December 2014 SSAC Liaison Report

December 2014 SSAC Liaison Report

December 2014 – SSAC Liaison Report

(as at 23 Dec 14)


1.            SSAC MEETINGS.  An SSAC Meeting was held on 12 December.

2.            SSAC WORK PARTIES.  I am currently participating in three SSAC Work Parties and have attended a total of 4 Work Party Meetings in the last 4 weeks:

  • IANA Transition: This WP has already produced two SSAC Reports: SAC067 and SAC068, and SAC069 was posted on 14 December.  Although no meetings were held during this period, much work was undertaken by email to finalise the third SSAC Report for publication. This WP has not met since then and will only convene a further meeting should that be required.
  • New gTLDs - Mid-course correction, Collisions, Timing of next round: One meeting was held on 11 December.  The WP Charter was finalised and work has commenced.
  • Registrant Protection/Credential Management: 3 meetings have been held on 27 November and on 4 and 18 December.  The WP Charter was finalised and work has commenced.

3.            Meetings related to the IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions.  I attended the following meetings/webinars on this topic:

  • IANA Functions Webinar presented by SSAC Chair Patrik Fältström on 3 December.
  • Briefing on the draft CWG IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on 4 December.
  • ALAC Webinar on the draft CWG IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on 11 December.

4.            SSAC REPORTS.  Both SAC067 (Overview and History of the IANA Functions dated 15 August 2014) and SAC068 (SSAC Report on the IANA Functions Contract) are intended as background information to assist the ICANN Community as a whole in its work to develop an IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal.  Both reports have been translated into all 5 UN languages.  The third report relating to IANA Stewardship Transition, SAC069 (SSAC Advisory on Maintaining the Security and Stability of the IANA Functions Through the Stewardship Transition) was published 14 December and is yet to be translated into languages other than English.  For many reasons, this document has taken much longer to finalise that the SSAC would have wished and the following preamble was included in the document:

Work on this document (SAC069) commenced in May 2014, early in the IANA stewardship transition proposal process. Since then, our initial input on the subject has been published as SAC067 and SAC068, and the operational communities have made substantial progress on their transition proposals to be submitted to the ICG. As a result, some of the findings and recommendations in this report may have been overtaken by events. However, the SSAC believes that the general thrust of the report is accurate and beneficial to the public discourse on the transition of the stewardship of the IANA Functions.