SSAC Monthly report March - April 2019
Documents and correspondence:
SSAC monthly meeing 11 April took place with following agenda:
- Membership Update
- Presentation on Technical Study Group
- Activities of the GCSC (Global commission on stability in cyberspace)
- Presentation on Hyperlocal Roots (now you can have your own copy of the root!)
Regular work over NCAP, finalizing IOT WG document, Marrakech agenda
DOH/DOT (DNS over https/dns over tls) group formation
Recall from 64 ICANN meeting topics, many will be in Marrakech:
SSAC input to EPDP report (avail online)
Name collision analysis project (NCAP)
DNS in the IOT - in the final draft mode
Emerging security topics / Domain name hijacking attacks / Studying abuse in new gTLDS
DNSSEC workshops, please come see us in Marrakech!
SSAC and ccNSO Joint working group on EPSRP (finished)
Topics of interest
DNS privacy, DNS over HTTP, DNS over TLS
Pros and cons of hyper local root / RFC 7706/bis
DNSSEC DS key management and other reigstrar/registry control issues
Best practices for handling take-down procedures