February 2016 SSAC Liaison Report
February 2016 – SSAC Liaison Report
(as at 23 February 16)
1. SSAC MEETINGS. The SSAC held a meeting on 6 February during which I provided an update on the progress of the CCWG Accountability. The meeting also heard updates from the ICG members, the CWG Stewardship members, and the SSAC Board Liaison.
2. SSAC WORK PARTIES. I am currently participating in one SSAC Work Party:
- Membership – Reviewing Procedures for Appointment and Renewal of SSAC Members. I attended the final meeting of this work party on 10 February but was an apology for the 3 February meeting. The work party has now concluded and its final report has been submitted to and accepted by SSAC Members. It relates to internal SSAC procedures and will not be made public.
3. SSAC REPORTS. One SSAC Report has been published on 16 February 2016:
SAC078: SSAC Advisory on Uses of the Shared Global Domain Name Space
This Advisory is a very brief document to signal to the ICANN Board and Community that there are a number of co-existing name resolution systems which exist in the domain name space, but which use methods of resolution other than the DNS. Examples are “local”, “example” and “onion”. The SSAC has formed a work party to investigate the security and stability issues associated with multiple uses of the domain name space.
4. SSAC REPRESENTATION ON CCWG ACCOUNTABILITY. As one of the SSAC representatives on the CCWG Accountability, I attended CCWG Meetings on 26 and 28 January and 2, 4, 8, 9, 16 and 23 February. The CCWG had intended to send the Final Report to Chartering Organisations on 19 February, but has been delayed by concerns expressed by the Board, by some GAC Members, and by others in the Community about the treatment of GAC Advice and subsequent GAC participation in the Empowered Community.