2019-04-10 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call

2019-04-10 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Time: 13:00 - 14:30 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here

How can I participate in this meeting?   

English Conference ID = 1638

Spanish Conference ID = 1738

AC Room: https://participate.icann.org/cpwg/

Action Items: EN             

Recording: EN, ES

AC Chat: EN

Transcript: EN, ES


EN: Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Maureen Hilyard, Cheryl Langdon- Orr, Jonathan Zuck, Abdulkarim Oloyede, Holly Raiche, Ibtissam Kaifouf, Hadia Elminiawi, Eduardo Diaz, Kaili Kan, Alan Greenberg, Gordon Chillcott, Marita Moll, Yrjö Lansipuro, Glenn McKnight, Satish Babu, George Kirikos, Sharon Emptage, John Laprise, Judith Hellerstein, Lutz Donnerhacke, Roberto Gaetano, Ejikeme Egbuogu, Avri Doria, Antonio Medina Gomez, Carlton Samuels, Greg Shatan

ES: Harold Arcos, Lilian Ivette De Luque Bruges, Alberto Soto

Apologies: Justine Chew, Sebastien Bachollet, Seun Ojedeji, Alfredo Calderon, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Christopher Wilkinson, Bartlett Morgan

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Evin Erdoğdu, Yeşim Nazlar

ES Interpreters: Veronica & David

Call Management: Yeşim Nazlar

At-Large Policy Resources

2019 ALAC Policy Comments & Advice
At-Large Policy Summary
At-Large Executive Summary page
Multistakeholder Advice Development graphic

EPDP Resources

Web Page of EPDP
EPDP on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data 
Keep Up with EPDP on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data
EPDP Background Documents

Agenda - EN

1. Welcome and roll call - Staff (2 minutes)

2. Adoption of agenda, review of Action Items 03 April - Olivier Crepin-Leblond (3 minutes)

3. EPDP and Next Steps (including EPDP Phase II) and ALAC Advice to ICANN Board - Hadia Elminiawi and Alan Greenberg (50 minutes)

See: Draft advice for comment on GNSO Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data Policy Recommendations for ICANN Board Consideration 

4. Policy comment updates - Jonathan Zuck, Evin Erdoğdu and All (15 minutes) 

Recently Ratified by the ALAC


Public Comment for Decision - Presentation by Jonathan Zuck (TBD)

Proposed Renewal of .biz Registry Agreement   
Proposed Renewal of .info Registry Agreement  

Current Statements (ALAC Advice, Comment or Correspondence)

5. ICANN65 Policy Topics - Jonathan Zuck and All (15 minutes)

6. Any other business (AOB) - Olivier Crepin-Leblond and All (3 minutes)

7. Next Meeting - Olivier Crepin-Leblond and Staff (2 minutes) 

Agenda - ES

1. Bienvenida y asistencia - Staff (2 minutos)

2. Adopcion de la Agenda, revision de los Items de Accion 03 Abril - Olivier Crepin-Leblond (3 minutos)

3. EPDP y Próximos pasos (incluida la Fase II de EPDP) y la asesoría de ALAC a la Junta directiva de ICANN - Hadia Elminiawi y Alan Greenberg (50 minutos)

Ver: Proyecto de asesoramiento para comentar GNSO Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data Policy Recommendations for ICANN Board Consideration 

4. Actualizaciones de comentarios sobre políticas: Jonathan Zuck, Evin Erdoğdu y Todos (15 minutos)

Recientemente Ratificados por el ALAC 


Comentarios Publicos para decision - Presentación de Jonathan Zuck (TBD)

Proposed Renewal of .biz Registry Agreement   
Proposed Renewal of .info Registry Agreement  

Declaracion actual (Consejo del ALAC, Comentario o Correspondencia)

5. Temas de política de ICANN65: Jonathan Zuck y todos (15 minutos)

6. Otros temas (AOB) - Olivier Crepin-Leblond y todos (3 minutos)

7. Siguiente reunion - Olivier Crepin-Leblond y Staff (2 minutos)