January 2016 SSAC Liaison Report

January 2016 SSAC Liaison Report

January 2016 – SSAC Liaison Report

(as at 25 January 16)


1.            SSAC MEETINGS.  The SSAC held a meeting on 15 January during which I provided an update on the progress of the CCWG Accountability.  The meeting also heard updates from the ICG members, the CWG Stewardship members, and the SSAC Board Liaison. 

2.            SSAC WORK PARTIES.  I am currently participating in one SSAC Work Party:

  • Membership – Reviewing Procedures for Appointment and Renewal of SSAC Members.  This work party formed in late October and over the last month, I have attended meetings on 13 and 20 January but was an apology for the 6 January meeting as it coincided with a CCWG Meeting.  

3.            SSAC REPORTS.  One SSAC Report has been published on 22 January 2016:

SAC077: SSAC Comment on gTLD Marketplace Health Index Proposal  

The main points made in this comment are: 

  • In order to effectively measure marketplace health, ICANN may need to develop specific KPIs for the purpose and collect this data, rather than rely on analyzing data already available.
  • The SSAC lists metrics that may be collected on domain registrations that are reported for abusive, fraudulent, or malicious purposes in addition to those reported in the Anti-Phishing Working Group reports.
  • Contrary to Section III.a of the 2013 RAA which states “A smaller number of security breach reports could correlate to a stronger perception of marketplace stability among consumers.”, the SSAC considers that a smaller number of reported security breaches reflects what is currently an ineffective and incentive-misaligned reporting mechanism.
  • ICANN should develop additional metrics on stability and collect these data.
  • ICANN should develop metrics that would identify which TLDs are hosting domains engaged in abusive behaviour. 

4.            SSAC REPRESENTATION ON CCWG ACCOUNTABILITY.  As one of the SSAC representatives on the CCWG Accountability, I attended CCWG Meetings on 5, 7, 12, 19, and 21 January but was an apology for the 16 January Meeting.  The CCWG continues to refine its 3rd Draft Report and recommendations based on public comments and responses.