September 2017 SSAC Report
September 2017 – SSAC Liaison Report
(as at 26 September 17)
1. SSAC MEETINGS. Since my July Monthly report, the SSAC has held two meetings on 8 June and 19 July, both of which I attended, and is currently in the middle of the SSAC Annual Workshop (26-28 September).
2. SSAC WORK PARTIES. I am currently serving on five SSAC Work Parties:
- 2017 SSAC Membership Committee – This Committee reviews SSAC members who are approaching the end of their 3-year appointments and assesses potential new members. There have been four meetings of this Committee on 31 July, 14 and 21 August, and 18 September.
- IDN Harmonization WP – I joined this Work Party belatedly after better understanding the scope of its work during ICANN58 in Copenhagen. This Work Party has already released SACs 084, 088, 089 and 095. Additional aspects of IDNs are still being considered for further SSAC Reports. I attended one meeting of this Work Party on 22 August but apologized for the 8 August meeting.
- SSAC Review WP – This Work Party has been recently established to manage the 5-yearly SSAC Organizational Review as mandated in the ICANN Bylaws. ICANN staff are currently assessing responses to the Request for Proposal which was released on 7 July. The Work Party met 5 times on 27 July, 10 and 24 August, and 14 and 21 September. Additionally, the Work Party formulated a series of questions which were issued as a Survey to SSAC Members as part of the SSAC Self-Review. The results of the Survey will be discussed during the SSAC Workshop this week.
- SSAC 2017 Workshop Planning WP – This work party held 4 meetings on 9, 16, 23 and 30 August to finalise the workshop Program. I attended all but the 16 August meeting.
- ICANN60 Planning WP – This work party has held 1 meeting to date on 11 September.
3. SSAC REPORTS. There have been no SSAC Reports issued since my last Liaison Report in July.
4. SSAC REPRESENTATION ON CCWG ACCOUNTABILITY. I attended two meetings of the Diversity Sub-Group (on which I am a Participant) on 28 July and 10 August as well as one CCWG Plenary Meeting on 30 August. The first reading of the Diversity Report was presented at that meeting and, in the unexpected absence of the two Co-Chairs of that Sub-Group, I was requested as the beginning of the meeting to present the Report to the Plenary. The report was accepted with a number of questions and comments.