, communication, how to go about communicate between AFRALO and ICANN, okay, got it. Communication. Well, in regards to tools for communication, we have a website and Matthias is going to post on the Adobe room V-link.
And Wednesday (inaudible), the last comment from Michel was it would be a good way to post a list of what are the best means of communication between AFRALO and ICANN for better participation. And as Tijani has responded, we have, for example, the website and other issues, but that's another important issue as well to add on the agenda.
Tijani, yes, Hawa? So, Hawa, once again we are trying to come up with agenda items that we're going to include in the Nairobi agenda. Matthias has now posted in the Skype the link for the Nairobi AFRALO space.
So, anybody else have any other items on the agenda? Once again, we're talking about potential items for the Nairobi agenda. Financing. Financing is a major issue as well. This is a very important issue, because this will encourage better participation from ALSs. Many people many times are not able to participate because they don't have the opportunity to. So, what solution?
So, financing. Right, I agree but financing will definitely be one of the items, for item No. 3, which is capacity building. Because when we talk about what are the next steps, we're also going to talk about – mainly speak about what are the ways to come up with those next steps.
Because we've have many ways to work on this, but we're going to be preparing this agenda. Those are going to be some of the issues that we're going to deal with. Any other points that you guys are wanting to include? Hawa, is there anything you want to add?
I don't know if this is going to follow your order, but in Nairobi, another objective would be to include an ALS in Nairobi. Let me assure you – well, not assure, you, Hawa, but I'm hoping – well, I know that we're going to have – I'm hoping that we have a Kenyan ALS, yes. We already spoke to someone, so I think that we will have.
I mean, I know some of the associations over there, so I think that we are able – Hawa, if you can get in contact with your contacting organization so they are able to attend the Nairobi meeting, that would be great. But I can tell you that ALS, the local organizer from Nairobi did promise to introduce us at the Internet User's Organization in Kenya. They promised to introduce us to that organization to see if we can recruit some of their members. So, very well.
Okay. So, you obviously want to add the recruitment item, correct? Yes. Very well. Okay. Mohamed and Dave, any suggestions on any other agenda items for the agenda? Okay. Well, I'm going to Didier first. Didier, did you have something to say? Once again, we're talking about how to regroup – how to recruit more members. That's what you're talking about, really, then, isn't it? Yes.
I mean, when we talk about ALS statistics on the website, we don't have that many. Matthias says there is 21 and there are some ALSs that I don't even know, that I don't even know where they come from. I know that Douglas does not belong to an African ALS, but he is at this with an ICANN organization. No, he is not from Senegal. I know he is from Uganda.
But I want every ALS who has been accredited to appear on the AFRALO website, on the ALAC website. It's very important. Right, because these are ties, right. But it's important to have all this information on the AFRALO website.
Very well. Okay. Any other items to that agenda? Mohamed, Dave?
Dave Kissoondoyal: Yes, Dave here.
Interpreter: And, Dave, slowly, please, because we've been over an hour, so at this point the crispness of processing is a bit more difficult. So, just speak a bit slowly for me, I will appreciate that.
Dave Kissoondoyal: Yeah, sure.
Interpreter: Go ahead, Dave.
Dave Kissoondoyal: Yes. What I was thinking is that during the agenda item if we can have like about 15 minutes or half an hour of experience sharing between ALSs. Like, ALSs can describe what they are doing and how – if they are successful or if they are failing, where they are failing. So in this way, what we can do is we can share our experiences and then some ALSs which are not doing something properly can get ideas from ALSs which are successful. This is one thing.
And then the next thing that I want to mention is about a piece about station of the AFRALO members in the ICANN process. Basically, ALAC is coming with what we call the return on investment. Since ICANN is spending money for the travel and accommodations for the ALAC members do (inaudible), I think that it's our duty that we want to assure that our members from the AFRALO region, they do participate actively so that we do not get something that is negative to the African AFRALO site. That's all I wanted to say on my side.
Interpreter: Thank you, Dave. Mohamed, is there something that you wanted to say?
Mohamed El Bashir: Nothing from my side, but I do suggest that (inaudible).
Interpreter: I'm sorry? What was that again?
Mohamed El Bashir: If the agenda or the program could be circulated to us, that will be good, so we can comment also.
Interpreter: Very well. And that is exactly what we will be doing. We will then circulate a draft and then I'm hoping that more people are able to add more to this list.
Finally, now for the Nairobi recruitment, I do think that we need to ask the At-Large staff to reserve, then, a session or a time slot where we are able to present to the potential ALSs on how they can participate within AFRALO and ICANN, and all that. So, really, we want the staff to be able to save the room. Do you all agree with that proposal?
So, what I just said is during the Nairobi conferences, we want them to reserve a room for us so we are able to meet with the potential new ALSs, potential new ALS representatives, to explain to them why they should join AFRALO and ICANN, and ALAC as well. Do you all agree with that proposal?
Now, so, if you guys approve of this, this is something I'd like to add. Now, just what I wanted to tell you is there isn't that much space at Nairobi. This is why we gave you those two possibilities. So, in regards to an additional room for the potential ALSs, I don't know that's going to be possible now. All right. There are some very, very small rooms that are available. That might be a possibility, but not a very big room.
So, you're saying there are available rooms that are going to be amongst us in small groups. Well, because the issue is we're going to be finding possible ALSs. I mean, the point is to maybe, we're able to have a working group that is going to be responsible of that. And it is that working group that is going to be meeting with those new ALSs. Hawa, please go ahead.
Well, then, what I propose, is it possible to have a global recruitment program through ALAC, to be able to have a lot more ALSs? To have even a larger representation for At-Large.
Right, Hawa, I have to tell you within the framework of the outreach program working group, it was decided that the fellowship program was going to send us the contacts of all the African fellows so that we are able to choose the people that represent not only the Internet users, but be able to get in contact with them in advance to be able to have a meeting to make them aware of the process works. Because obviously at the same time, though, we cannot make – I mean, that is something that we can propose to ALAC at some point, yes.
Right, but in regards to AFRALO, what we have to do, we have to get in contact with the people that may be potential AFRALO members, and then have the materials to be able to, let's say, teach them or make them aware of how we work and (inaudible) At-Large Seoul. Yaovi, please go ahead.
And still talking about Nairobi. Now, we are finishing point 3. This is the last issue on point 3. Now, let's go to item No. 4, and this is the update for regional representatives and the ALC representatives. So, Dave, Mohamed and Hawa, if you have anything to say, is there anything that has happened? This is the time to update us. Is there any new information that you want to give to the community? Once again related to your work and what has been happening so far.
Tijani. No, I'm sorry. Fatimata is not here today. That is why we have not mentioned her name. But Fatimata is the AFRALO president, and she is the regional leader for AFRALO, but she is not here today. This is why we included the names of the people that were going to be present. This is why she was not mentioned.
So, once again, for the ALAC representatives, well, I can tell you, for the regional representatives, there has been a lot of activity, more specifically the outreach program. We have had teleconferences this month. We have had one or two teleconferences, and I can tell you that besides the financing issue, it's very clear and we have gone forward quite a lot.
At this point, it's a matter of deciding what has not taken off, what has taken off. Many of the things that I had done during this month was the participation in regards to the white paper discussions. I attended three teleconferences. Like I said, there was one specifically for AFRALO, and there was also a teleconference for the AFRALO – I'm sorry, At-Large community. And there was a teleconference for the design team.
Now, why did I attend these meetings? Because Dave had at some point nominated me to be part of that team. So, the people on the team included me in the list and so they asked if I could participate in that teleconference.
There is also a teleconference that occurred related to the strategic plan. So, we also gave our points of views related to that strategic plan. We defended it once again, the project that Dave had presented, and the ALAC statement had reflected to a certain point our point of view. What else did I do?
Now I'm preparing for the secretariat meeting, which will take place tomorrow. And that's the activities that I have been involved in during this last month. Is there anybody else?
I'm sorry, what did you say about the secretariat meeting? No, I'm sorry, ALAC has a teleconference tomorrow for the secretariat representatives. Well, for the people, each, let's say AFRALO – I'm sorry, each RALO leader will need to attend. So, tomorrow we will have a teleconference because these are the people that are going to be in Nairobi as well. And this is related to the next ICANN meeting.
Very well. All right.
Mohamed El Bashir: Mohamed here. I'd like just to provide an update.
Interpreter: Okay. And let me go ahead and tell them, okay, Mohamed? Two seconds. And go ahead, Mohamed. And, again, Mohamed, speak slowly, because it's been almost two hours, so my processing skills are not as good as at the beginning. Go ahead.
Mohamed El Bashir: Okay. Physically, ALAC has a teleconference recently with a discussion about the selection process for the ALAC board seat and how we proceed in that, and the public comment period, which will be ending.
Interpreter: When will that be ending? Hello, Mohamed? Mohamed? Mohamed, are you still on the line? Hello?
Mohamed El Bashir: Hello.
Interpreter: Okay, yes, I'm sorry. Mohamed, did I misunderstand you? Did you say that the public comment period was just open or it's about to end?
Mohamed El Bashir: It's about to end.
Interpreter: And what is the date? Do you have a date?
Mohamed El Bashir: Yeah, I encourage ALSs to participate in that. Other thing, other work from my side that was developed under the (inaudible) and that was a good community collaborative effort, and that has been finalized, also. And there is also a discussion currently with ALAC about the group that should (inaudible) that need to be constituted and how ALAC – At-Large will be presented in that group. There is an ongoing discussion about that.
Also, other ICANN news. The ICANN has approved the first four applications for IDN, ccTLD strings for Egypt, Russia, Saudi Arabia emirates, and that's a very good, big news of approving those IBN ccTLD applications. So, that is from my side in terms of an update.
Interpreter: Very well. And thank you, Mohamed. And, Mohamed was talking about the white paper for the At-Large. The thing is, At-Large had just opened the comment period in regards to the selection for the – if there is nobody else for an update, let's go to then point No. 5, which is the brochure. Mohamed and Yaovi worked on that brochure, and many people contributed. So, if there is anything else that you guys want to say, either Mohamed or Yaovi, on the brochure?
Mohamed El Bashir: Nothing from my side.
Interpreter: Okay. So, I know that I sent Matthias the request to get the English version printed, just at least one or two copies, and then send the French version just to see how it looks before the final printing. And what I'm seeing Dave is asking, right, the teleconference is not supposed to go over an hour and it's true, we've gone over way too long. Yes, Didier, go ahead.
Very well. Okay. So, we are almost done. And you're right, Yaovi, the translation that will be done by the staff, there needs to be someone who is able to analyze it. Mohamed, anything else to say in regards to the brochure?
Mohamed El Bashir: Just one final thing. I sent an e-mail to staff asking about possibility of translating the (inaudible) into Arabic. Arabic is one of the languages that ICANN translates its document to, and there is lots of African – sorry, Arabic speaking African countries and participants who will be attending Nairobi. I didn't get a response back on this.
Interpreter: Actually, Matthias has something to say related to that. I just got a response to that subject, and so, Mohamed, this will be translated in Arabic. It will be available. So, Mohamed, you are going to get the final French version and English version for the moment. For the moment we are not able to do an Arabic translation because of budget reasons, and hat is very unfortunate. But the final two versions will be sent in as well.
And the point is for everybody to receive the brochure, because it will be important for everybody to take a look at it.
And final point, because we have had too much time, I know that ISOC Liberia presented their application and Rochelle had made her comment. And so they are waiting for our approval. So, we have to give either our approval or not. So, I encourage everybody to read the Liberia application, because ALAC needs to come to that decision.
We are now done with the meeting, if there is nothing else special to say. Yes?
Mohamed El Bashir: Mohamed, one last point. Liberia ISOC application, you already said that it is waiting for the regional advice. I didn't see any e-mail going to the mailing list regarding that, regarding regional advice for that application.
Interpreter: Okay. Let me go ahead and tell them. Hawa was speaking first. I know that we had spoken about trying to bring experts to each teleconference, and unfortunately, I know that because of time issues many people are unable to attend. Many times those experts, just because of the time issue and that's just something that I wanted to say. Thank you, Hawa.
And, Mohamed, please go ahead again.
Mohamed El Bashir: I'm saying regarding Liberia ISOC application, I didn't see any e-mail to the mailing list requesting regional advice for that application.
Interpreter: Right, because nobody has made a comment. So, this is what we have to start the comment. Quickly. To be able to allow ALAC to make a comment.
Mohamed El Bashir: Usually the process was – I mean, usually the process before that and previous application that either the staff or secretariat send to the AFRALO mailing list saying there is this application, I would like to have the regional advice about that. This e-mail did not go out, so to complete this process, an e-mail to the mailing list needs to be sent asking for regional advice regarding this application.
Interpreter: It was done twice, Mohamed. It was done twice. So, we need to do this a third time, then, it's not a problem. Let me go ahead and re-send this on the list. But it was sent twice on the list.
Mohamed El Bashir: Okay, I will check it. Sorry if I missed it. I will check again.
Interpreter: Okay. And so if no other comments, let me go ahead and conclude the meeting and I want to thank everybody for your contribution, for your cooperation. We did one extra hour today.
At this time I do hope we have good notes, especially from Yaovi, because I know that Didier was having a difficult time.
I thank everyone and I'm hoping that this month we are able to work hard on all the issues to be able to prepare ourselves for Nairobi. I'm hoping that we're also able to organize this outreach program, which will be a good beginning for AFRALO.
Thank you, everyone. And thank you all on the English channel for your participation. And thank you the staff, Matthias and Gisella, as well. Thank you so much. Bye-bye.
Mohamed El Bashir: Bye-bye.
Interpreter: Good night.