ALAC Subcommittee on Finance and Budget
ALAC Subcommittee on Finance and Budget (FBSC)
The ALAC Subcommittee on Finance and Budget (FSBC) coordinates the annual additional budget requests from the ALAC and RALOs to go into the yearly ICANN budget.
Because of this specific task on behalf of the ALAC, the membership of the FBSC consists of one ALAC member and one community member from each of the five RALOs to vote on any financial matters relating mainly to Additional Budget Requests (ABRs).
While most decisions by the FBSC are by consensus, should a vote be required, this vote is coordinated by the ALAC Chair. The FBSC committee and its purpose will continue. The FSBC is a diverse group geographically, which requires at least one member from the ALAC representing an Regional At-Large Organisation (RALO), and at least two At-Large members from each RALO. However, all FBSC calls are open to observers.
The FBSC is supported in its work by the Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFBWG), an open membership group from within the At-Large Community who register as participants in the discussions about Operational Finance and Budget matters related to At-Large and the drafting of public comments relating to ICANN's Operating Initiatives.
Staff Support Lead: Heidi Ullrich
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The members of the ALAC Subcommittee on Finance and Budget, organized by regional affiliation, are:
Next Call: 19 January 2023
Previous Call: 10 January 2023
At-Large FY24 Budget Development Workspace
At-Large FY23 Budget Development Workspace
At-Large FY22 Budget Development Workspace
At-Large FY21 Budget Development Workspace
Archived Work
ALAC Letter to ICANN COO: RALO FY12 Budget Allocation for AFRALO GA
ALAC Statement on Draft FY12 Operating Plan and Budget