November 2023 SSAC Liaison Report

November 2023 SSAC Liaison Report

No new documents published

SSAC Activity during ICANN 78

Admin committee meetings: 5

Themes: prep slides for ICANN78, messaging channels for SSAC publications with Sally Newell Cohen, Alex Dans. Prep for the Board: “achieving fit-for-purpose outcomes in a multistakeholder model environment”, housekeeping, lightning talk on the Internet Namespace and Blockchain.

22 October:

Joint meeting with GNSO Council: SSAC briefed the GNSO Council on updates on the NCAP Study 2 progress and the progress on the DS Automation work party

Joint meeting with RSSAC: RSSAC members briefed the SSAC on the RSS Cyber Security Oversight and Disclosure work party. SSAC members briefed the RSSAC on: NCAP, DNSSEC DS Automation, Registrar NS Management, and the Evolution of DNS Resolution work party, SSAC’s comments on top ICANN priorities, future topics for SSAC work parties, and the upcoming leadership change in the SSAC. Jeff Osborn gave an overview of the upcoming RSSAC Vice Chair election. Ozan Sahin briefed both groups on the upcoming Bylaws changes with respect to the NomCom.  Danielle Rutherford briefed both groups on the status of the RZERC Charter Review. Julie provided an overview of SSAC members’ skills and new member outreach.

Joint meeting with ALAC: Steve Crocker provided an overview of barriers to DNSSEC Adoption and the current SSAC work on examining methods for DS automation. Steve Crocker spoke on how access to domain registration data is broken and how he would like to see multiple groups at ICANN organize to bring this to the attention of the ICANN community. Gautam Akiwate provided a brief overview of how the Registrar NS Management work party is setting up its analyses. Barry Leiba provided a brief overview of the purpose and overall findings of the Evolution of DNS resolution report. Rod Rasmussen briefed the ALAC on the SSAC’s topic for the joint SSAC-ICANN Board session, Achieving Fit-for-Purpose Outcomes in a Multistakeholder Model Environment. There was general alignment and support from several ALAC members.

Joint meeting with PSWG: Rod Rasmussen briefed the PSWG on the SSAC’s topic for the joint SSAC-ICANN Board session, Achieving Fit-for-Purpose Outcomes in a Multistakeholder Model Environment.  The need for an evaluation process was discussed, possibly involving ICANN staff or third-party arbitration. IETF's security consideration analysis was cited as a reference. Group discussed several topics related to domain registration data

SSAC Work Session 1: Data asset inventory, utilizing the data. Mobile app to measure end-user latency to root servers. Relevance of IPv6. 

24 October:

NCAP Work session: The discussion group discussed and reached consensus on four tactics for the TRT workflow technical details.

SSAC Work Session 2: Grame Bunton and Rowena Schoo from the DNS Abuse Institute provided updates on recent work to the SSAC. Andrei Kolesnikov and Matthias Hudobnik led a discussion on disseminating SSAC reports throughout the At-Large communities

SSAC Work Session 3: DNSSEC DS Automation Work Party held a work party meeting and discussed the current state of review of the draft report

SSAC Work Session 4: Rod Rasmussen presented the SSAC’s prepared topics and discussion questions for its joint meeting with the ICANN Board and led a discussion among the SSAC membership to prepare for the meeting. The discussion emphasized the importance of aligning with public interests, suggesting the addition of the term 'effective' to policy goals. Steve Crocker and Peter Thomassen led a brief discussion on the future of DNSSEC as a priority for SSAC and ICANN.

SSAC Joint Session with Board: The SSAC raised a question with the ICANN Board about integrating security, stability, and resilience into the global public interest (GPI) framework. In response, the ICANN Board mentioned a pilot they conducted to apply the GPI framework to policy recommendations concerning gTLD Registration Data. The SSAC highlighted the importance of assessing the feasibility of policy recommendations and ensuring they are fit-for-purpose. The Board explained that it asks clarifying questions when it reviews policy recommendations to ensure they are fit-for-purpose.

SSAC Work Session 5: Registrar NS Management Work Party held a work party meeting and reviewed the table Benefits/Burdens/Residual Risks to Registrars of options to prevent creation of new sacrificial name servers. Joe Abley presented a lightning talk on ‘Reflections on Membership: Poorly-informed..’

25 October 2023

DNSSEC and Security Workshop: The first session contained general presentations on DNSSEC deployment around the world, Analysis of DNSSEC Risk, and KSK Rock and Roll. The second session had a panel with speakers presenting on generalized notifications, an update on the SSAC DS automation work party deliberations, documenting and managing algorithm lifecycles, DNS provider coordination of multi-signer and DNSSEC automation, monitoring and evaluating the ethereum name service through the INSO, and a presentation on the value of continuing to promote DNSSEC. The third session had two presentations from ICANN on Loosening the algorithm requirements and the Root Zone Algorithm Rollover Study, and other presentations on Using RPKI to implement MANRS Action 4, A Comparative Study of DNS and Blockchain-based Naming Systems, and ARIN’s DNS Services, DNSSEC Practices etc.

26 October 2023

SSAC Public Meeting:  Jim Galvin and Tripti Sinha recognized Rod Rasmussen and Julie Hammer for their six years of service to the ICANN community as Chair and Vice Chair of the SSAC. Tripti Sinha presented Rod and Julie with gifts on behalf of the ICANN Board. Suzanne Woolf provided a brief update on the progress of NCAP. Peter Thomassen provided an update on the DS Automation Work Party. Jim Galvin provided an update on the Registrar NS Management Work Party. Barry Leiba provided an update on the Evolution of DNS Resolution Work Party. Rod Rasmussen provided an overview of the SSAC’s previous comments on top priorities within the ICANN community including DNS abuse, access to registration data, and adding new gTLDs.  Rod Rasmussen provided an overview of possible study topics for the SSAC to take on in the future. Julie Hammer presented the recruitment goals for the SSAC, SSAC membership expectations, and the SSAC membership recruitment timeline.

SSAC Work Session 6:  John Levine gave a lightning talk on “There sure are a lot of DNSSEC records with the same key”. Tour de Table meeting with various topics and wrap up.