04 November 2008 Board
04 November 2008 Board
At-Large Community - Cairo ICANN Meeting
At-Large Community/ICANN Board Meeting
Meeting Number: AL.ALAC/MT.33/6
Date: 04 November 2008
Time: 10:30 - 12:30 Cairo Time
Location: San Souci II
Interpretation (Simultaneous): EN, ES, FR
Remote participation: None
Adobe Connect Link: http://icann.na3.acrobat.com/cairomeeting/ (this meeting space will remain open during the whole conference)
(Test your Adobe Connect connection and get a quick overview)
ALAC members: C Langdon-Orr, I Aizu, T H Nguyen, F Seye Sylla, A Greenberg, B Brendler, S Bachollet , P Vande Walle, R Guerra, C Aguirre, J Ovidio Salgueiro, V Scartezini, H Diakite
Board members: D Jennings, JJ Subrenat, T Narten, P Twomey (ICANN president),
P Dengate-Thrush (Chairman of the Board)
Apologies: W Seltzer
Absent: M El Bashir, A Muehlberg
Summary Minutes: 04 November 2008 Board Summary Minutes
Action Items: None
Transcription: 04 November 2008 Board Transcription
Recording: EN, FR, ES
- How is the liaison to the Board from ALAC working, as contrasted with the other AC liaisons? This is in relation to the role, not the person filling the role.
- What outcomes do the Board wish to see from the At-Large summit? How available will Board members make themselves to participate in the Summit sessions?
- What feedback do the board have vis a vis the current status of the ALAC Review – and as it relates to some of the recommendations in the BGC-ALRWG, what is the status of all the Statements of ALAC sent to the board this year?