2020-07-15 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call

2020-07-15 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call

Wednesday, 15 July 2020

Time: 19:00 - 20:30 UTC (for the time in various time zones click here

How can I participate in this meeting?   

English Conference ID = 1638

Spanish Conference ID = 1738

French Conference ID = 1838

Zoom Room:  https://icann.zoom.us/j/97147867051?pwd=NWswK1duaUtHclBxaksyRC8wekxCQT09

Passcode: 2345cpwg**

RTT Linkhttps://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN [streamtext.net]

Action Items:  EN      

Recording: EN, ES, FR

Zoom Chat: EN

Transcript: EN, ES, FR


EN: Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Jonathan Zuck, Maureen Hilyard,  Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Vernatius Ezeama, Alan Greenberg, Hadia Eliminiawi, Abdias Zambrano, Alberto Soto, Alejandro Piscanty, Ali Hissana, Augusto Ho, Avri Doria, Sebastien Bachollet, Betty Fausta, Bill Jouris, Christopher Wilkinson, Dave Kissoondoyal, Abdulkarim Ayopo Oloyede, Eduardo Diaz, Gordon Chillcott, Greg Shatan, Hanan Khatib, Holly Raiche, Jaewon Son, Jose Lebron, Lutz Donnerhacke, Judith Hellerstein, Marita Moll, Matthias Hudobnik, Michel Tchonang, Percival Henriquez, Ricardo Holmquist, Roberto Gaetano, Tracy Hackshaw, Vanda Scartezini, Vrikson Acosta, Yrjo Lansipuro, Barrack Otieno, 

ES: Harold Arcos, 


Apologies: Sylvia Herlein Leite, Justine Chew, Evin Erdoğdu (staff), Anne-Marie Joly Bachollet, Nadira AlAraj, Priyatosh Jana, Joan Katambi 

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Alperen Eken, Michelle DeSmyter, Claudia Ruiz


ES: David & Veronica

FR: Claire & Camila

Call Management: Michelle DeSmyter & Claudia Ruiz

At-Large Policy Resources

At-Large Policy Sessions @ ICANN Meetings
At-Large and DNS Abuse
At-Large Capacity Building Workshop - An Introduction to Policy Development at ICANN
2020 ALAC Policy Comments & Advice
At-Large Policy Summary
At-Large Executive Summary page
Multistakeholder Advice Development graphic

EPDP Resources

Web Page of EPDP
EPDP on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data 
Keep Up with EPDP on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data
EPDP Background Documents


Click tabs for languages - Haga clic en pestañas para idiomas - Cliquez sur les onglets pour les langues


English (EN)

1. Welcome and intro - staff (2 minutes)

2. Adoption of agenda, review of Action Items from 08 July - Olivier Crepin-Leblond (3 minutes)

3. Workgroup Updates

Ongoing work by Small Team: Development of At-Large's Preliminary Scorecard on SubPro, inter alia for intersessional ALAC-GAC cooperation and At-Large participation in the GAC Focus Group on SubPro 

Schedule of Issues/Topics: Small Team Workplan

Consensus Building
(a) Geographic Names - WT5 Final Report

Consensus Building for Next Meeting:
(a) Objections - GAC Advice & GAC Early Warning only 
(b) Objections - Others
(c) Limited Challenge/Appeal Mechanism 

4. Policy comment updates - Jonathan Zuck, drafting team member(s) and all (10 minutes) 

Recently Ratified by the ALAC

ccNSO PDP3: Initial Proposals for Process to Retire ccTLDs
As a whole, the ALAC supports the ccNSO PDP3.  From an end user perspective, the ALAC suggested two points to be considered: 1) As a user of the Internet, the removal of a TLD will mean less likelihood for confusion as usually a ccTLD would be removed to make way for a new one. This enhances Trust in the domain name identifiers; 2) As a domain name registrant, the retirement of the ccTLD could pose a problem when correspondents are accustomed to use the "old" address using the obsolete ccTLD. Some companies have built a brand around the "old" ccTLD.

Public Comment for Decision 


Current Statements (ALAC Advice, Comment or Correspondence)

Public Comment Name

Public Comment Close


Assigned Working Group


Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Regional Strategic Plan for FY2021-2025

LACRALO Statement




Third Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT3) Final Report 

Join the webinars on the ATRT3 Final Report on 15 July 2020 @ 15:30 UTC and 16 July @ 07:00 UTC. Details on how to join here: https://go.icann.org/2Ztc96M




Enhancing the Effectiveness of ICANN’s Multistakeholder Model – Next Steps




Label Generation Rules for the Root Zone Version 4 (RZ-LGR-4)




Drafting team member(s):

Bill Jouris (TBC)

5. Any other business (AOB) - Olivier Crepin-Leblond and all (3 minutes)

6. Next Meeting - Olivier Crepin-Leblond and staff (2 minutes)


Subsequent Procedures Scorecards

  1. Applicant Support Program, v7 settled 5 May 2020
  2. Application Change Request, v1 settled 7 May 2020
  3. Role of Application Comment, v1 settled 7 May 2020
  4. String Similarity, v2 settled 7 May 2020
  5. Universal Acceptance, v4 settled 27 May 2020
  6. Internationalized Domain Names, v4 settled 28 May 2020
  7. Security and Stability, v2 settled 28 May 2020
  8. Name Collision, v2 settled 28 May 2020 
  9. Reserved Names, v2 draft, 8 Jun 2020
  10. Community Applications, v4 draft, 10 Jun 2020
    1. At-Large Interventions on CBA and CPE, 11 Jun 2020
    2. Revised CPE Guidelines - A Proposal by At-Large, 11 Jun 2020 

Go to: SubPro Updates Workspace for other Updates to Issues/Topics under Deliberation by the SubPro PDP WG
For a progress report see: At-Large Scorecard Topic List, 10 June 2020


Español (ES)

1. Bienvenida y asistencia - staff (2 minutos)

2. Adopcion de la Agenda, revision de los Acciones a partir del 08 de julio - Olivier Crepin-Leblond (3 minutos)

3. Actualizaciones de grupo de trabajo

  • Actualización de la Fase II del EPDP - Hadia Elminiawi y Alan Greenberg (15 minutos)
  • Procedimientos posteriores ("SubPro") - Marita Moll (30 minutos)

Trabajo en curso del equipo pequeño ("Small Team"): desarrollo del cuadro de mando preliminar de At-Large en SubPro, entre otras cosas para la cooperación entre sesiones ALAC-GAC y la participación de At-Large en el Grupo de enfoque GAC sobre SubPro

Calendario de problemas / temas sujeto: Plan de trabajo de equipo pequeño

La creación de consenso
(a) Geographic Names - WT5 Final Report

La creación de consenso - por próxima reunion

(a) Objections - GAC Advice & GAC Early Warning only 
(b) Objections - Others
(c) Limited Challenge/Appeal Mechanism

4. Actualizaciones de comentarios sobre políticas - Jonathan Zuck, miembro (s) del equipo de redacción y todos (10 minutos)

Recientemente Ratificados por el ALAC 

ccNSO PDP3: Initial Proposals for Process to Retire ccTLDs
As a whole, the ALAC supports the ccNSO PDP3.  From an end user perspective, the ALAC suggested two points to be considered: 1) As a user of the Internet, the removal of a TLD will mean less likelihood for confusion as usually a ccTLD would be removed to make way for a new one. This enhances Trust in the domain name identifiers; 2) As a domain name registrant, the retirement of the ccTLD could pose a problem when correspondents are accustomed to use the "old" address using the obsolete ccTLD. Some companies have built a brand around the "old" ccTLD.

Comentarios Publicos para decision


Declaracion actual (Consejo del ALAC, Comentario o Correspondencia)

Nombre del Comentario Público

Comentarios del Público Cerrar


Grupo de Trabajo Asignado


Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Regional Strategic Plan for FY2021-2025

LACRALO Statement




Equipo de redacción voluntario(s):


Harold Arcos




Dev Anand Teelucksingh


sylvia leite

Jacqueline Morris

Third Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT3) Final Report 

Únase a los seminarios web sobre el Informe final ATRT3 el 15 de julio de 2020 a las 15:30 UTC y el 16 de julio a las 07:00 UTC. Detalles sobre cómo unirse aquí: https://go.icann.org/2Ztc96M




Equipo de redacción voluntario(s):



Fouad Bajwa

Enhancing the Effectiveness of ICANN’s Multistakeholder Model – Next Steps




Label Generation Rules for the Root Zone Version 4 (RZ-LGR-4)




Equipo de redacción voluntario(s):

Bill Jouris (TBC)

5. Otros temas (AOB) - Olivier Crepin-Leblond y todos (3 minutos)

6. Próxima reunion - Olivier Crepin-Leblond y staff (2 minutos) 


SubPro Cuadros de mando

  1. Applicant Support Program, v7 settled 5 May 2020
  2. Application Change Request, v1 settled 7 May 2020
  3. Role of Application Comment, v1 settled 7 May 2020
  4. String Similarity, v2 settled 7 May 2020
  5. Universal Acceptance, v4 settled 27 May 2020
  6. Internationalized Domain Names, v4 settled 28 May 2020
  7. Security and Stability, v2 settled 28 May 2020
  8. Name Collision, v2 settled 28 May 2020
  9. Reserved Names, v2 draft, 8 Jun 2020
  10. Community Applications, v4 draft, 10 Jun 2020
    1. At-Large Interventions on CBA and CPE, 11 Jun 2020
    2. Revised CPE Guidelines - A Proposal by At-Large, 11 Jun 2020   

Ver: SubPro Updates Workspace para actualizaciones de temas / temas bajo deliberación por los procedimientos posteriores PDP WG
Para ver un informe de progreso, consulte: Lista de temas del cuadro de mando de At-Large, 10 junio de 2020


Français (FR) 

1. Accueil et appel nominal - personnel (2 minutes)

2. Adoption de l'ordre du jour, examen des points d'action à partir du 08 juillet - Olivier Crepin-Leblond (3 minutes)

3. Mises à jour du groupe de travail

  • Mise à jour EPDP Phase II - Hadia Elminiawi et Alan Greenberg (15 minutes)
  • Procédures suivantes ("SubPro") - Marita Moll (30 minutes)

Travaux en cours par une petite équipe: élaboration du tableau de bord préliminaire d'At-Large sur SubPro, notamment pour la coopération intersessions ALAC-GAC et participation d'At-Large au groupe de discussion du GAC sur SubPro.

Calendrier des problèmes / sujets soumis: Plan de travail en petite équipe

Établissement d'un consensus
(a) Geographic Names - WT5 Final Report

Établissement d'un consensus - pour prochaine réunion:  
(a) Objections - GAC Advice & GAC Early Warning only 
(b) Objections - Others
(c) Limited Challenge/Appeal Mechanism 

4. Mises à jour des commentaires sur la politique - Jonathan Zuck, membre (s) de l'équipe de rédaction et tous (10 minutes)

Récemment ratifié par l'ALAC

ccNSO PDP3: Initial Proposals for Process to Retire ccTLDs
As a whole, the ALAC supports the ccNSO PDP3.  From an end user perspective, the ALAC suggested two points to be considered: 1) As a user of the Internet, the removal of a TLD will mean less likelihood for confusion as usually a ccTLD would be removed to make way for a new one. This enhances Trust in the domain name identifiers; 2) As a domain name registrant, the retirement of the ccTLD could pose a problem when correspondents are accustomed to use the "old" address using the obsolete ccTLD. Some companies have built a brand around the "old" ccTLD.

Commentaire public pour décision


Déclarations actuelles (avis, commentaires ou correspondance de l'ALAC)

Nom du Commentaire Public

Commentaire Public Fermer


Groupe de Travail Assigné


Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Regional Strategic Plan for FY2021-2025

LACRALO Statement




Third Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT3) Final Report 

Rejoignez les webinaires sur le rapport final ATRT3 le 15 juillet 2020 à 15h30 UTC et le 16 juillet à 07h00 UTC. Détails sur la façon de rejoindre ici: https://go.icann.org/2Ztc96M




Bénévole(s) de l'équipe de rédaction:



Fouad Bajwa

Enhancing the Effectiveness of ICANN’s Multistakeholder Model – Next Steps




Label Generation Rules for the Root Zone Version 4 (RZ-LGR-4)




Bénévole(s) de l'équipe de rédaction:

Bill Jouris (TBC)

5. Toute autre affaire (AOB) - Olivier Crepin-Leblond et tous (3 minutes)

6. Prochaine réunion - Olivier Crepin-Leblond et le personnel (2 minutes)


SubPro Cartes de pointage

  1. Applicant Support Program, v7 settled 5 May 2020
  2. Application Change Request, v1 settled 7 May 2020
  3. Role of Application Comment, v1 settled 7 May 2020
  4. String Similarity, v2 settled 7 May 2020
  5. Universal Acceptance, v4 settled 27 May 2020
  6. Internationalized Domain Names, v4 settled 28 May 2020
  7. Security and Stability, v2 settled 28 May 2020
  8. Name Collision, v2 settled 28 May 2020
  9. Reserved Names, v2 draft, 8 Jun 2020  
  10. Community Applications, v4 draft, 10 Jun 2020
    1. At-Large Interventions on CBA and CPE, 11 Jun 2020
    2. Revised CPE Guidelines - A Proposal by At-Large, 11 Jun 2020  

Aller à: Espace de travail des mises à jour de SubPro pour d'autres mises à jour de problèmes / sujets sous délibération par le groupe de travail SubPro PDP
Pour un rapport d'étape, voir: At-Large Scorecard Topic List, 10 juin 2020