03 March 2009 Action Items

03 March 2009 Action Items

A Greenberg.:

Will help in the constitution a new regionally-balanced group to work on a primary draft proposal for ALAC new measures for assesment (metrics) proposal. The draft must be finished by 15 April

An initial draft response on metrics will be prepared by A Greenberg and his new WG and then commented interactively on a Wiki page. The vote will take place at the next ALAC meeting

A Greenberg will draft a short guidebook for the liaisons

C Langdon-Orr and ALAC:

half of the At-Large advisory committee to make a draft declaration within days on travel support and then draft to be put to vote on line through the discussion list. The final declaration will be sent by the Chair to the Board on behalf of the ALAC


Verifiy that all the motions raised during the ALAC 3 February meeting have been voted on (mp3 recording stopped before the end of the meeting, therefore the summary minutes for 3 February 2009 lack that information)