November 2012 SSAC Report

November 2012 SSAC Report

November 2012 – SSAC Liaison Report

(as at 27Nov12)


This Report covers the Sep/Oct/Nov period. 

A report on ICANN Meeting 45 in Toronto is posted separately. 


1. SSAC MEETINGS.  Attended SSAC Meeting on 13Sep12.  The SSAC Meeting scheduled to occur at the IETF Meeting in Atlanta on 8Nov12 was cancelled as it was too soon after the ICANN Meeting in Toronto to be warranted.

2. SSAC ANNUAL WORKSHOP.  The SSAC Annual Workshop was held in Los Angeles from 14-16Nov12.  Regrettably, I was unable to attend in person due to prior commitments, but I did attend 3 of the 4 half-day sessions remotely.  Staff are currently working to produce a public version of the SSAC Outcomes Report, and I will post a link to this when it is available.

3. DSSA WORKING GROUP MEETINGS.  Attended DSSA Working Group Meeting on 4Oct12.  A number of the WG Meetings have been cancelled in recent weeks.  The WG will meet this week to take a look at the public comments on its Phase 1 Report, before going into hibernation until a few weeks before the ICANN Meeting in Beijing. The results of Board DNS Risk Management Framework consulting work should then be available and the DSSA-WG can determine where its work should focus next.

4. SSAC REPORTS RELEASED.  Two SSAC Reports have been released in the last three months, before the ICANN Meeting in Toronto.  Both can be found on the SSAC Documents Page:

SAC055   SSAC Comment on the WhoIs Review Team Final Report

SAC056  SSAC Advisory on the Impacts of DNS Blocking (requested by the GAC)