AC Chat: 2019-03-27 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call

AC Chat: 2019-03-27 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call

  Andrea Glandon: (3/27/2019 12:49) Welcome to the At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) call held on Wednesday, 27 March 2019 at 19:00 UTC.
  Andrea Glandon: (12:49) Wiki Agenda Page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/2g3wBQ
  Holly Raiche: (13:49) May I hve a dial out please - 61 2 9436 2149
  Andrea Glandon: (13:49) Thank you, Holly.  We have you scheduled for a dial out.  The operator will be calling shortly.
  Vanda Scartezini: (13:54) hi everyone. long time not seen , finally at my office
  Evin Erdoğdu: (13:54) Hello all, welcome.
  Andrea Glandon: (13:56) As a reminder, please remember to mute your mics and phones when not speaking. Thank you!
  sergio salinas porto: (13:57) Hi everiyone!
  sergio salinas porto: (13:57) Is it possible to call me in the canbal in Spanish at the phone +5492235215819?
  Andrea Glandon: (13:57) Welcome Sergio! Yes, I was just going to ask :)
  sergio salinas porto: (13:57) chanel sorry
  hadia.elminiawi: (13:58) hello all
  Andrea Glandon: (13:58) @sergio, understood
  sergio salinas porto: (13:59) thanks Andrea :-D
  Holly Raiche: (13:59) @ OLC/JZ - I have one item of other business if that could be factored in - thanks
  Andrea Glandon: (13:59) @Sergio, you're welcome!
  A-Eduardo Diaz: (14:00) IHello all.
  sergio salinas porto: (14:00) hola eduardo!
  George Kirikos: (14:01) Hi folks.
  Leon Sanchez: (14:02) Hello everyone!
  Holly Raiche: (14:02) Note CLO's appologies on the Skype channel  - a power outage north of Sydney
  George Kirikos: (14:02) Sorry for being late (RPM PDP call ended just now).
  Andrea Glandon: (14:02) Thank you, Holly!  Noted
  Heidi Ullrich: (14:03) At-Large ICANN64 Reports Page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99618912/At-Large+ICANN64+Meeting+Reports+Workspace
  Maureen Hilyard: (14:03) Hi all
  Heidi Ullrich: (14:03) A good summary of ICANN64. 
  George Kirikos: (14:03) Can we add the ..ORG / .INFO contract renewal as a topic? ICANN proposed eliminating price controls, and imposing the URS as a mandatory policy.
  George Kirikos: (14:04) See: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.icann.org_public-2Dcomments_org-2Drenewal-2D2019-2D03-2D18-2Den&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=k7uKdjSb7_ZjItyVqrCYHo_rKms9SFxlmbYEJqG-y9I&m=tA6DLJ6at5XuAp8SKVrMVZWz0aooEdAJgMn9eTEpA84&s=tDKB9mQWJSq_kHBF4pe8q2C7K89uU3Gp50b4M8vlHzc&e=  
  Holly Raiche: (14:04) @ OCL - I have already asked for 2 minutes on AOB to discuss the emerting identifiers issues session
  Holly Raiche: (14:04) sorry - emerging
  Evin Erdoğdu: (14:06) ICANN64 Policy Discussions Summary: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/Rg-wBQ
  Leon Sanchez: (14:06) my call dropped
  Leon Sanchez: (14:06) my carrier is not behaving well today
  Andrea Glandon: (14:06) The operator is dialing back, Leon.  thank you!
  Leon Sanchez: (14:06) thank you Andrea!
  Andrea Glandon: (14:06) You're welcome!
  judith hellerstein: (14:09) on universal acceptance it is not just idns but also domains longer than 3 characters
  Vanda Scartezini: (14:09)  Universal Acceptance - because my association has done a survey in the country and then ICANN has contract the Association to perform a gneral survey around the globe. not a big deal but can come out with interesting results 
  judith hellerstein: (14:09) this is very important to end users who have these domains
  Holly Raiche: (14:10) Joanna has sent her apllogies by Skype as well
  Maureen Hilyard: (14:11) Nothing more to add.. Evin has done a great job
  Andrea Glandon: (14:11) Thank you, Holly!  Noted
  Leon Sanchez: (14:11) my call dropped again :(
  Andrea Glandon: (14:12) I'm sorry, Leon, they are calling back
  Leon Sanchez: (14:12) I am so sorry my carrier is behaving so badly today
  Leon Sanchez: (14:12) my apologies
  Abdulkarim Oloyede: (14:12) @Judith Universal acceptance  is more complicated than domains. it about languages 
  Leon Sanchez: (14:12) Thanks Andrea
  Andrea Glandon: (14:12) No worries, Leon!  We will call back as much as necessary
  Leon Sanchez: (14:12) :-)
  judith hellerstein: (14:13) yes I know
  Vanda Scartezini: (14:13) in Barcelona our association with BC has presented the results for Brazil's survey on Universal Acceptance.
  Vanda Scartezini: (14:13) at LAC SPACE session
  Holly Raiche: (14:14) interesting Vanda
  Evin Erdoğdu: (14:14) ICANN64 Talking Points (view-only Google Doc): https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_document_d_1TLUp-5FpB8-2DWPeMTXv282P-2Dd5xwnbc7FmAn9Y-2DQcyRgYo_edit-3Fusp-3Dsharing&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=k7uKdjSb7_ZjItyVqrCYHo_rKms9SFxlmbYEJqG-y9I&m=tA6DLJ6at5XuAp8SKVrMVZWz0aooEdAJgMn9eTEpA84&s=yaJavT1g-UY91T_H5zP8KC4dcLR1j1Qas5ZN7Li32C0&e=
  Filina Natalia: (14:14) Hello everyone!
  Andrea Glandon: (14:14) @Leon, the operator is getting a ring no answer, she will keep trying
  Andrea Glandon: (14:15) Welcome Bartlett Morgan to the audio 
  George Kirikos: (14:15) Echo.
  Andrea Glandon: (14:15) checking the lines
  judith hellerstein: (14:15) echo
  Leon Sanchez: (14:16) @Andrea, the call is not going through
  Leon Sanchez: (14:16) my phone hasn't rang
  Andrea Glandon: (14:16) Yes, she is getting a ring no answer on your line.  
  Maureen Hilyard: (14:16) Jonathan has already suggested topics for the next meeting.. so more of the same?
  Leon Sanchez: (14:16) I can try speaking over the computer mic
  Leon Sanchez: (14:16) if that doesn't work then we can try dial out again
  Vanda Scartezini: (14:16) I havent's attend but I trust on Holly judgment  
  Andrea Glandon: (14:17) Okay, thank you Leon
  Leon Sanchez: (14:17) thank you Andrea!
  Holly Raiche: (14:17) agree on bringing in outside voices as well
  Andrea Glandon: (14:17) You're welcome, Leon!
  Maureen Hilyard: (14:18) I also like the idea that has been proposed about having a debate on a policy topic with another section of the community
  Holly Raiche: (14:18) also the sessions with NCUC worked well
  George Kirikos: (14:18) Lots of noise on Greg's line.
  Greg Shatan: (14:19) There was background noise, but I don’t think it was on my line — I think there was another open mic.
  Maureen Hilyard: (14:19) We can put them onto the blog site? or the RALO newsletters as policy updates
  George Kirikos: (14:19) I got bumped. Hmm.
  Holly Raiche: (14:19) what about the reports from people attending -0 the reports bacj
  Maureen Hilyard: (14:21) Policy leaders within the regions.. thats the purpose of ATLAS III :) 
  Evin Erdoğdu: (14:22) At-Large Reports: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/aDzxBQ
  Abdulkarim Oloyede: (14:22) Reports where?
  Nadira Alaraj: (14:22) we have to remember that not all ALSes are aware of why they are members of their RALOS hence there is need to work on more aware of ICANN 
  Greg Shatan: (14:22) Happy to help with that and glad to see that Atlas III is onpoint for this.
  Holly Raiche: (14:22) @ nadia - agree
  Andrea Glandon: (14:22) checking the line
  Greg Shatan: (14:22) Mute if not speaking.
  Holly Raiche: (14:23) sorry nadira
  Carlton SAMUELS: (14:23) Howdy all. 
  Heidi Ullrich: (14:23) Perhaps an "ALS readout" session hosted by the CPWG for all ALSes and individual members prior to each public meeting. 
  Heidi Ullrich: (14:23) Including key policy issues and how their views are needed
  Heidi Ullrich: (14:24) This would take the form of an At-Large Briefing Webinar. 
  Carlton SAMUELS: (14:24) Hi Holly
  Nadira Alaraj: (14:24) yes Heidi tgecRALOS have to direct tbeir ecforts on capacity building to their community 
  hadia.elminiawi: (14:24) + Heidi good idea
  Lilian Ivette De Luque: (14:25) Heidi great idea
  Nadira Alaraj: (14:25) sorry for thr
  Lilian Ivette De Luque: (14:25) agree with Nadira
  Nadira Alaraj: (14:25) sorry for the typos 
  Holly Raiche: (14:25) Greetings to Carlton
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (14:25) @greg  Shatan   can you please check with  Eduardo on your  view of the  new EU copyright law and the impact on ICANN?
  Greg Shatan: (14:26) There’s a game called “Chutes and Ladders” (or “Snakes and Ladders”).  You need to build (through use) chutes for communications down and ladders for communications up.  In our situation both chutes and ladders are a good thing, and work together to create a framework.
  Maureen Hilyard: (14:26) Great idea - Heidi - to get more policy issues out to the regional members - raising awareness
  Carlton SAMUELS: (14:26) @Hadi: That is a really good place to start! +1
  Holly Raiche: (14:26) agree Greg
  Greg Shatan: (14:26) @Glenn, I will check with Eduardo.
  Nadira Alaraj: (14:26) most of thd time we reached out to them
  Carlton SAMUELS: (14:27) Because I know of a fact A LOT of the Caribbean ones having buyers' remorse
  Greg Shatan: (14:28) Carlton, it would be good to know where their expectations are not being met.
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (14:28) All   Gordon's  communication to his ALS in NARALO is  a high water mark and not typical
  Maureen Hilyard: (14:28) @Hadia.. we really need to review the reasons why people are ALSes.. I think that many find out that ICANN is not what they thought it was.. and just dont join in. 
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (14:28) They also discuss votes rather than allocate to the rep
  Filina Natalia: (14:28) @Maureen maybe we should look at the conditions of ALS ' presence in RALO. In addition to reminders and invitations to discussions, we can make participation and policy inputs "mandatory". As a condition of being in RALO?
  marita.moll: (14:29) Sorry to be late. Dental issues
  hadia.elminiawi: (14:29) there could be various different interests and based on these different interests there could be different types of participation 
  Andrea Glandon: (14:29) Government Engagement Approach link https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.icann.org_news_blog_icann-2Dorg-2Dpublishes-2Dcharter-2Don-2Dgovernment-2Dengagement-2Dapproach&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=k7uKdjSb7_ZjItyVqrCYHo_rKms9SFxlmbYEJqG-y9I&m=tA6DLJ6at5XuAp8SKVrMVZWz0aooEdAJgMn9eTEpA84&s=URv5hhFlc9NHV2Pd5lXlt49IhuEmADXbC_Ydr9czrho&e=
  Maureen Hilyard: (14:29) @Natalia.. we could get theO&E group to work on some of the ideas that have been raised today
  Greg Shatan: (14:29) We can’t make ICANN what it isn’t, but we can do a better job of communicating what it is.  IMHO, more policy at public meetings is a part of communicating that.
  Carlton SAMUELS: (14:30) @Greg: Two issues 1) Relevance to theiir priority issues 2) Engagment issues 3) Inability to see how they can influence outcomes 4) the time commitments to be enabled for participation
  Andrea Glandon: (14:31) @Leon, are you able to speak up a bit for the interpreters?
  Greg Shatan: (14:31) @Carlton, I think that’s where a policy communication/governance framework will help. On 1, it would be good to know if their priorities are within ICANN’s remit.
  Vanda Scartezini: (14:32) yeah .. could not hear
  Carlton SAMUELS: (14:32) Let me take the case of  ICT4D Jamaica, for example. Their priority is getting Internet access to underserved communities and enabling the newly-connected to use the tool for  their social and economic development. Not in the ICANN remit directly so the impetus to engage is not readily apparent
  Greg Shatan: (14:32) @Carlton, I mean that 3 is where the framework will help.
  Filina Natalia: (14:32) @Maureen, we will do. And discuss some ideas about conditions to being ALS in RALO for activate them
  Carlton SAMUELS: (14:34) @Greg: I understand it. So I sell them the idea that engagement will frame the governance issues so that local public policy could be drawn into the conversation on a broader level. 
  Carlton SAMUELS: (14:35) The ICANN engsgement directly with governments is always going to peak interest. Because for a large part of the Global South public policy energize every single concern.
  Carlton SAMUELS: (14:36) When ICANN is in the advocacy frame they being to see alliance-building for advocacy as a likely engagement mechanism. 
  Greg Shatan: (14:37) Carlton, I see your point on ICT4D.  More an ISOC issue (among many other places).  But there are some areas of overlap — but they’re all over the place....
  Carlton SAMUELS: (14:39) @Greg: See, you get it. So, the local ISOC chapter is formed and ICT4D folks seem more interested in that than ICANN. Now they may decided to be delisted from the At-Large.
  Maureen Hilyard: (14:41) @Carlton. this is what I was talking about before. Many groups join up with ICANN believing that all Internet-related groups focus on the same thing. They don't realise that ICANN is very specific and that it may not be where they should be. Although they don't participate they also dont know how to withdraw
  judith hellerstein: (14:43) we had this issue in Naralo and that is why we encouraged people to join as individuals members and not as an als
  Greg Shatan: (14:43) @Carlton — there is probably a way to bring together the ICT4D strands at ICANN and make alliances in doing so.  But it’s harder than it would be in an org where ICT4D was a core concern.  In the long run, everyone would benefit if a thematic approach could be taken to ICT4D @ ICANN, rather than bits-and-pieces.  But someone would need to take the lead, who already knows where the bits and pieces are.
  Leon Sanchez: (14:44) Good point Sébastien
  Leon Sanchez: (14:45) noted
  Carlton SAMUELS: (14:45) @Regional Interests. I was in Costa Rica last week at the EU-LAC Digital Cooperation Workshop and chaired a session on media matters and ecopyright. The overwhelming concenrt across the region from Argentina in the South thru Barbados and Jamaica to Belize was how to get a piece of the data monetization busines, data protetioo
  judith hellerstein: (14:46) the issue is that it helps icann org attend meeting and follow topics. they cannot attend a session unless they are a member or are on some one else's Delegation 
  Carlton SAMUELS: (14:46) ...and how to compete with the platforms!
  Greg Shatan: (14:46) Gee, if ICANN is in Sector D(evelopment), then ICT4D should be a bigger part of the ICANN scene.
  marita.moll: (14:46) Yes, please Olivier. Would like to listen in to that call on Internet Gov. if possib.e
  Abdulkarim Oloyede: (14:46) @ Seb , I disagree cos I think its same way for other organisation. Some people represent others
  Evin Erdoğdu: (14:46) Thank you @Leon!
  hadia.elminiawi: (14:46) thank you leon
  Vanda Scartezini: (14:46) thank you leon
  Carlton SAMUELS: (14:46) This is from govt. and commercial players largely in attendance.
  Greg Shatan: (14:47) Personally, I have no problem with ICANN getting a seat at the ITU table.  But the process could be better...
  George Kirikos: (14:47) Hard to understand?
  marita.moll: (14:47) Not coming through Hadia
  Sarah Kiden: (14:47) Struggling to hear Hadia
  judith hellerstein: (14:48) yes I agree. they should have put out a public comment in the governance 
  judith hellerstein: (14:48) and that would have been a better process
  Abdulkarim Oloyede: (14:49) @judith but a seat is also required at the table. you know
  judith hellerstein: (14:50) yes but they should of done it thru public comment and then responded to it.  I am all for their sector membership but the way they did it was ram it doe
  judith hellerstein: (14:51) ram it down people's throat
  John Laprise: (14:53) Holly: The board point out that the ePDP _should_ draw upon other completed work to facilitate its work
  Holly Raiche: (14:54) @ John - agree - many ofthe issues addressed earlier are back on the table - so we can go through earlier wortk we did
  George Kirikos: (14:55) Articles on .org/info changes that folks might want to read for next week (looks like we won't get to this topic today): https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__domainnamewire.com_2019_03_18_icann-2Dproposes-2Dlifting-2Dprice-2Dcontrols-2Don-2Dorg-2Dinfo-2Ddomains_&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=k7uKdjSb7_ZjItyVqrCYHo_rKms9SFxlmbYEJqG-y9I&m=tA6DLJ6at5XuAp8SKVrMVZWz0aooEdAJgMn9eTEpA84&s=uJXzxdordoalIZA4kGdcUBJSP9OvNGAwrFzaBbsBPCs&e= and https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__domainnamewire.com_2019_03_19_the-2Dproblem-2Dwith-2Dprice-2Dhikes-2Don-2Dlegacy-2Dtlds_&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=k7uKdjSb7_ZjItyVqrCYHo_rKms9SFxlmbYEJqG-y9I&m=tA6DLJ6at5XuAp8SKVrMVZWz0aooEdAJgMn9eTEpA84&s=gLpd3AxS_kkH1EXiXLajNPwtHsrcG4ZF3Fj2H73HCUE&e= (unlimited price increases, imposing the URS on registrants are the 2 big proposed changes).
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (14:57) I have brought the issue of  .ORG renewal to the ISOC Board
  Holly Raiche: (14:57) @ george - the link really does raise issues
  Holly Raiche: (14:58) Slso - the price rise for the name!
  Greg Shatan: (14:58) .ORG is also linked to the At Large raisin d’etre.
  Holly Raiche: (14:58) 2 
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (14:58) yep
  Holly Raiche: (14:58) @ Greg - it's their funding source!
  Greg Shatan: (14:58) Darn autocorrect.  “raison d’etre”
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (14:59) its  almost 100% of the funding source
  hadia.elminiawi: (14:59) @Greg good to know
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (14:59) a little bit from sponsorship but not much
  George Kirikos: (15:00) We have a few weeks. I and others will obviously be submitting individual comments.
  Evin Erdoğdu: (15:00) https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/alacpolicydev/pages/102661795/At-Large+Workspace+Proposed+Renewal+of+.org+Registry+Agreement
  Greg Shatan: (15:00) Indeed, it is a horse of a different color than your typical registry agreement.  .Info on the other hand is not really good related in the same way....
  Bastiaan Goslings: (15:00) the wiki page for the phase 1 final EPD report - it refers to a public comment period to obtain community input prior to Board action on the final policy recommendations 
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (15:00) I have brought this up on our ISOC board list and at our  meeting in Kobe
  Greg Shatan: (15:00) Apologies I must sign off.
  Bastiaan Goslings: (15:01) but the pasge also says 'To be ALAC advice to the ICANN Board'
  John Laprise: (15:01) ICANN should consider that registry rate increases should provide rationale for raising ICANN's rates...
  hadia.elminiawi: (15:01) Bye Greg
  Bastiaan Goslings: (15:01) is ALAC advice the same thing here as submitting something as part of a public comment period?
  Evin Erdoğdu: (15:01) Thank you @Greg!
  Evin Erdoğdu: (15:01) @Bastiaan advice is a different process with follow up from the Board
  Bastiaan Goslings: (15:02) @Evin: that is what I thought
  Bastiaan Goslings: (15:02) so what are we going to do?
  Evin Erdoğdu: (15:02) But yes same time frame as public comment period
  George Kirikos: (15:02) Maybe some of the lawyers have redline software?
  George Kirikos: (15:02) Or ICANN staff?
  Bastiaan Goslings: (15:02) so we intedn to provide an 'advice'?
  George Kirikos: (15:02) There'd be massive changes.
  Sebastien: (15:03) I would like to talk about the comment/advice EPDP?
  George Kirikos: (15:03) We have until April 29, 2019.
  judith hellerstein: (15:04) or perhaps you want to be the pen holder for this comment
  Evin Erdoğdu: (15:04) Workspace for Proposed Renewal of .org Registry Agreement: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/alacpolicydev/pages/102661795/At-Large+Workspace+Proposed+Renewal+of+.org+Registry+Agreement
  Evin Erdoğdu: (15:04) Workspace for Proposed Renewal of .info Registry Agreement: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/alacpolicydev/pages/102661789/At-Large+Workspace+Proposed+Renewal+of+.info+Registry+Agreement
  Evin Erdoğdu: (15:05) Workspace for GNSO Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data Policy Recommendations for ICANN Board Consideration (to be ALAC advice to ICANN Board): https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/R34eBg
  George Kirikos: (15:05) I've had those kinds of calls too, asking for my expertise. They all want to see if Verisign can get it for .com/net
  John Laprise: (15:05) yep george
  George Kirikos: (15:06) (for the record, I decline to give that advise, to avoid any conflicts)
  George Kirikos: (15:06) *advice
  Andrea Glandon: (15:06) Unmuted line, you can continue
  John Laprise: (15:07) me too George
  George Kirikos: (15:07) It's a bit of a dirty business, that's been covered in the media before, so I want no exposure to that paid network of advisors.
  George Kirikos: (15:08) (usually hedge funds seeking to gain an investment edge)
  John Laprise: (15:08) yep
  John Laprise: (15:09) +1 Holly
  John Laprise: (15:09) Ty all!
  Vanda Scartezini: (15:09)  Good Holly!!! glad to have attended this meeting, quite good! thanks all
  Sarah Kiden: (15:09) Thank you everyone! 
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (15:10) bye all
  Holly Raiche: (15:11) Bye all
  Bastiaan Goslings: (15:11) thanks, bye all
  John Laprise: (15:11) bye all
  George Kirikos: (15:11) Bye folks.
  hadia.elminiawi: (15:11) Thank you all 
  judith hellerstein: (15:11) bye all
  George Kirikos: (15:11) Good call.
  Gordon Chillcott: (15:11) Thanks and bye for  now.
  Abdulkarim Oloyede: (15:11) finally bye 
  Evin Erdoğdu: (15:11) Thank you all!
  hadia.elminiawi: (15:11) bye for now
  Filina Natalia: (15:11) bye bye