04 November 2008 Board

04 November 2008 Board

At-Large Community - Cairo ICANN Meeting

At-Large Community/ICANN Board Meeting

Meeting Number: AL.ALAC/MT.33/6

Date: 04 November 2008

Time: 10:30 - 12:30 Cairo Time

Location: San Souci II

Interpretation (Simultaneous): EN, ES, FR

Remote participation: None

Adobe Connect Link: http://icann.na3.acrobat.com/cairomeeting/ (this meeting space will remain open during the whole conference)

(Test your Adobe Connect connection and get a quick overview)

ALAC members: C Langdon-Orr, I Aizu, T H Nguyen, F Seye Sylla, A Greenberg, B Brendler, S Bachollet , P Vande Walle, R Guerra, C Aguirre, J Ovidio Salgueiro, V Scartezini, H Diakite

Board members: D Jennings, JJ Subrenat, T Narten, P Twomey (ICANN president),

P Dengate-Thrush (Chairman of the Board)

Apologies: W Seltzer

Absent: M El Bashir, A Muehlberg

Summary Minutes: 04 November 2008 Board Summary Minutes

Action Items: None

Transcription: 04 November 2008 Board Transcription

Recording: EN, FR, ES



  1. How is the liaison to the Board from ALAC working, as contrasted with the other AC liaisons? This is in relation to the role, not the person filling the role.
  2. What outcomes do the Board wish to see from the At-Large summit? How available will Board members make themselves to participate in the Summit sessions?
  3. What feedback do the board have vis a vis the current status of the ALAC Review – and as it relates to some of the recommendations in the BGC-ALRWG, what is the status of all the Statements of ALAC sent to the board this year?