July 2015 SSAC Report
July 2015 – SSAC Liaison Report
(as at 28 July 15)
1. SSAC MEETINGS. One SSAC Meeting was held on 23 July 2015. The main topic under discussion was the IANA Stewardship Transition and the status of work in the two Cross-Community Working Groups: CWG Stewardship and CCWG Accountability. There was a great deal of explanation and discussion of the proposed new Community Mechanism as Sole Member (CMSM) Model and the way in which the SSAC might (or might not) participate in it. The SSAC has not come to any conclusion on this matter, with a diversity of strongly held views amongst its members. It is unlikely that SSAC will offer any public comment prior to the CCWG’s publication of its 2nd Draft Proposal.
2. SSAC WORK PARTIES. I am currently participating in two SSAC Work Parties:
- New gTLDs – Mid-course correction, Collisions, Timing of next round: I was an apology for the WP meeting on 8 July but attended the meeting on 15 July.
- Registrant Protection/Credential Management: I was an apology for the WP meeting on 1 July and there have been no further meetings of this WP during the reporting period.
3. SSAC REPORTS. No SSAC Reports have been published since SAC072 released during ICANN53 in Buenos Aires.
4. SSAC REPRESENTATION ON CCWG ACCOUNTABILITY. Following a meeting at ICANN53 in Buenos Aires between the SSAC and the Co Chairs of the CWG Accountability, the SSAC agreed to reconsider its ability to participate in this CCWG, possibly with one or two SSAC Members acting as contact persons. Subsequently, Lyman Chapin and I volunteered to join the CCWG as the SSAC representatives, and we have joined all CCWG Meetings since that time. Lyman attended the CCWG Face-to-face Meeting in Paris (17-18 July) and I joined all sessions remotely. Additionally, we have attended CCWG teleconferences on 14, 21 and 23 July. As well, I attended a WP1 teleconference on 27 July. There is a further CCWG Meeting to be held later today (28 July), which we will both attend.