02 November 2008

02 November 2008

At-Large Community - Cairo ICANN Meeting

* ALAC/ At-Large Policy and Planning OneDay #4*

Date: 02 November 2008

Time: 09:00 - 18:00 Cairo Time

Location: San Souci II

Interpretation (Simultaneous): EN, ES, FR

Remote participation: None

Adobe Connect Link: http://icann.na3.acrobat.com/cairomeeting/

(Test your Adobe Connect connection and get a quick overview)

Meeting Number: AL.ALAC/MT.33/1

ALAC Participants: C Langdon-Orr, S Bachollet, I Aizu, A Peake, A Greenberg, C Aguirre, R Guerra, F Seye Sylla, P Vande Walle, V Scartezini, H Diakite, J Ovidio Salgueiro, M El Bashir, B Brendler, A Peake

Liaisons: W Seltzer

Guests: E Leibovitch (NARALO), C Samuels (LACRALO), C Jackson and A Linton (Westlake Consulting)

President’s Strategy Committee: M Cade, Y Lanispuro, P Dandjinou

ALAC Review WG: T Narten, T Drakes, JJ Subrenat

Staff: N Ashton-Hart, M Langenegger

Summary Minutes: 02 November 2008 Summary Minutes

Action Items: None

Transcription: 02 November 2008 Transcription


Part 1 English, Español, Français
Part 2 English, Español, Français(dernier fragement manquant)
Part 3 English, Español, Français

Documents: See also Cairo Documents


This next Cairo Session in the series of the ALAC's OneDay Workshops, will be focusing on the issue of "How to increase participation of the ALS's and wider At-Large Community in the ICANN Policy Development and Processes" The focus is on the mechanisms required to facilitate a 'best practice model for ALS<=>RALO<=>ALAC<=>ICANN communications' and an analysis of how the outcomes of the current ALAC Review can be used and incorporated into changes that will meet this desire.

0900 - 0940 Welcome and outline of today's activities / Introductions.

0940 - 1030 Discussion of the ALAC Review, with the Board Governance Committee ALAC Review Working Group on ALAC Improvements

1030 - 1100 Morning Break

1100 - 1115 Short presentation by the RSSAC Reviewers

1100 - 1200 Forum 'OK so were all a bunch of volunteers how is this supposed to work?'

1200 - 1300 Lunch

1300 - 1315 Short presentation by the SSAC Reviewers

1315 - 1400 Analysis and integration planning of key recommendations of the ALAC Review

1400 - 1530 Break Out Sessions

  • Policy Advice Development Process (where can we fast track?) EN
  • Participation and Accountability of ALAC Members and Liaisons (Rule 21 (EN) (ES) (FR)))
  • Working Groups, Outreach Activities and Grass Roots Input List with WG members

1530 - 1600 Afternoon Break

1600 - 1630 Break Out session finalise and report back

1630 - 1700 Improving Institutional Confidence discussion with PSC Members Marilyn Cade and H.E. Yrjö Lansipuro http://www.icann.org/en/jpa/iic/action-plan-revised.htm

1700 - 1800 Wrap Up

This meeting schedule shown in the ICANN Cairo meeting agenda is November 1, which is different from what is written here.
Please confirm!!

contributed by sebastien.bachollet@isoc.fr on 2008-10-29 01:35:38 GMT