July 2009 SSAC report
During the last 2 months, the SSAC discussed the following issues:
- SAC040: Measures to Protect Domain Registration Services from Exploitation and Misuse
This SSAC advisory has received comments from the registrars constituency. Some of them asked for clarifications and more information on the real scale of the problems. The registrars pointed out that anecdotal evidence does not necessarily suggest there is a wide scale issue. The registrars also mentioned that one of the original goals of opening the market to competition in selling domain names was to allow registrars to compete by offering differentiating services. Security features are one thing the registrars are competing on. Hence, if SSAC wanted all registrars to implement the same high standards, they would not be able to compete on that front any more.
- SSAC retreat
Much discussion has taken place on the agenda of the SSAC retreat, to be held at the end of September in Washington DC.
Proposed SSAC Retreat Topics:
T1: SSAC Charter, Member Roles, Workflow
T2: SSAC Review Outcomes, Engagement with ICANN Bodies
T3: Registrant Protection & Abusive Behavior
T4: DNS as an Attack Vector
T5: "Routing is an accident waiting to happen" - what role should SSAC/ICANN play
T6: How robust is the root server system & what is its future?
T7: Which policies are threats to the Security & Stability of the Internet (Gaming & structural issues with ICANN rules)
Topics 2 and 3 are of special interest to the At-Large community. I will unfortunately not be able to attend the face-to-face meeting, but intend to participate remotely.