May 2014 SSAC Liaison Report
May 2014 SSAC Liaison Report
May 2014 – SSAC Liaison Report
(as at 27 May 14)
1. SSAC MEETINGS. The SSAC Monthly Meeting was held on 8 May.
2. SSAC WORK PARTIES. I have continued my participation in three SSAC Work Parties during the last reporting period:
- Identifier Abuse Metrics Work Party – There have not been any meetings of this work party during the last month but there has been some activity via email with the draft report under development.
- JAS Report Comment Work Party – The JAS Work Party was initiated at the ICANN49 Meeting in Singapore to develop comments on the JAS Report. As well as a large amount of work by email, this Work Party has had a further three meetings on the 6, 13 and 23 May, the latter two including some members of ICANN Staff and the JAS Team.
- London Meeting Planning Work Party – This work party to plan the SSAC Program for ICANN50 in London has held two meetings on 13 and 20 May.
3. SSAC REPORTS. No new SSAC Reports have been posted within the last reporting period.
4. PRE-ATLAS II CAPACITY BUILDING. I conducted a Pre-ATLAS II Capacity Building Webinar on Security and Stability on 15 May.