At-Large New ICANN Meetings Strategy Workspace
At-Large New ICANN Meetings Strategy Workspace
At-Large Ad-Hoc New Meeting Strategy Working Party
Click here to visit the Working Party dashboard: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/WcvvBQ
Background Information
The ICANN Board recently approved a new ICANN Meetings Strategy for implementation in 2016.
Based on a formal recommendation made by the Meeting Strategy Working Group earlier this year, this new strategy will create some fundamental changes in the way ICANN holds its meetings.
October/November 2015 UPDATED Strawman schedules
Beginning with ICANN 55 in March 2016, the basic meeting structure will be as follows:
Meeting A - (1st meeting of the year)
- Expected attendance: 2,000+
- Format: Similar to the current ICANN Meeting, with a focus on reduced session conflicts.
Meeting B - (2nd meeting of the year)
- Expected attendance: 800+
- Format: Focus on SO/AC work and community outreach. These meetings will not have a formal Opening Ceremony, Public Forum or public Board Meeting.
- Reduced meeting space requirements will allow ICANN to place these meetings in locations that do not have facilities large enough to host a traditional ICANN Meeting
- 2016 Meeting B Scheduling (input by AC/SOs) - NEW!
Meeting C - (3rd Meeting of the year)
- Expected attendance: 2,200+
- Format: Similar to the current ICANN Meeting, with a focus on showcasing ICANN’s work to a broader global audience. The reorganization of the objectives for each day will provide more time for inter-community engagement and will result in reduced session conflicts. This will be the Annual General Meeting
You will find a five-year plan for our meeting dates and geographic rotation through 2020 on the ICANN Meetings website.
At-Large Ad-Hoc New Meeting Strategy Drafting Team Strawman Schedule
GNSO ICANN New Meeting Strategy - 11 May 2015.pdf
At-Large Ad-Hoc New Meeting Strategy Working Party
ALAC Representatives in the Meeting Strategy Working Group:
Region | Name |
AF | Tijani Ben Jemaa |
AP | Satish Babu |
EU | Sandra Hoferichter |
LAC | Sylvia Herlein Leite |
NA | Eduardo Diaz |