May 2012 SSAC Report

May 2012 SSAC Report

May 2012 – SSAC Liaison Report

Julie Hammer

(as at 22May)


1.   SSAC MEETINGS.  Attended SSAC Meetings as follows:

  • Attended SSAC Meeting on 26Apr12 for briefing by Patrick Jones on
    • SSR FY13 Draft Framework
    • Draft Statement on ICANN’s role and remit in SSR (provided feedback on statement prior to release for public comment)
  • Apology for SSAC Meeting on 10May12


2. DSSA WORKING GROUP MEETINGS.  Attended DSSA Working Group Meetings on 19Apr12, 26Apr12, 10May12, 17May12


3. ICANN MEETING PRAGUE.  Approved for SSAC funding to attend the Prague Meetings 23-28Jun12.