Action Items: 2019-02-27 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call
Action Items: 2019-02-27 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call
- ALAC Position on Government Engagement Approach: Leon Sanchez noted would be topic of discussion for the Board during ICANN64.
- Community discussion re: definition and scope of lobbying, level of transparency; how proactive ICANN should be as an organization.
Action Items
- jonathan.zuck / Heidi Ullrich / Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to add topic of ICANN Government Engagement to questions for Göran and/or Board, or being a point of discussion during Kobe (if too late to submit as question).
- Alan Greenberg / jonathan.zuck suggested At-Large policy discussion of EPDP Phase 2 planning during ICANN64.
- hadia.elminiawi to forward message from Kurt re: EPDP in Kobe to CPWG (complete).
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to create (in advance, for Kobe) an At-Large workspace for forthcoming EPDP public comment, share with CPWG. Alan Greenberg noted 05 March tentative launch date for public comment.
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) CPWG recommendation to ALAC re: Proposal for Hebrew Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules - No Statement.