At-Large Technical Issues Working Group

At-Large Technical Issues Working Group


The At-Large Technical Issues Working Group is for everybody interested in the stability, safety and security of Domain Name System (DNS). Among the issues covered by this group are DNSSEC, DNS Exploitation Techniques such as Fast Flux Hosting and issues concerning the implementation of IPv6.

It has been noted by many in At-Large (as well as others) that the issues which most concern the community of Internet end users are those related to the security and trustability of the Internet.

One of the core components of ICANN’s mission is to ensure the stability and security of the DNS and autonomous number system within its remit. There has been a debate for as long as ICANN has been around about where ICANN’s mission begins and ends with respect to issues such as spam, phishing, pharming and other activities which use the DNS in criminal or fraudulent ways. As some of these activities go far beyond the DNS and autonomous number system and some law enforcement agencies feel that action should be reserved to them, it is challenging to evaluate how ICANN can have a significant impact to reducing such activities while operating within its remits.

The members of this working group are subscribed to the Technical Issue WG Mailing list.


Staff Support Lead: Heidi Ullrich

Mailing list: technical-issues@atlarge-lists.icann.org

To subscribe to the mailing list (or read the archives / manage your subscription) please visit https://mm.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/technical-issues.


The members of At-Large Technical Issues WG, organized by regional affiliation, are:




Olivier Crépin-Leblond

Interim Chair

AFRALOSarah Kiden
AFRALOVarsha Sewlal
AFRALOMathias Houngbo

Ejikeme Egbuogu

AFRALOBrahim Ousmane
AFRALOOlévié Kouami
AFRALOBeran Dondeh
AFRALOTomslin Samme-Nlar
AFRALOSeun Ojedeji
AFRALOYazid Akanho
AFRALOEsther Patricia Akello
AFRALOIsaac Maposa
AFRALOTijani Ben Jemaa
AFRALOCoura Fall
AFRALOJanvier Ngnoulaye
AFRALOAbdulkarim Ayopo Oloyede
AFRALOHadia Elminiawi
AFRALODave Kissoondoyal
AFRALORamanou Biaou
AFRALOHadia Elminiawi


Cheryl Langdon-Orr

APRALOAmir Qayyum
APRALOEr. Shehzad Shaikh
APRALOWaqar Azeem
APRALOAdeel Sadiq
APRALOSatish Babu
APRALOSam Goundar
APRALOShreedeep Rayamajhi
APRALOGnanajeyaraman Rajaram
APRALOJustine Chew
APRALOHolly Raiche
APRALOMohammad Abdul Awal
EURALOMichele Neylon
EURALOLutz Donnerhacke
EURALOSébastien Bachollet
EURALOJorma Mellin
EURALODina Solveig Jalkanen
EURALOJohan Helsingius
EURALOFotjon Kosta
EURALOSergey Myasoedov
LACRALOJuan Manuel Rojas
LACRALOFatima Cambronero
LACRALOAlberto Soto
NARALOYubelkys Montalvo
NARALOKaren Mulberry
NARALOAdrian Schmidt
NARALORon da Silva
NARALOGordon Chillcott
NARALOMartin Hannigan

Former WG Members


Next call: TBD

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