03 June 2010 summary minutes

03 June 2010 summary minutes

NOTE - In revision, please revisit the page in 24 hours.

Participants: Dev Anand, Darlene , Tijani, Wolf,
Apologies: Sylvia
Staff: Heidi

Review of action items from 27 May:

  • Each region is to be analyzed by the relevant regional representatives followed by the regional results being combined at the end for a global view.
  • Each regional representative is to analyze their regions and create tables. This is to be reported back at the next call.
  • Staff to ask BigPulse to provide tables and to include the full question in their survey results.
  • Dev and Darlene to work on a Google spreadsheet document over the weekend.
  • Staff to suggest that ALS survey analysis discussion in Brussels come immediately prior to At-Large Improvements section.
  • Participants to work on-line between meetings.

Wolf noticed a slight mistake on the EURALO sheet - JFC Morfin lists Wolf as the completer of the survey.

ALS survey results will be discussed prior to the ALAC Improvements discussion on Sunday, 20 June.

2. Review of survey results

Dev noticed that some data (ex. primary/tertiary) is missing.

Wolf - Could we come back and refer to the respective ALS?

Dev gave some examples of LACRALO ALSes.

Tijani stated that we can be in touch with the concerned ALS but questions whether we can change the data.

Dev pointed out that decision is up to the WG, especially if it improves the accuracy of the data. Darlene agreed with this point.

Tijani - What type of data will we present in Brussels?

Dev - it is up to the regional representatives. Perhaps we need to have one more call prior to Brussels. It comes down to what we decide.

Tijani: Shall we give total numbers? Shall we give percentages? The analysis will come afterward, but the data to be presented.

Dev: The percentages will be more important.

Tijani: The percentages refer to the total, correct

Darlene: questioning what type of analysis we should carry out

Dev: We could look at how often ALS meet

Wolf: There is a lot of information that confirms what I know about EURALO ALSes. For me it would have been more interesting to find out about those ALSes who are not very active in EURALO.

Wolf: I will prepare a short presentation for EURALO. The results will be interesting for other regions. This will raise interesting questions.

Dev: will have coordination. A standardized format.

Wolf: Agree. This will enable analysis across the regions.

Tijani: Support strongly. We need to present the data in the same way. So that people will understand it and make the link between the various regions' results.
Each region will analyze the data on their own.


Dev. Agree. We need to agree on a template so everyone will use it during their presentation.

Darlene: Shall we use percentages?

Dev: Yes, percentages.

Wolf: We have different types of organizations

Dev: The problem is that this information was not captured in the survey. So not sure how to capture the information.

Tijani: Suggest we prepare a draft presentation. We try to inspire each other. We can then coordinate to make a good presentation.

Wolf: The survey had technical questions and qualititative questions. Afterwords we had the content questions. We could separate our presentation into these sections.


Wolf: The content issues are more interesting.

Dev: All of are on Skype and leave e-mail messages. E

The next steps;

Next call: 10 June - 16:00 UTC

Rudi: ccTLD analysis - need more ALSes to participate. We only have 10 responses of 26. I'm a bit surprised that so few ALSes are cooperating/integrated with ccTLDs at the local level.

Rudi: will continue to do analysis.