June 2013 SSAC Report
June 2013 SSAC Report
JUNE 2013 – SSAC Liaison Report
(as at 27Jun13)
1. SSAC MEETINGS. Attended an SSAC Meeting on 11 June. An update was provided on the initial stages of the Security Study commissioned by the Board on the Use of Non-Delegated TLDs. SSAC has established a new Work Party to consider the issue of namespace collisions and comment on the Board studies.
2. SSAC WORK PARTIES. I am currently participating in two SSAC Work Parties:
- Identifier Abuse Metrics Work Party – attended meetings on 29May13 and19Jun13, participated in a teleconference with a survey participant on 14Jun13
- DNS Abuse Work Party – attended meeting on 27Jun13.
3. DSSA WORKING GROUP. The DSSA-WG will meet for the first time since Beijing in Durban. The report by Westlake Governance for the Board DNS Risk Management Framework Working Group has been posted; however, I have not yet had time to read it.