Chat: 2019-06-11 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call

Chat: 2019-06-11 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call

22:31:30 From Yesim Nazlar : Welcome to the At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group call taking place on Tuesday, 11 June 2019 at 20:00 UTC.
22:31:43 From Yesim Nazlar : Agenda: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/hxnwBQ
22:35:25 From Vrikson Acosta : hello
22:52:58 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : ok
22:53:59 From Evin Erdoğdu : Hello all, welcome.
22:54:51 From sergio salinas porto LACRALO : hi all
22:58:46 From Judith Hellerstein : HI All
22:59:12 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : Just uploaded video on a discussion with NARALO members on the new Canadian Digital Charter early today
22:59:14 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : https://youtu.be/E56jIsmFZ7A
23:01:11 From ALBERTO SOTO : Hello everyone, hola a todos!
23:01:57 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : Today's agenda is on: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99621255/2019-06-11+Consolidated+Policy+Working+Group+Call
23:01:58 From Alan Greenberg : Yesim's voice somewhat garbled on my end.
23:02:43 From Judith Hellerstein : sounds fine with me
23:03:13 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Not as good as it can be
23:03:20 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : better now
23:03:42 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : :-)
23:05:04 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : not that great
23:06:06 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : getting more garbled
23:06:14 From sergio salinas porto LACRALO : hola amigos latinos!
23:07:26 From Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR) : Igual para todos los hispano parlantes!
23:08:42 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : audio
23:08:43 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : dropped
23:08:51 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : sorry. the call I was on dropped.
23:09:05 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : Jonathan please take over if you could
23:09:31 From Bastiaan Goslings : Yep thanks, JZ
23:09:50 From Bastiaan Goslings : No update from me - as predicted, I did not have the time on such short notice to work on this. But again, no worries IMO, as the deadline for this public comment is in August
23:10:09 From John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO) : Olivier has gone all Matrixy on us
23:10:30 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : almost musical
23:10:35 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : I am back
23:10:47 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : I would like to volunteer to draft a statement on the evolving the governance of the root server system if we agree that there is a need for one. I can also read and help Seb out.
23:11:52 From Marita Moll : Have not done it yet -- contacted TTF.
23:12:14 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : GEEEEZZZZZZ
23:12:17 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : What was the issue for the TTF ?
23:12:26 From Evin Erdoğdu : Thank you @Abdulkarim, I will note your interest as penholder and confirm with the ALAC Chair.
23:12:29 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : Sorry what is going on? I have full bars and my calls are getting dropped repeatedly
23:12:47 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : gremlins OCL
23:12:52 From Yesim Nazlar : weā€™ll redial back to you Olivier
23:13:15 From Judith Hellerstein : We wanted to do training on zoom for people
23:13:32 From Judith Hellerstein : with the zoom experts at icann and think that would be helpful
23:13:37 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : few of us on here are on TTF
23:13:38 From Bastiaan Goslings : Thanks @Abdulkarim, letā€™s make this a co-production ;-)
23:13:49 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : ok back on. Apologies for this
23:13:52 From Marita Moll : @Judith -- this not about training -- it is about the issues with the system that training is not going to resolve
23:13:58 From Cristian Casas : buenas tardes a todos
23:14:08 From Jonathan Zuck : @OCL, weā€™ve just started on EPDP
23:14:12 From Judith Hellerstein : @marita- Like what?
23:14:16 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : Ok Seb
23:14:29 From Jonathan Zuck : @Judith, letā€™s take that conversation offline. Thanks!
23:14:55 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : @Marita. all - we have a Q to ICANN regarding Zoom : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99622541/Questions+to+ICANN+regarding+Zoom for cataloging and raising issues regarding Zoom
23:14:57 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : Thanks @Jonathan. Let's see if I get dropped again...
23:15:28 From Jonathan Zuck : Folks, letā€™s focus on the EPDP. Take the Zoom issue offline and come back. Thanks!
23:16:31 From Marita Moll : @Dev -- thanks -- I will take a look at that.
23:18:20 From sergio salinas porto LACRALO : holƱa Cristian!
23:21:17 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : I assume that the pages on the presentation *should* have been progressed...
23:25:12 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : Disclosure is that the same that sharing a data of registrant with other parties with the agreement of registrant ....?

23:28:00 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : BTW for me at least this presentation as accessed from the Agenda page is NOT showing any text on the slides... please check
23:28:11 From John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO) : I'm dubious that the the EU will accept that argument regarding purpose and third parties.
23:29:21 From John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO) : ICANN purpose <> EU recognized legitimate purpose
23:29:49 From Jonathan Zuck : No!
23:30:03 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : @Cheryl: the slides have been redacted for GDPR :-)
23:30:22 From Jonathan Zuck : We need 3 words and only have two at the moment so itā€™s leading to stupid time wasting debate
23:30:24 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : I'd lol at that but... ... ...
23:30:42 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : I know - they don't work on my computer either
23:31:13 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : Looks like a new PDF of the slides or a new upload needs to be undertaken on the agenda page. .
23:31:43 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : @Cheryl it displays when I download and open in LibreOffice - the preview in the browser doesn't show anything
23:32:39 From John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO) : yes
23:33:02 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : Do we have a definition of" third parties" in our case who can access on that Data by approval and a give us a exemple of Case ?
23:33:23 From Holly Raiche : Good discussion - thanks
23:33:44 From LeĆ³n : Hello everyone
23:34:11 From Bastiaan Goslings : @Alan, hadia & Holly: I just sent you guys a reply
23:34:42 From Carlton Samuels : @Alan: I am/would be shocked..shocked I tell you..that there is still sentient persons remaining to be convinced that with regard to DP principles ICANN is a data controller!!
23:35:07 From LeĆ³n : a third party would be anyone other than the data subject or the parties to a contract between the registrar/registrant, registry/registrar
23:36:14 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : Thanks for that .
23:37:06 From Holly Raiche : @ Bastiaan - when you say sent - do you mean by email or Skype?
23:37:10 From Carlton Samuels : @ Alan: Ok. So in furtherance of "compliance" under contract, everything held can be placed under that label.
23:38:03 From Evin Erdoğdu : Presentation was updated to PDF, should work well now.
23:38:38 From Bastiaan Goslings : @Holly: email, the one Alan referred to
23:38:48 From Holly Raiche : Thanks Bastiaan
23:39:40 From Alan Greenberg : Thanks Basiaan. Appreciate the input.
23:40:00 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : @Cheryl: reload the agenda and the link to EPDP II presentation should now work
23:40:54 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Noted thx
23:42:21 From Holly Raiche : Iā€™d be interested in amendment to the fundamental by-law
23:42:28 From John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO) : TY Marita
23:47:00 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Deadline for NC Review comments is extended as per request from ALAC and others FYI
23:47:18 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : so until after Marrakech
23:47:33 From Evin Erdoğdu : Thank you Leon
23:47:36 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : but appreciate if comments come in earlier
23:49:23 From Carlton Samuels : Thank you for that statement Leon. It says clearly the ALAC/ At-Large can be bold!!
23:51:57 From Carlton Samuels : @Sebastien As simple as that fact might appear, it inures to duties/ways in which our constituency engage!
23:52:51 From LeĆ³n : Thank you Carlton!
23:52:57 From Carlton Samuels : Break in transmission!
23:54:56 From Sebastien Bachollet : I read the doc and I will be happy to give you feed back

13:49:23 From Carlton Samuels : Thank you for that statement Leon. It says clearly the ALAC/ At-Large can be bold!!
13:51:57 From Carlton Samuels : @Sebastien As simple as that fact might appear, it inures to duties/ways in which our constituency engage!
13:52:51 From LeĆ³n : Thank you Carlton!
13:52:57 From Carlton Samuels : Break in transmission!
13:54:56 From Sebastien Bachollet : I read the doc and I will be happy to give you feed back
13:56:38 From Jonathan Zuck : Got it. Iā€™ll work on the wording
13:58:45 From Marita Moll : One point on the MS part of it -- I think it should say responsibilities and powers rather than participation and powers
13:58:51 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : there is not such thing as a standard multistakeholder model
14:00:36 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : what is a "minimalist approach"?
14:01:26 From Jose R. Lebron : I need to hang-Bye
14:01:41 From Marita Moll : I might also have some other suggestions after tomorrow's discussion with B. Cute. We might want to zone in on some particular aspect of the discussion that is not reflected here
14:02:22 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : there is also someones line open as well
14:02:23 From Alan Greenberg : aND SOMEONE IS MOVING POTS AND PANS
14:02:34 From Alan Greenberg : Oops - sorry caps
14:04:00 From Alan Greenberg : I need to leave now. Bye all.
14:05:59 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : not from my POV
14:06:04 From Jonathan Zuck : Iā€m available.
14:06:26 From Holly Raiche : Iā€™m available and happy to join in if there is a call
14:06:47 From Jonathan Zuck : Would be Wednesday, no?
14:07:05 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : basically she is saying not a good time
14:07:25 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Indeed it will
14:07:37 From Carlton Samuels : @Matita. A struggle for all of us unpaid volunteers, believe me.
14:07:37 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : I was going to note that Claudia
14:07:56 From Bastiaan Goslings : Others will be at Eurodig
14:08:22 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : at what UTC time?
14:08:35 From Bastiaan Goslings : next week when?
14:09:47 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : SOme of us will turn up IF meetings are on *even begrugingly*
14:10:20 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : Auction Proceeds meetings are usually at 14:00. if anyone wanted to know
14:10:32 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : I have a call at 2000
14:10:36 From Jonathan Zuck : I figured as much. I just considered that to be the second question. If everyone is traveling, etc. then we shouldnā€™t go through the timing exercise
14:10:45 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Thus my enquiry
14:11:06 From Holly Raiche : fine
14:11:15 From Holly Raiche : fine
14:11:36 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : OK I look forward to the iCal coming out then and I have the 2000 UTC hard stop ( well a few minuted before)
14:12:14 From Bastiaan Goslings : thanks everyone
14:12:17 From Bastiaan Goslings : cioa
14:12:18 From Kaili Kan : Bye!
14:12:19 From ALBERTO SOTO : Thanks, bye bye!!
14:12:21 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : take care all
14:12:28 From avri doria : bye & thaanks
14:12:28 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : Bye thanks
14:12:32 From Rudi Daniel : bye