May 2015 SSAC Report

May 2015 SSAC Report

May 2015 – SSAC Liaison Report

(as at 26 May 15)


1.            SSAC MEETINGS.  One SSAC Meeting was held on 14 May 2015.

2.            SSAC WORK PARTIES.  I am currently participating in three SSAC Work Parties:

  • New gTLDs – Mid-course correction, Collisions, Timing of next round:  This WP has not met during the reporting period.
  • Registrant Protection/Credential Management: I attended the meeting of this WP on 21 May.  One other scheduled meeting was cancelled due to unavailability of both WP co-chairs.
  • ICANN 53 Buenos Aires Program: I attended both meetings of this WP held on 14 and 21 May.

3.          SSAC REPORTS.  One new SSAC Report is expected to be published before ICANN53 in Buenos Aires.    This will be titled ‘SSAC Advisory on the Use of Static TLD / Public Suffix Lists’ and will be briefed to the ALAC during the meeting with the SSAC in Buenos Aires.  I will advise ALAC Members as soon as the Report is published on the SSAC Webpage.