August 2015 SSAC Report

August 2015 SSAC Report

August 2015 – SSAC Liaison Report

(as at 25 August 15)


1.            SSAC MEETINGS.  The SSAC Meeting scheduled for 13 August 2015 was cancelled.  The next time SSAC will meet will be at the Face-to-Face Annual SSAC Workshop in Los Angeles on 15-17 September 2015.    

2.            SSAC WORK PARTIES.  I am currently participating in two SSAC Work Parties: 

  • New gTLDs – Mid-course correction, Collisions, Timing of next round:  I attended a meeting of this WP on 5 August but was an apology for the meeting on 13 August.
  • Registrant Protection/Credential Management: There have been no further meetings of this WP during the reporting period. 

3.          SSAC REPORTS.  No SSAC Reports have been published since SAC072 released during ICANN53 in Buenos Aires.   

4.          SSAC REPRESENTATION ON CCWG ACCOUNTABILITY.  As one of the SSAC representatives on the CCWG Accountability, I attended CCWG Meetings on 28 July, 30 July (two meetings held on that day), 11 August, 18 August (joined late due to schedule conflict) and 25 August, as well as a  meetings of CCWG WP1 on 28 July.  I also attended the two CCWG Accountability Webinars on 4 August and 7 August, and the ICG Webinar on CWG Stewardship on 6 August.