At-Large ALS Criteria and Expectations Taskforce

At-Large ALS Criteria and Expectations Taskforce


During the discussions of the ALAC at ICANN52 in Singapore, the ALAC recommended that we constitute a Task Force (TF) to make recommendations to the ALAC regarding the criteria and expectations for ALSes and how those expectations relate to the work of the RALOs.

The recommendation was that this TF will include at least one ALAC member per region (to be selected by the ALAC members from each region) plus two people selected by the regional leadership (according to the RALO practices). Other may participate if they wish. The TF will be chaired by the ALAC Chair who will not formally represent his region. At-Large Staff will be full members of this TF as their input and opinions need to be considered.

Decisions in this TF will be made by consensus among the entire group or if necessary, by the regionally balanced group of 15 members plus Chair.


Staff Support Lead: Evin Erdoğdu

Mailing list: als-study-tf@atlarge-lists.icann.org

To subscribe to the mailing list (or read the archives / manage your subscription) please visit https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/als-study-tf 


The members of At-Large ALS Criteria and Expectations Taskforce, organized by regional affiliation, are:



Office/Selected by

Alan GreenbergChair
AFRALOTijani Ben JemmaMember/ALAC
AFRALOBeran DondehParticipant/Self/ALAC 
AFRALOMwendwa KivuvaMember/RALO
AFRALORonoh KennedyParticipant
AFRALOCaleb OlumuyiwaParticipant
AFRALOMichel Tchonang LinzeParticipant
AFRALOKris SeeburnParticipant
AFRALOBaudouin SchombeParticipant
AFRALORoger Oteng BaahParticipant
AFRALOOlévié KouamiParticipant
AFRALODave Kissoondoyal


AFRALOSarah KidenParticipant
AFRALOBram FudzulaniParticipant
AFRALOFanny SalyouParticipant
APRALOMaureen HilyardMember/ALAC
APRALOSiranush VardanyanMember/RALO
APRALOCheryl Langdon-OrrMember/RALO
APRALOChaitanya RamachandranParticipant/RALO
APRALOSatish BabuParticipant
APRALOKaili KanParticipant
APRALOHilmi Ghalib AlhaddadParticipant
APRALOStanley OsaoParticipant
APRALOYeseul KimParticipant
EURALOOlivier Crépin-LeblondMember/ALAC 

Yrjö Lansipuro

EURALOWolf LudwigMember/RALO 
LACRALOVanda ScarteziniMember/ALAC 
LACRALOJacqueline MorrisMember/RALO 
LACRALOJuan Manuel RojasMember/RALO 

Carlos Vera Quintana


Antonio Medina Gomez

LACRALODev Anand TeelucksinghParticipant/Self/RALO 
LACRALOFatima CambroneroParticipant/RALO
LACRALOLeon SanchezParticipant/RALO
LACRALOCarlos Raul GutierrezParticipant/RALO
LACRALOAlberto SotoParticipant/RALO
LACRALOHarold ArcosParticipant/RALO
NARALOGlenn McKnightMember/RALO 
NARALOSunish GuptaParticipant/RALO
NARALOJudith Hellerstein ?/RALO
NARALOJoly MacFie Participant/RALO
NARALOJohn Moore


Previous meetings  

Design Teams

DT NumberDT NameLeadMembersStatus
DT-AApplication ProcessNathalie Peregrine

Juan Manuel Rojas

Cheryl Langdon-Orr

Alan Greenberg

DT-CALS CriteriaAlan Greenberg

Vanda Scartezini

Cheryl Langdon-Orr

Alberto Soto

DT-EALS Operational ExpectationsYrjö Länsipuro

Juan Manuel Rojas

Cheryl Langdon-Orr

Alan Greenberg

DT-IIndividual MembersCheryl Langdon-Orr

Vanda Scartezini

Alan Greenberg


At-Large ALS Expectations Workspace: Analysis of the ALAC-RALO-ALS Structure and Proposal

ALAC’s Chair discussion paper-"Improving the Effectiveness of RALOs and ALSes in supporting the mission of At Large and ICANN". All RALOs have been asked to comment on this paper.

WIKI page: Current RALOs rules on ALses Criteria and Expectations

ALAC Rules of Procedure RoP-Adjunct-04 –At-Large Structure Framework

ALS Application Interpretation Guidelines

At-Large Framework

Initial At-Large Documentation (2003)

Document for Board Approval - 2007

Monthly Reports

Action Items Report