Vanda Scartezini 2014
Vanda Scartezini
Reason to apply
I have been attending LACRALO meetings since early days. Started attending LACRALO meetings since the end of 2007 when I left the Board and join ALAC and my organization became accredited member in 2010.
Nowadays I am participating in the Governance Working Group, coordinating one of its subgroup – Operative Principles. Time passing and I continuing to be part of ICANN community, always focusing on the not for profit side of the community related to Internet and ICT field. The last years I have dedicated even more time to know better our region, interacting with several countries and being involved with LAC STRATEGY and directly coordinate one of its projects. As NomCom chair and member representing our region I have done a huge outreach work among all countries to convince more colleagues and defending the best profiles from our region, in order to improve our regional participation on leadership position inside ICANN. Now LAC region has several members in such positions.
In this statement I would like to prove that I have the best conditions to represent our region at ALAC and to deserve your support to do such work.
My Knowledge of ALAC
As a vice chair of ALAC back in 2007 with Sebastian as my peer and Cheryl as chair we could set up the new structure, documents and several process that became the basis of the more organized ALAC we area seeing nowadays. We went deeply into the budget, internal rules for RALOS’ organization, I was also deeply involved in convincing the Board to set up a budget to our first General Assembly (calling nowadays ATLAS I) in 2009 in Mexico City, and ALAC could get the respect of ICANN Board and community with the output of such Assembly. After then I was selected by my peers to become Liaison to the Board during 2010 and we finally got the ICANN seat 15 with Sebastian substituting me after the end of that year. During that year, as a Liaison to the Board I started a monthly report about my task inside the board to be connected with the community I have been represented – ALAC. I left ALAC as an effective member but never left as a participative member in several working groups, keeping strong relation with ALAC members while in SSAC, or in NOMCOM, participating in the At-large Skype group, participating as far as I could at ATLAS II(NOMCOM schedule was quite huge starting in Saturday) but could organize the sponsored lunch for Sunday to the whole Atlas II ALSs by PIR.
Last works I have done with ALAC was being part of the Nominating Committee to select members to the NTIA IANA Functions' Stewardship Transition Coordination Group, representing ALAC and a new one that shall start these days to select the members to represent ALAC at ICANN-wide Working Group on Accountability Issues.
At “My ICANN“ ALAC is one of my preferences to allow me to follow closely all issues related to the group.
I am sure I will easily merge into the work ALAC is doing if I was selected to be ALAC member representing LACRALO.
My ICANN experience
As some of you know, I've been in different positions within ICANN since 2000 - GAC – elected as Vice Chair; the Board of Directors, chair of Audit & Reconsideration Committees and member of Compensation, Governance & Meetings Committees, (ALAC + LACRALO – stated above) the SSAC, as committee member at GNSO OSC- and NomComm, as chair and member. Since GAC I was involved with the work to convince more countries to participate; on the board I have dedicated time to organize and get approval of the Fellowship Program, budget for it, and get involved in the promotion of the program for 3 years, promoting the idea in our community, speaking at all meetings and events I went, and helping to select new people to become a member of our community, as many of friends from LACRALO had the opportunity to participate. The program is really a success for the excellent work Janice is doing.
At that time in the Board, we work for the creation of RALOs for the ALAC structure, and it was here in São Paulo that the LACRALO started the RALO process in ICANN meeting. I was glad to have LACRALO as our first RALO to sign with ICANN. Along with Karla Valente, the group DNS Women started giving voice to the women working on the Internet in any country we go. I have been involved with the organization, to attract women to participate, get sponsorship and now we are having meetings with about 90 – 100 women who present their work and make a network more sustainable.
At SSAC, - (SSAC is not quite clear to the community since their members are not supported to participate at ICANN meetings, but the work they do is very relevant on the technical side of Internet) we began the Membership Committee to set up better rules and process for the dissemination and selection of technical members for the SSAC.
At NomCOM In the 2011 and 2012 we had the largest number of candidates, with 18 candidates from our region that year and I am proud to have personally invited many of them.
Besides directly ICANN involvement I have attending some of other related meetings during those years as LACNIC, LACNOG, LACIGF, Brazilian IGF, NET Mundial, IGF itself. I am also honorary member of the Registrars and ISPs Association in Brazil. I am also member of Brazil ISOC.
Personal Skills and Experience
In a resumed text I am an Electronic Engineer with specializations in R&D management, some classes in post grad Social Studies, with more than 35 years in management positions in ICT public and private sector, with several years of Board experience in national and international relevant not for profit organizations; I also held some prominent positions in the public sector in Brazil, as National Secretary for Information Technology Policy, National Secretary for Industrial Technology and President of Brazilian Patent Office. Acting as such I had approved two relevant bills dealing with the National Congress – Patent Law under TRIPs agreement and Information Technology Law. I have also written a bill that is approved and became Law related to integrated circuits rights. During my terms I lead several business missions to Europe, Asia, North and South America and defended Brazil ́s positions in different international forums. One of the most relevant achievements had been to promote connection and helping several NGOs in Internet related issues to establish training and capacity building in poor regions inside the country.
In the private sector I have occupied positions as Manager, Director and Superintendent, as well as CEO in large and medium organizations and have been participating in several public & private projects relates to ICT field; acted as Consultant in several projects for InfoDev/World Bank, IADB, UNDP and European Union & Mercosur in Brazil and abroad, as well as acted as advisor of Law offices on software and intellectual property disputes. I have also been member of Brazilian Steering Internet Committee that acts as Board for
Since 1986 I am partner of a Consulting company in ICT, Internet, and related issues in the country with national and international clients. I have been deeply involved with our region in two different projects since 2009 involving several countries in Latin America. I am member of the board of 3 large not for profit organization in the ICT field and chair of one of them. I am quite involved with Women in Technologies, helping girls to become more involved with the area. Always speaking about Internet and ICT promoting IPv6, new gTLDs and outreach new members for Internet forums. Have several awards, one patent and several publications.
Time to do the work
Nowadays I am formally retired, but as partner of two consulting companies in Brazil, my task is to negotiate businesses for the companies, which is my day by day task, but on my own discretion. Also as chair of large NGO my taks is just to open dors to new business and a one half day meeting every other month.. I also teach Innovation and Public Police on MBA courses at Fundação Getulio Vargas by demand of in company courses and at LASSU – POLI - USP – the Engineer School at São Paulo State University that demanded just ten days a year each.
Therefore I state here that I have time to accommodate the demand of all tasks ALAC normally demands for the time coming. I also have a thorough understanding of, and satisfy, all criteria set forth in ICANN Bylaws relating to the ALAC and its internal rules.
Conflict of Interest
I hereby state that I continue not to have Conflict of Interest.
I remain at full disposition to any explanation or to respond any question may be demanded. In order to facilitate any communication, below all my contacts: Thank you for the opportunity to be a candidate. Office phone: + 55 11 3266.6253 - Mobile: +55 11 98181.1464
Emails: or
Skype: Vanda.Scartezini