January 2015 SSAC Liaison Report
January 2015 SSAC Liaison Report
January 2015 – SSAC Liaison Report
(as at 27 Jan 15)
1. SSAC MEETINGS. There has been no SSAC Meeting during January 2015.
2. SSAC WORK PARTIES. I am currently participating in three SSAC Work Parties and have attended a total of 5 Work Party Meetings in the last 4 weeks:
- New gTLDs – Mid-course correction, Collisions, Timing of next round: I attended one meeting of this WP on 8 January.
- Registrant Protection/Credential Management: I attended two meetings of this WP on 15 and 22 January.
- ICANN 52 Singapore Program: I attended two meetings of this WP on 16 and 23 January.